When Concubine Luo returned to Zhaoren Palace, Li Chuchu immediately greeted her and asked anxiously, "Mother Concubine, how are you?"

Concubine Luo's face was gloomy, she threw the box in her hand on the table, and the porcelain on the table made a ping-pong sound.

When Li Chuchu saw her appearance, her heart sank.

"Mother and concubine, father still can't take you, okay?"

Concubine Luo has been grounded all the time, which is very unfavorable to their mother and daughter.

When she asked, Concubine Luo became even angrier: "That bastard said she wanted to use her and Mo Shizi's hair to embroider the marriage letter, she doesn't need such tacky gold thread, where can I find Mo Shizi's hair? It's probably dead by now."

Concubine Luo Gui became more and more annoyed, but the old emperor was all about her.

"Mother and concubine, what shall we do? We can't just let others slaughter us forever, can we?"

Until now, Li Chuchu didn't understand how things turned out like this.

Now, neither brothers Li Yuze nor Gu Chenzhou seem to treat her as badly as before.

If this continues, their mother and daughter will be finished.

Concubine Luo Gui took a deep breath and said, "Let me think about it."

Didn't the third prince of Baili also want to marry a princess back?Then let him marry that lowly girl Li Huang.

"At the time of Weijin, you can only escape from the murderous hands of the father and daughter first by saving your son's heart. The mother and concubine will take care of the rest."

Li Chuchu bit her lip, thinking of Gu Chenzhou's attitude towards her recently, she hated Li Huang so much.

If that bitch hadn't framed her, she wouldn't have ruined her reputation.

After Li Chuchu left the palace, he went directly to the Pingyang Marquis Mansion.

Unlike the previous two times, this time Gu Chenzhou was in the mansion.

She was ecstatic, and ran all the way to the study with her skirt in her hands: "Brother Shen Zhouke, you are finally willing to see me."

Gu Chenzhou bent down and saluted her: "Second princess."

Li Chuchu's face froze, and then a look of disappointment appeared in his eyes: "Brother Shen Zhou still cares about the matter between me and Mr. He?"

In the past, he obviously called her by her first name to show her closeness.

But now, he is either the second princess or the second princess, and he has completely returned himself to the position of a courtier, which makes Li Chuchu feel as if he has been stabbed thousands of times, bleeding gurglingly.

"But, I was really framed. Mr. He was clearly interested in Elder Princess Elder Sister. I don't know why I was suddenly knocked out. I..."

She said, tears rolling down.

In the past, whenever she shed tears, both Li Yuze and Gu Chenzhou would feel sorry for her.

However, she cried for a long time, but Gu Chenzhou didn't respond at all.

"The princess has misunderstood. The minister is only busy with official duties recently, not trying to hide from the princess."

Even though he said so, Gu Chenzhou felt that he was glowing green when he thought of the glamorous scene back then.

She said that she only had him in her heart, and secretly flirted with other men. Even though she was really framed, her current reputation was not worthy of entering his Gu family's door.

Grandmother said it right, a concubine is a concubine, and there is a world of difference between Li Huang and other eldest princesses who have a superior status.

"Brother Shen Zhou, you don't even want to call me by my name now, and you even say you don't mind."

Li Chuchu wiped away her tears, pretended to be on the verge of falling, and fell straight into Gu Chenzhou's arms.

Gu Chenzhou finally couldn't hold back, and reached out to help her.

"Brother Shen Zhou, do you still count what you said before?"

Li Chuchu raised her tear-stained face and asked seriously.

Gu Chenzhou had a lump in his throat, and the words of refusal just stuck in his throat.

The news that Li Chuchu went to Pingyang Marquis Mansion soon reached Li Huang's ears.

Ling Yuan asked: "Your Highness, these two princesses are really still determined."

His reputation is so bad, how dare he miss Gu Chenzhou.

Although the Pingyang Marquis Mansion is no longer glorious, it is still a family that is very fond of reputation, like Li Chuchu, even if she is the emperor's daughter, she may not be willing to marry into the door.

Li Huang sneered: "The person who has been thinking about her for so long, originally thought that he had firmly grasped his heart, but never thought that although Gu Chenzhou liked her somewhat, that liking had nothing to do with his official career. In comparison, it is really insignificant.”

After breaking with her, he found that his official career had plummeted.

And the princess concubine he likes doesn't help his future at all, so how can he have no idea?
In addition, Gu Chenzhou, who has always seen Mr. He lying on the same bed with her, has always been conceited and good-looking, how can he marry such a girl back to the mansion as his wife?

"Your Highness, this servant thinks that it would be good for this pair of sluts to be a pair, so as not to run out all day to confront people. Why did you force the second princess to swear?"

Ling Yuan said puzzledly.

For a person like Li Chuchu, no matter who he marries into, everyone will be unlucky.

Neither of them is a good thing, so they might as well harm each other.

Li Chuchu sneered and said: "What's the point of swearing? Li Chuchu made it clear that she would not marry Gu Shenzhou, even if it was to be a concubine."

"To be a concubine?" Ling Yuan asked in surprise, "The second princess is also His Majesty's daughter after all."

Is it too embarrassing for the emperor to be a concubine for the prince of the Marquis Mansion?
Li Huang smiled confidently: "Just wait and see, she will be willing."

Two days later, after the envoy of Baili Kingdom promised to pay a generous ransom, Dali Temple released the third prince Baili.

The third prince Baili became angrier as he thought about it, and sat in the Ruyi Building with his envoys and had a few drinks.

Those envoys are not doing nothing in the capital of Dayuan these days.

So, one of them immediately told the third prince Baili what he had heard.

"Your Highness, the Dayuan imperial family has long been at odds with each other. The Great Concubine Dayuan has made it clear that she wants to use our hands to trick Princess Dayuan. If we are really fooled, we will be killed by her. .”

The third prince Baili's expression was gloomy, and he squeezed his wine glass tightly: "This woman, if my prince doesn't give her some color, she really treats her like a prince and is easy to bully."

"Aren't the sons and daughters of Princess Anyang going back to Beijing? You send a few people there and give them something powerful."

"It doesn't need to hurt your life, just see some blood."

The Baili envoy took the order: "Yes, this subordinate will order the spies to do it."

Three days later, the brothers and sisters of the Liu family who were about to enter the capital were suddenly frightened to death by the assassin, and the accompanying guards were all seriously injured. The news reached Concubine Xu's ears, and Concubine Xu was frightened out of her wits.

"Li Huang! She dares to touch Yu's grandson, I definitely want her to look good!"

The old nanny beside Concubine Xu persuaded: "Concubine Tai Concubine, please be safe and don't be impatient. The person who came to report only said that the two children just suffered some superficial injuries, and it's nothing to worry about."

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