The corner of Li Huang's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly: "The prince has no faults in his political achievements, how can he just abolish it?"

This guy's idea is too childish.

How could it be so simple to abolish the crown prince of a country?

"He's going to kill you, and you're not angry at all?" Li Yuxiao looked at her resentfully, "He usually pampers that Li Chuchu, but at this crucial moment, why can't he ask her? Ask what happened? If you don’t know, you think they are brothers and sisters!”

If it wasn't for doting on Lihuang's daughter, who would be the prince might not be sure.

The more Li Yuxiao thought about it, the angrier she became.

If he hadn't been born two years late, how could it be Li Yuze's turn to be the crown prince?

Seeing that his words were getting more and more outrageous, Li Huang couldn't help reminding him: "Second Brother, your love for Li Chuchu is no less than anyone else's."

Every time you bring something good from the fief, which one is not sent to Li Chuchu first?

Having been exposed, Li Yuxiao suddenly felt a little guilty, and his arrogance couldn't help but drop a bit.

He muttered in a low voice: "Isn't I being deceived by villains?"

That Li Chuchu is so good at pretending, even a man would be deceived by her, okay?

Li Huang nodded, and concluded in a serious manner: "So, His Royal Highness was also deceived, and you two don't need to blame the other."

Even if it was Li Yuxiao, when encountering such a thing, he would have to protect Li Chuchu and force her.

Therefore, neither of her two brothers and sisters need to expose the fault of the other.

No matter who handed Dayuan Jiangshan into their hands, she would have to sweat for them.

Li Yuxiao felt that a knife had been stabbed in his heart, his old face was flushed, but he couldn't refute.

Until the people walked away, Xiao Haizi reminded: "Your Highness, shall we go back home?"

Li Yuxiao was very depressed, and when he thought of that tell-tale Gu Chenzhou, his face turned ugly again.

"Didn't Gu Chenzhou always want to find a job in the Ministry of War before? I remember that the right servant of the Ministry of War returned to his hometown last month. Go and say hello to the Minister of the Ministry of War."

Xiao Haizi hesitated and said: "Your Highness, the Minister of the Ministry of War is the fourth rank, and the errand received by the Pingyang Marquis is only the fourth rank. Do you want to give the position of the fourth rank to Gu Shizi?"

Li Yuxiao sneered: "This king just wants to see if their son's official position is higher than Lao Tzu's, whether they can still be kind and filial to the father in the Marquis of Pingyang."

Xiao Haizi: "..."

This is too bad.

He could imagine how those colleagues would ridicule and laugh at him when they saw Ping Yanghou in the future.

"Yes, the servant is going now."

Xiao Haizi trotted to do some errands.

Li Yuxiao got into the carriage and didn't go back home, but went to the brothel he went to most often.

Li Huang entered the palace mainly to accompany the old emperor to eat, but he did not expect Concubine Luo to show her presence again.

"Your Majesty, the concubine is thinking that the eldest princess will marry Prince An soon after the year. Presumably the marriage certificate has not been embroidered yet, so she embroidered a copy by herself, and the eldest princess is also there. Let's see if it suits you."

As she spoke, she handed over a delicate wooden box.

Li Huang took it, opened it, and saw a big red scroll lying inside.

The marriage letter is embroidered with bright red brocade cloth with gold thread. The font is beautiful and exquisite, and it is bound with bright yellow silk material. The overall look really can't be faulted.

Concubine Luo looked nervously at the father and daughter, holding hands hidden in their sleeves tightly.

Seeing that the two of them hadn't spoken for a while, she couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Is it because the concubine is not good at embroidery?"

Li Huang rolled the scroll back, put it back into the box, and praised without hesitation: "You embroider beautifully."

Concubine Luo was overjoyed, it seemed that she had made the right bet.

This lowly girl knows how to use knives and guns all over her life, and female celebrities are not on the stage at all. Presumably the old emperor will lift her ban because of her hard work?
However, Li Huang's next words directly cracked the expression on her face.

She said: "But shouldn't the marriage letter be embroidered with the hair of both men and women, so that it can indicate that both of them will grow old?"

"Although the imperial concubine uses gold thread, it's a bit ordinary."

Concubine Luo: "..."

Where is she going to get Prince An's hair?
"Your Majesty..." She turned to look at the old emperor, hesitated to speak, "The eldest princess's hair is easy, but that Mo Shizi's hair..."

She thought viciously in her heart, that Mo Jingzhan didn't even know whether he was dead or alive, let alone his hair, and if no one came to greet him on the sedan chair, it would be a joke for the whole Dayuan.

Li Huang didn't need to guess to know that Luo Guifei must be scolding her in her heart at this moment.

"If the imperial concubine really has nothing to do, she should worry about the imperial sister's marriage. The envoy of the Baili Kingdom wants to marry a princess back home."

Looking at the whole Dayuan, there are only two princesses, she and Li Chuchu.

She already has a marriage contract, then, isn't Li Chuchu the only one left?
That's what she said on purpose.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Luo Guifei's expression changed immediately.

"Your Majesty, Eldest Princess, Chu Chu can't go to Baili Kingdom, not to mention that she is just a concubine, the third prince Baili doesn't think much of her at all, even if she is talented, she can't compare to Eldest Princess..."

However, before she finished speaking, the old emperor interrupted impatiently: "Okay, Huang'er is just reminding you, you don't need to make your daughter useless."

This woman, on weekdays, wished she would step on his sweetheart and praise her daughter all the time, but now when she said that she wanted her daughter to marry, she immediately changed her face.

The old emperor was annoyed when he saw her.

"Okay, you step back, don't hinder our father and daughter from eating."

After being ordered to evict guests mercilessly by the old emperor, Concubine Luo couldn't help clenching her hands tightly in her sleeves.

This old man, one day, she wants him to kneel in front of her and beg her!

"Yes, the concubine is retiring."

Concubine Luo hugged the wooden box and exited the emperor's bedroom with her head down.

As soon as the person left, the old emperor let out a sigh of relief: "The annoying woman is gone, and the air is much fresher."

Concubine Luo Gui who hadn't gone far: "..."

Her complexion twisted for a moment, but she quickly returned to her dignified and decent appearance, and walked out slowly with graceful steps.

"Father, this Concubine Luo Gui is afraid that she has no good intentions. You must guard against her in the palace. You must carefully inspect the things you import on weekdays."

Concubine Luo Guifei sent people to sneak into her eldest princess's mansion and poisoned her for so many years, but she didn't tell the old emperor, lest he would be pissed off.

However, she was indeed a little worried about keeping such a woman in the palace.

The old emperor patted her hand with a look of relief: "I know, Huang'er can rest assured."

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