"Yes, Wei Chen retire."

As long as Li Yuxiao is full of emotions towards Li Yuze's behavior, the rest of the matter, just let it develop.

As long as the Huguo Temple matter is true, he is not afraid of the other party's investigation.

As long as Yuxiao has the heart to fight for the position, then why does he have no chance to make a comeback?
Gu Chenzhou left Lin'an Palace contentedly.

It was Chinese New Year, and there were no people on the street. The news of Gu Chenzhou's swaggering in and out of the Lin'an Prince's Mansion soon spread to the East Palace.

At this time, Ye Beichen, the second son of Ye Mansion, happened to be drinking tea in the East Palace, and when he heard the report from the hidden guard, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"What did Gu Chenzhou go to Lin'an Palace?"

He has always disliked Gu Shen Zhou, although the other party's ability is good, but he always feels that his way of doing things is a bit unsightly.

The secret guard said in a respectful voice: "The guards of Lin'an Prince's Mansion are very skilled, and my subordinates dare not rush in, so I don't know what they talked about, but when Gu Shizi came out of the palace, he seemed to be in a very happy mood."

Isn't it pleasant?The smile on that face almost cracked to the back of the ears, whoever didn't know, thought that he went to the Lin'an Palace and became sworn brothers with the Lin'an King.

"Your Highness, this guy doesn't seem to be holding back any good farts at first glance, you have to be careful."

Ye Beichen reminded worriedly.

Li Yuze dismissed the hidden guard with a wave of his hand, and then speculated: "Perhaps, he deliberately showed that happy expression, so that this palace would mistakenly think that he has formed an alliance with the second emperor."

Now that the East Palace has been established, as long as officials who do not want to be charged with forming a party for personal gain, they will not have close contacts with other princes.

With Gu Chenzhou's actions, it's hard not to let people feel that he is deliberately trying to provoke the relationship between their brothers.

He originally thought that with Li Yuxiao's temperament, such low-level provocation methods would not be successful.

However, half an hour later.

Li Yuxiao broke into the East Palace with a dark face, and opened his mouth to ask the teacher: "I heard that the prince and brother once drew his sword at Huang'er, is this true?"

Li Yuze: "..."

How should he answer this?
Compared with the turmoil in the East Palace, Li Huang and the old emperor are in harmony.

"Father, if my son wants to hold this storytelling competition, there will be many people rushing to the capital. At that time, the people who will be sent by the father to patrol the city camp will step up to maintain law and order."

As she spoke, she peeled an orange for the old emperor and handed it to him.

The old emperor ate the orange peeled by his daughter, and felt it was so sweet.

"My baby knows how to share my worries. I really feel that I will die without regret in this life. Isn't it just the Xuncheng camp? I will ask the commander of the Xuncheng camp to find you later."

It was rare for Li Huang to show her little daughter's charm. She tugged on the old emperor's sleeve and said angrily, "Father is going to live a hundred years, so don't mention anything about death."

The old emperor laughed happily: "My treasure is caring, unlike those incompetent ones who just know how to annoy me."

Especially that Li Chuchu, every time he thinks of her, he regrets keeping Concubine Luo.

"It's the Chinese New Year now, and it's rare to rest for half a month. Father, don't think about those unhappy things." Li Huang took the initiative to go around behind him and squeezed his shoulders, "Father, what are you going to do with the third prince Baili?" disposal?"

Mentioning the unlucky third prince of Baili, the old emperor snorted: "If you dare to be a monster in my land of Dayuan, then I will take off a layer of their skin, otherwise, no one will even want to go back to Baili!" go."

Dare to miss his family's treasure, really don't know himself.

Li Huang mentioned: "I heard that there are several kinds of seeds that are very resistant to frost in Baili Country, and the yield is quite high."

The old emperor's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he patted the back of Li Huang's hand and said: "It's still my Jiabao who is smart, why didn't I think of it."

There are also very cold places in Dayuan. Every winter, those places can only reduce their rations and wait for the weather to warm up before planting.

However, even if food can be grown in such a place, the output is very low, and the common people basically cannot eat enough.

If we can introduce those grain seeds from Baili...

Then, Dayuan's ration problem would be solved.

The father and daughter were chatting vigorously, but then a servant rushed to report: "Your Majesty, King Lin'an is fighting with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The old emperor: "..."

New Year's Eve, what are these two evildoers going to do?
"What did they fight?"

The old emperor asked displeased.

The servant quietly glanced at Li Huang, then lowered his head: "Go back to Your Majesty, this slave doesn't know."

Li Huang's eyebrows twitched, she always felt that the servant's look at her just now had some deep meaning.

Could it be that the fight between the two had something to do with her?

So, she said to the old emperor: "Father, it's normal for brothers to fight occasionally, I'll just go and see for you, you can rest."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly slipped out of the emperor's bedroom without waiting for the old emperor's consent.

Fighting has never happened since they became adults.

It's rare to see such excitement today, how could she miss it?

When she rushed to the East Palace in a hurry, she only had time to see Li Buxiao's angry back.

"Li Yuze, I didn't expect you to be so ruthless after becoming the crown prince. From today on, this king will also fight for that position!"

After speaking, he flung his sleeves and left!

Li Huang: "..."

What did she miss?
What did Li Yuxiao mean by that?
Want to compete with Li Yuze for the reserve?
Isn't he only interested in making money?

How did this suddenly change gender?

She stepped forward full of doubts, and asked, "Father asked me to ask, why did you two fight?"

Li Yuze's face was extremely gloomy. He couldn't say that it was because he was instigated to come to Li Yuxiao because of the incident at Huguo Temple last time, so he was angry, right?
However, he found that Li Chuchu was cheating on him behind his back. Could he have done better if it was him, Li Yuxiao, at Huguo Temple?
Seeing his face changing back and forth, Li Huang couldn't help but asked curiously: "This can't be related to me, can it?"

Li Yuze, who was said to be the center, gave her an annoyed look, turned around and went back to the house.

Li Huang: "..."

Could it be that she really got it right?
Forget it, asking Li Yuze obviously won't yield any results, so she should go ask Li Yuxiao.

Thinking of this, she hurried out of the palace.

Li Yuxiao didn't expect Li Huang to be in the palace, and she chased him up from behind as soon as he left the palace gate.

He was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and he was very embarrassed.

Li Huang asked straight to the point: "My father already knew about the fact that you went to the East Palace to fight with the crown prince. If you can't give a reason, my father will definitely not let you off lightly."

Li Yuxiao didn't dodge either, but looked at her seriously and asked, "I remember, when I was young, my father asked you who you wanted to be the crown prince, and you pointed to Li Yuze."

"But now that Li Yuze can draw his sword against you, are you still willing to let him be the crown prince?"

"This king thinks that if you tell your father to abolish him and replace him with me, I will do better than him."

Li Huang's eyes widened: "..."


Is it so direct?

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