Li Huang looked at Mo Jingzhan, his expression became serious: "You mean, they are very likely to replace some people in Dayuan, and have been lurking in Dayuan for a long time?"

Mo Jingzhan praised without hesitation: "Your Highness is really smart."

Li Huang suddenly felt that things were a little tricky.

"Have you found out how many people there were in that batch of fur dealers? Have you found any suspicious people?"

After asking, she felt that she seemed to ask too much.

It was only a short night, even if he knew that his ability was extraordinary, it was impossible to find out so many things.

However, she still underestimated Mo Jingzhan's ability.

Mo Jingzhan put his fingers into the teacup, dipped some water, and wrote the word "ten" on the table.

He looked at Li Huang: "There were ten fur traders who sneaked in at the beginning. Although I don't know where they went, I already have a direction to look for."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "Oh?"

It seems that she still underestimated his ability. If that's the case, then she is really more and more reluctant to let him go.

After all, with him alone, he is worth ten hidden guards in her mansion.

"Your Highness, think about it. If it is an impostor, it is impossible for him to pretend to be exactly the same as the original person. We only need to send some people out to inquire. We will know who has changed a lot in the past two or three years. "

He believes that people like this will definitely not be in the majority.

As long as there is a suspicious object, they will be arrested and tested uniformly, and everything will be clear.

Li Huang glared at him: "The entire abyss is so big, how many people do you have to send out to investigate?"

She can't send all Da Yuan's army to investigate these things, can she?

In this case, if they startled the snake, and the other party had countermeasures, wouldn't their work be in vain?

But Mo Jingzhan looked at her and blinked: "You just praised His Highness for being smart, why did His Highness get into a dead end?"

Seeing him like this, Li Huang felt a little embarrassed, immediately kicked him under the table, pretending to be angry and ordered: "If you have something to say, tell me quickly!"

Mo Jingzhan was kicked, it didn't hurt or itch, but he knew enough to stop, so he expressed his thoughts happily.

"Your Highness wants to catch spies, of course you can't tell others that you want to catch them."

"Didn't you open a teahouse with Mrs. Xu? Go tell Mrs. Xu that the teahouse is going to hold a storytelling contest, and the theme is, my strange neighbor or relative..."

Li Huang's eyes widened: "You want to use this method to get all the people in Dayuan to be spies."

Indeed, there is no better way for people from all over the country to come together to find a better way.

This trick is really clever.

"This trick is called Mingxiu plank road, sneaking across Chencang, plus beating grass to scare snakes."

"Whether those secret agents are vigilant or not, they will have no escape in the end."

If they are not vigilant, they will wait for their relatives or neighbors to subdue them. If they are vigilant, they will be guilty of thieves, and they will definitely do something.

At that time, let them spread their wings and fly out of the abyss!
Li Huang had to admire, this guy is really smart.

"Eat quickly, after eating, I will accompany Bengong to Xu's residence."

Unable to delay important matters, Li Huang couldn't help speeding up his eating.

The corners of Mo Jingzhan's mouth curved almost invisible, and he looked at her with gentle and doting eyes.

At this time, a servant hurriedly came to report: "Your Highness, Miss Gu has passed out."

Li Huang sneered, as expected of Li Chuchu's handkerchief, this move is the same.

She wiped her mouth, stood up, and said: "If she wants to faint, let her faint, but as long as she faints, let her clean those livestock pens twice as long later."

It's all in her hands, it's impossible to be lazy.

After getting the right words, the servant took the order and retreated.

Gu Ningshuang didn't expect that she wanted to pretend to be dizzy to avoid training, but she didn't expect that she would clean the entire livestock pen by herself.

Compared to Gu Ningshuang's death, Han Ling'er is much more honest.

Because she knew that her arms couldn't twist her thighs, so as long as she was safe, Li Huang wouldn't make things difficult for her.

However, before she had time to leave the gate of the mansion, she ran into an envoy from Baili Kingdom.

"His Royal Highness."

The envoys headed by him immediately greeted him, and respectfully performed a greeting ceremony for the Baili Kingdom.

Li Huang raised his eyebrows: "Several envoys came here to find me, what's the matter?"

Seeing that she had something to go out, the envoy Baili immediately explained her intentions without writing: "Your Highness, the eldest princess, it is really not you who our third prince sent someone to assassinate. You must have verified this point."

So, what he meant was, can they release their third prince from the prison in Dali Temple?
Li Huang looked puzzled: "If the envoy of Baili has evidence to prove that your third prince has no motive to assassinate, then he can go to Dali Temple and tell Lord Qingwei that my palace has no way of verifying whether what you said is true or not. If others don't know about it, they may think that this palace has some kind of friendship with your Baili country."

Even if she knew that the third prince Baili had been wronged, she would not be able to blatantly intercede for him, otherwise, wouldn't it be criticized?
The envoys of Baili are anxious, they have been to Dali Temple, but the minister of Dali Temple simply ignored them.

During their trip this time, they spent all their time in Dali Temple without doing their business.

"His Royal Highness, if you are fighting in Dayuan, don't drag us Baili. If you refuse to let our third prince go, we will have to go back to our country and send troops."

The envoy of Baili said in a broken jar.

Before Li Huang could speak, Mo Jingzhan on the side interjected: "Threat? Well, if you Bai Li really dare to send troops to attack Dayuan, we Dayuan will accompany you to the end."

The Baili envoy didn't recognize him, so he couldn't help but looked him up and down.

"Who are you? Even your eldest princess didn't speak, so why do you speak for Dayuan?"

Li Huang stepped forward and stood in front of Mo Jingzhan: "He is from my palace, why? You, an envoy, dare to boast that you want to raise troops, and the guards around me can't fight anymore?"

The envoy of Baili was silenced by her.

But being slapped harshly by a guard, the envoy of Baili couldn't help it no matter what he thought.

"His Royal Highness, once the army is raised, the lives will be ruined. Do you really not care about the lives of those people?"

He deliberately raised his voice so that the surrounding people could hear him.

If the eldest princess of a country can say that she doesn't care about the life and death of the people, then what kind of popular support does their royal family have?

Li Huang sneered, the envoy of Baili had already fallen into someone else's territory, so he was spending a lot of time.

"The one who doesn't care about the life and death of the people is clearly your Baili Kingdom."

"You know that I already have a marriage contract in this palace, but you still want to propose marriage in the hall in front of everyone."

"If you can't get married, you will make small moves behind your back. I don't care if those assassins were brought by you Baili people, but as long as you can't clear up the suspicion yourself, you don't want to get out of my capital city of Dayuan smoothly." leave!"

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