After finishing speaking, she didn't care how ugly Baili envoy's face was, and let Mu Feng drive away in the carriage.

Baili's envoy panicked when she saw that she would not enter.

"My lord, this Princess Dayuan is not a good friend, so is it possible that we really have to be detained here forever?"

"The third prince is now locked in their Dali Temple prison. If there is any good or bad, His Majesty will never let us go."

The Baili envoy headed by them was very disturbed by what they said: "You ask me, how do I know? The third prince himself can't prove that he is going to see Dayuan The concubine is gone, what can I do?"

He was also tired, originally thinking that this trip would benefit Baili and go back.

But he didn't expect that on the first day he came here, he fell into the trap of this sinister Dayuan person.

"Let's go, go to the prison of Dali Temple again, and see the third prince before we talk."

They are probably the worst group of envoys in history.

On the other side, Li Huang came to Xu's house in a carriage soon.

Mrs. Xu obviously didn't expect that she would come to the door during the New Year's Eve, and she was a little flattered.

"Why is Your Highness the Eldest Princess here? It is reasonable for women to visit the door to pay New Year's greetings to the Eldest Princess. Please trouble Your Highness to come here in person. The women are rude."

She originally thought that the royal family members would also pay New Year greetings to each other, so she didn't come to disturb her, thinking that she would wait a few days before going, but she never thought that the other party would condescend to come.

Li Huang got out of the carriage, and didn't care much about these formalities: "Madam, you don't need to be too polite. I came here today and I have something important to tell you. Let's go inside and talk."

Mrs. Xu got up and led Li Huang to the main courtyard where she lived.

After the servants served tea and snacks, they retreated wisely.

When there were only the two of them left in the room, Mrs. Xu took the initiative to ask: "I wonder if Your Highness has anything to discuss with the women?"

Li Huang took a sip of tea, let the charcoal fire dissipate the coldness from her body, and then told her in detail what she had discussed with Mo Jingzhan in the mansion.

She didn't tell her the real purpose of holding this competition, but said: "I think this will bring unprecedented popularity to the teahouse. If Madam wants to open a branch in the future, it will be very easy."

"Storytelling Conference?" Mrs. Xu came to get excited, poured a cup of tea for Li Huang enthusiastically, and asked, "Your Highness hopes that after the news spreads, the people of the whole Dayuan can come to participate? Then, won't the capital be overcrowded?" ?”

Li Huang shook his index finger and said: "You don't have to worry about this madam. I will set up competition points in several towns near the capital. Only the top three in each place will have the opportunity to come to the capital for the final."

"However, the premise is that all the contestants must tell the truth. If there is any adulteration, once this palace finds out, not only will they not get the money, but they may even be jailed."

So, unless you don't want to die, no one should travel long distances to the capital to make up stories, right?
The two discussed in the room for nearly an hour before finalizing all the details of the competition.

When Li Huang came out from the Xu residence, it was still early, Ling Yuan asked: "Your Highness, do you want to enter the palace to greet His Majesty?"

The emperor has not yet opened the dynasty, and the emperor is living in the palace every day, so he must be bored to the core, right?

Li Huang thought for a while, and happened to have something to report to the emperor, so he entered the palace in a carriage.

What she didn't know, she entered the palace with her front foot, and Gu Chenzhou went to the Lin'an Palace with her back foot.

Li Yuxiao was very surprised when he heard the report from the servant: "This Gu Shizi came to pay New Year's greetings to the king, did you hear me right?"

The servant who came to report nodded: "I have asked this question three times, that's what Gu Shizi said."

Li Yuxiao went to the front living room suspiciously, and as soon as he sat down, he saw Gu Chenzhou kneel down and bow to him directly: "Your Majesty, I have come to take refuge in you."

Li Yuxiao: "..."

What is this guy talking about?Why can't he understand?

Also, he is also a prince of the Hou family, so is it necessary to kneel down and bow down when we meet?

"Get up first and make it clear."

However, Gu Chenzhou knelt down and didn't get up, but looked at him earnestly: "Your Highness, if you don't agree with me, I won't get up."

Li Yuxiao's face darkened, is this forcing him?

"Gu Chenzi, you have to speak clearly, right? What refuge? Your Pingyang Marquis Mansion is about to collapse."

However, Gu Chenzhou shook his head: "Your Highness, I am willing to regard you as the master and help you win the high position. The rise and fall, honor and disgrace of the Pingyang Marquis Mansion in the future are only tied to your Highness, and I hope His Highness will not refuse."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yuxiao almost slipped off the chair.

"You... what nonsense are you talking about!"

He couldn't speak fluently, for fear that someone would hear such rebellious words, he ran to the door and looked around in three steps at a time. After making sure that the guards outside the door couldn't hear him, he stared at Gu Chenzhou with unfriendly eyes.

"You want to kill the king?"

Dayuan Kingdom already has a crown prince, so what else is there to win?

However, Gu Chenzhou seemed to be desperate, and then said: "Your Highness, although the crown prince has been established, everyone knows that the crown prince has mediocre qualifications. If he ascends to a high position in the future, he will be able to be the king of the city at most. , if Dayuan wants to go further, he can't do it."

"Your Highness, you are different. You can do business in neighboring countries and earn so much money in just a few years. If you get that position, you must be a famous emperor who has expanded the territory through the ages. .”

With a high hat buttoned down, Li Yuxiao was a little dizzy.

However, he was very aware of how much he weighed, so he said displeasedly: "Stop instigating us brothers to fight here."

He and Li Yuze are blood brothers of the same mother. After Li Yuze succeeds to the throne, he can still be a wealthy and virtuous king. Why did he go up against him to be his enemy?
"Your Highness, you are no worse than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Are you really going to give up the supreme position?"

"You treat him as a brother of a compatriot from the same mother. Do you know that for his own face, he even dared to kill the eldest princess. Are you sure you can secure the position of this rich and virtuous king for the rest of your life?"

The last sentence is like throwing a boulder into a calm lake, immediately stirring up thousands of waves.

Li Yuxiao was shocked: "What did you say? He once wanted to kill Huang'er?"

Why hasn't he heard of this matter?
Seeing that the other party had a reaction, Gu Chenzhou breathed a sigh of relief, and explained what happened in Huguo Temple before.

"The second princess can testify about this matter. If the prince doesn't believe it, he can go to the second princess for proof."

"Besides, there were many monks in the temple that day, so His Highness sent someone to inquire about it at will."

"It's really not possible, you can ask the eldest princess herself."

Li Yuxiao frowned more and more: "Okay, you go back first!"

As soon as Gu Chenzhou heard it, he knew that the other party had already been persuaded by him.

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