However, when she finished saying this, the two guards looked at me and I looked at you, and they all looked at her with the eyes of a fool.

Has this girl's mind been blown away by the alpacas?

They have already arrived at the eldest princess's mansion, so they should be in their own mansion!

You still want to take a bath, what are you thinking about!

Gu Ningshuang was stunned by their eyes: "What kind of eyes do you have? Miss Ben asked you to prepare water, can't you hear me?"

The two guards didn't even give her a look, they just stood there motionless.

Gu Ningshuang raised her hand and wanted to slap the two guards, but Han Ling'er grabbed her and persuaded her, "Cousin, you'd better save yourself, this is the Princess's mansion, not your Pingyanghou's mansion, you should hurry back to your residence Take a rest, there is still work to do tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, she didn't care what Gu Ningshuang was making, and left first.

The courtyard that Li Huang asked Ling Yuan to arrange for them, although it was not a servant's room, was by no means a guest courtyard for entertaining guests.

There are only some daily necessities in the yard, other than that, there is not even a decoration in the house.

As soon as Gu Ningshuang entered the door, she almost exploded again, which was worse than their servant's room in the Houfu.

"How can this be a place where people live? After all, we are also the daughters of the imperial court officials. The eldest princess treats us so harshly, it is really deceiving!"

However, the woman who was watching the night sneered, and said, "Miss Gu, you've already taken the initiative to send me to do the work waiting for the servants to do. Why are you here to show off the role of a lady from the official family?"

That's it, it's not bad, if she is the eldest princess, she will let them sleep in the sheepfold.

Gu Ningshuang obviously read the second half of the sentence from her eyes, and her face immediately turned dark.

Seeing her at this time, Han Ling'er was still posing as a young lady, so she mocked, "Cousin, you've been sweeping sheep manure for a whole day, why haven't you woken up yet!"

As far as Han Ling'er is concerned, in the Princess's Mansion, besides working, everything else is fine.

There is a charcoal fire in the house, and the food is no different from that of the master in the mansion. As long as she doesn't make trouble, the servants in the mansion treat her fairly well.

Therefore, she couldn't empathize with Gu Ningshuang's anger.

Gu Ningshuang gave her a hard look: "If it weren't for you, Miss Ben wouldn't have to suffer this."

After she goes out, she will let her mother find a ruffian for this little bastard to marry.

Han Ling'er didn't want to continue to argue with her here, so she went back to her room and fell asleep.

After Gu Ningshuang lost her temper for a while, she also went back to sleep.

However, she was not used to living here, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep this night, so that when she was awakened to practice, the young miss exploded again.

When Luo Mingchuan came early in the morning, he found two more figures in the martial arts arena. When he got closer and found that one of them was Gu Ningshuang, he was surprised.

"Why did my cousin get them here?"

As a dandy living in the capital, even Han Ling'er, a concubine who seldom shows up, can recognize her.

So, when he saw two pretty girls squatting there with their hands outstretched, while carrying a bucket, his eyes almost popped out.

"This... continue to practice like this, can these two girls still watch?"

Luo Mingchuan clicked his tongue secretly, her cousin was too ruthless.

Seeing him staring at her, Gu Ningshuang stared back in dissatisfaction: "What are you looking at? One day, Miss Ben will pick out your eyeballs."

Luo Mingchuan subconsciously covered his eyes, and told the guard in charge of supervision: "Miss Gu still has the strength to threaten people, quickly, fill up the water in her bucket!"

Ma Ma approved, more ruthless, right?
He Luo Mingchuan has been in the capital for so many years, and he has never been afraid of anyone.

The guards brought some more water as promised, and filled up both buckets in Gu Ningshuang's hands.

Gu Ningshuang, who had never lifted a heavy object, couldn't hold on all of a sudden, her arms trembled with soreness.

Just as she was about to throw the bucket in her hand on the ground, the guard in charge of supervision immediately reminded her: "If the bucket falls to the ground, practice for another half an hour."

Gu Ningshuang: "..."

She greeted all eighteen generations of Li Huang's ancestors in her heart.

Although it was Han Ling'er's first day here to practice, but with two days of working experience, she did not practice as painfully as Gu Ningshuang.

Moreover, she knew that as long as she was safe and secure, she would get the same treatment as she deserved.

Only that idiot Gu Ningshuang can't see the reality clearly until now, and still wants to twist his thigh with his arm.

After watching Gu Ningshuang's excitement, Luo Mingchuan walked to the weapon rack, took a gun and practiced.

Both Han Ling'er and Gu Ningshuang were a little surprised, they didn't expect this good-for-nothing dandy to have some tricks.

What they didn't know was that Luo Mingchuan would come to practice for two hours every morning before dawn, and the intensity of the practice was much stronger than theirs.

At the same time, over there in the bedroom.

Just as Li Huang got up, Ling Yuan came in with the washing water and waited for her to comb her hair.

"Your Highness, it's not fun for Miss Gu to come to you every time, why do you bother to train her?"

In case she develops some tricks for her, wouldn't she be making herself unhappy?
She just imagined the scene where Gu Ningshuang could knock down the guards of the Princess' Palace in two or three strokes in the future, and she felt a little liar.

Li Huang shook her head, interrupting her wild thoughts.

"With Gu Ningshuang's temperament, can she practice in peace?"

If the other party is really determined and will practice martial arts to seek revenge on her in the future, then she will think highly of her.

But who is Miss Gu?
That is a master who is more unruly and willful than the princess, and she is full of bad things. She is probably thinking about how to escape from the eldest princess's mansion at the moment, so how can she focus on training?
So, in the end, she will have nothing but muscles that she shouldn't have.

After listening to Li Huang's explanation, Ling Yuan's eyes lit up immediately: "Your Highness's move is really high, a young lady raised by the Houfu, with a whole body of muscles, let's see how rampant she will be in the future."

Just thinking about that scene makes Ling Yuan want to laugh.

At this time, Mo Jingzhan, who had been out all night, came back.

Li Huang asked someone to set up breakfast, and chatted with him while eating.

"Is there any result from what you went to investigate?"

Li Huang drank red bean soup and asked.

Mo Jingzhan took a meat bun and brought it to his mouth, took a bite, and said slowly: "There are some clues. A few years ago, a group of fur traders came from the southern border. They were still active in Panzhou at first, and gradually disappeared. gone."

Li Huang's heart skipped a beat: "Disappeared?"

How could so many living beings disappear?

Mo Jingzhan nodded: "That's right, they just disappeared. No one knows their whereabouts, and no one knows that they left the southern border and returned to the country."

Li Huang frowned, Dayuan's household registration verification is very strict, it is not easy for a group of foreign businessmen to hide their tracks.


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