But her words did not comfort Grand Concubine Xu, she has already gone outside the capital, and there are still gangsters who dare to assassinate, who knows if those assassins are deliberately arranged by that dead girl Li Huang.

"This damned girl just wants to throw Yu a weapon of fear!"

She sent someone to pick up the two children before, but it was a step too late. Now that they are in Li Huang's hands, it is really hard for her to make any small moves.

The old mammy comforted her, "Don't worry too much about the concubine. Her Royal Highness still has a sense of proportion in doing things, so she probably won't do anything to them."

But her master, she felt that she was playing with fire crazily.

The eldest princess is His Majesty's favorite, if His Majesty finds out, even if she is a concubine, she may not be able to please her.

Concubine Xu took a deep breath and asked: "Then the third prince Baili is going to marry that dead girl? Why is there no action yet?"

It is best to marry far away, and there will be no chance to return to Dayuan in this life, so that she can relieve the pain of being separated from her daughter for so many years.

The old mama didn't try to persuade her any more at this time, lest the more she persuaded, the more angry she would become.

Li Huang also got news about the assassination outside the city gate.Before she could ask, Mo Jingzhan gave her the answer.

"The people in Baili Kingdom did it, probably because they were tricked by Concubine Xu, and they wanted to give her some flair."

Li Huang nodded, since it wasn't aimed at her, she didn't bother to pursue it.

At this time, Ling Yuan came in and reported: "Your Highness, Miss Liu and Young Master Liu have arrived, do you want to arrange for them to live in the mansion?"

Li Huang nodded: "I have to send someone to protect them if they live outside, so let's live in the mansion."

Otherwise, Concubine Xu would have to use her brain to think about robbing them.

Ling Yuan got the order and immediately went out to make arrangements.

Concubine Xu, who got the news, immediately sent someone to the eldest princess's mansion to spread the word, saying that she wanted to see her grandson and granddaughter.

Li Huang scoffed, and directly refused: "Go back and tell the concubine, that my cousin and cousin are too tired to enter the palace."

Do tricks behind her back, and still want to see her grandson, do you really think she Li Huang is easy to talk to?

Turning around and sending people into the palace, what if she doesn't want them to leave the palace?
She is not stupid.

The nanny who came to deliver the message was given a cold face, and returned to the palace in despair.

You don't even need to think about it, Concubine Xu might be so angry that she won't be able to sleep tonight.

Li Huang did not sympathize with her, when she tripped her, he should have thought of facing her revenge.

At this time, Gu Ningshuang rushed in angrily.

"Li Huang, we've been staying at your house for several days, you don't want us to stay here until the Lantern Festival, right?"

Seeing that more than half of this year has passed, if she doesn't return to the house, those people outside don't know what will happen.

Li Huang glanced at Gu Ningshuang, who has become fast due to practice and rough work these days, and raised her eyebrows: "This palace is not a hellish training ground, what happened to you staying here for a few days? Could it be possible, Ben Can the palace ruin your reputation?"

Her reputation is already bad enough, does she still need to be bad?
Gu Ningshuang was about to die of anger, she stomped her feet, and shouted: "I don't care, if you don't let me out today, I'll burn your eldest princess mansion down."

Li Huang took a sip of tea calmly: "As long as you dare to let go, I will immediately send someone to report to Dali Temple. Even if you are Pingyanghou's daughter, according to the law, you will at least be sentenced to exile."

Gu Ningshuang: "..."

She was about to explode.

Every day, she does some work that the lowest-ranking people can do, and she has to practice with two hanging buckets in the morning. She feels that the muscles on her arms are almost growing out.

If this continues, who will dare to marry her in the future?

"This is called imprisonment. If you have the ability, you can detain me for the rest of your life. Otherwise, after I get out, I will go to the gate of the palace to knock on the drum and sue you."

Seeing her anxious, Li Huang felt relieved.

She glanced at her with stretched eyebrows and eyes, with a smile that was not a smile: "Those who have no official position and no rank, knock on the Dengwen drum and stick thirty first, so you should take advantage of this rare opportunity to practice well in the palace, lest you At that time, before I see my father, I will be beaten to death outside the palace gate first."

Gu Ningshuang: "..."

The arrogance when he entered the door was instantly extinguished.

She found that she couldn't cross the opponent no matter what, which reminded her of the words Han Ling'er persuaded her before. She said that the arms can't twist the thighs. Maybe the eldest princess would let her go as soon as she was happy.

But Gu Ningshuang just didn't believe in evil, and when Li Huang entered the palace, she beat the sheep that had been chasing her half to death.

As a result, she was punished by the guard in charge to clean the hut.

Now she still feels the stench on her body, and she is so disgusted that any shit-yellow things she sees can remind her of the thing in the latrine.

This bitch is all to blame, one day, she will throw her into the cesspit.

At this time, the guard in charge of supervision came to report: "Your Highness, the sheep in the sheepfold was beaten by Miss Gu with a shovel just now, and it may be dying soon. Look, is it going to be killed?"

Li Huang originally didn't think to kill those sheep so early, and sighed after hearing the words: "Since that's the case, let's slaughter it. Go back and set up a shelf in the yard, put charcoal fire on it, and roast the lamb."

The guard responded and immediately withdrew.

Gu Ningshuang's eyes flashed, roasted lamb sounds very good.

Li Huang glanced at her: "You killed Ben Gong's sheep, do you still want to eat mutton with Ben Gong?"

Ling Yuan took two steps forward and made a "please" gesture: "Miss Gu, you should go back to your own courtyard. I think you won't be able to eat today's dinner. I will give you your share later." Have someone send it to Miss Han, and let Miss Han eat it for you."

Gu Ningshuang's eyes widened: "No, why don't you let me eat? You are abusing me, I want to sue you!"

Ling Yuan rolled her eyes unceremoniously: "Miss Gu, our eldest princess's mansion has always been very clear about rewards and punishments, you did something wrong and still wanted to eat, if you didn't beat you up, it was already for the sake of Ping Yanghou. "

Speaking of Pingyang Hou, Gu Ningshuang became depressed again, it has been so many days, why hasn't her father come to rescue her?

Could it be that he really wanted to watch her serve as a slave in the Princess's mansion?

What she didn't know was that at this time, Pingyang Hou was in a mess, and he had no time to concern her.

When he went to work in the Yamen early in the morning, he saw that his eldest son had also been transferred to the Ministry of War, and his official position was even higher than his.

Those colleagues around him looked at him with sympathy or sarcasm, making him wish he could find a hole in the ground and burrow into it.

As soon as he touched the Yamen, Pingyang Hou's face turned dark, and he couldn't hold back as soon as he returned to the mansion.

He pointed to Gu Chenzhou and asked, "How did you get into the Ministry of War?"

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