Ping Yanghou only felt that he was probably the most aggrieved father in the capital.

May I ask which father is not as good as his son when he is an official?

As long as he thinks of the false compliments of those colleagues, he will be angry and annoyed.

After being ridiculed for a whole day, now he vented all his anger.

Gu Chenzhou did not expect that King Lin'an would personally greet the Shangshu of the Ministry of War and ask him to recommend him to the Ministry of War, a position higher than that of his father.

"Father, my son only found out about this. Even the transfer order was delivered to my son this morning."

He knew that his father might not believe what he said, but it was true.

Sure enough, Ping Yanghou looked at himself suspiciously: "How is it possible?"

Gu Chenzhou pinched his brows with a headache: "Father, it's true, King Lin'an probably did it on purpose."

Marquis Pingyang frowned: "What's the matter with King Lin'an?"

Why does he feel that his son seems to have done a lot of things behind his back.

Gu Chenzhou then told the story of the day when he went to Li Yuxiao to talk about seizing the heir. After Pingyang Hou listened, he was silent for a long time.

After a while he asked, "Since King Lin'an is willing to arrange for you to join the military department, did he accept your proposal?"

Regarding this point, Gu Chenzhou was also a little confused. It stands to reason that if King Lin'an agreed to him, he wouldn't be punishing him like this, would he?
But if he shouldn't, why give him such a good position?
Gu Chenzhou couldn't understand it.

The jealousy between Pingyang Hou and his son, Li Huang can only watch the fun at most, and next, she has to pay attention to the situation of Mrs. Xu.

Since the bonuses for the top ten are very generous, there are also many people who come to sign up.

"Your Highness, the news has already spread, and those people who are hiding in the dark must be unable to hide."

Ling Yuan presented the news from various places to Li Huang.

"In addition, news came back from Dianzhou that Zhao Fuma really had skills, and it took less than a month to take control of Dianzhou."

Ling Yuan couldn't help but sigh, if such a talent hadn't been favored by Concubine Xu back then and recruited as her son-in-law, she would have accomplished a lot in court.

While flipping through the materials, Li Huang listened to Ling Yuan's report, occasionally nodding her head to show that she was listening.

At this time, the porter came to report: "Your Highness, the Pingyang Hou Madam has come again, saying that the old lady in the mansion is sick and wants to see her granddaughter..."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, it seems that the Marquis of Pingyang finally remembered their worthless daughter.

"Then let Mrs. Pingyang Hou take him back, so as not to spread unreasonable nonsense about me in the future."

She didn't make it too difficult, and sent the man out of the house generously.

Ling Yuan asked: "Your Highness, if you just put Miss Gu back like this, it must not be able to cure her Miss illness?"

She could even imagine that Gu Ningshuang would still make trouble for her highness when she looked back.

Li Huang chuckled lightly: "It's okay, now Pingyang Marquis Mansion is busy with father and son fighting, so they don't have time to take care of a daughter like her."

As for Mrs. Pingyang Hou's mind, sooner or later she will have to poke a hole in the sky of Pingyang Hou's mansion.

Sure enough, after Gu Ningshuang was sent back, she wept and told the Han family about the treatment she had received in the princess mansion these days.

Han was so angry that he slapped his palm on the table: "It's simply unreasonable!"

Even if the other party is a princess of the royal family, she has no right to treat the heroine queen like this.

Gu Ningshuang wiped her tears and said with vicious eyes: "Mother, I want that bitch to die!"

Dare to humiliate her like this, if she can't pay back ten times, she will be a failure in this life!

Han put her arms around her daughter's shoulders and comforted her: "Shuang'er, be good, mother will help you with this tone."

After finishing speaking, she changed into her imperial uniform, and entered the palace in a grand manner in a carriage.

Just as Li Huang asked someone to make the unfinished mutton into a pot and bring it up for rinsing, just as he picked up the bowl, a servant hurriedly came to report: "Your Highness, someone is coming from the palace, and they want you to come into the palace."

Ling Yuan looked at Li Huang: "I'm afraid that Miss Gu is really going to sue."

Li Huang sneered, and said: "Go and report to the palace man who sent the message, I will enter the palace after eating, let them wait."

Hurrying to enter the palace at this time to sue the imperial court, then Han's mind might not be crushed by the door.

At this time, the old emperor in the palace was also having a meal, and his old face wrinkled when he heard the report from the palace people that Mrs. Han was wearing imperial uniforms to enter the palace to file a petition.

"Let her live."

After leaving this sentence, the old emperor picked up his chopsticks again and started eating.

These ladies and ladies, why are they so blind?
I don't know why they didn't choose such a wife when the mansion picked a wife.

The old emperor was cursing in his heart, but he still asked people to ask the matter clearly, and sent someone to the princess mansion to pass the news.

"If the eldest princess is still eating, let her not worry."

Those on the left and right are just clowns, the old emperor believed that his Huang'er knew it well.

Han originally chose this time to go to the palace to file a complaint, in order to let the old emperor take the anger of being interrupted from eating on Li Huang's head, but she never expected that the old emperor would let her kneel and wait.

Leaving aside the meritorious service of the Marquis of Pingyang, she is also a first-rank madam no matter what, so it's not good for her face to be treated like this.

However, she never expected that the old emperor didn't even bother to maintain the emperor's face in order to spoil his daughter.

Li Huang entered the palace slowly after an hour, and the Han family who was still furious at first had knelt down halfway to extinguish the fire.

"Father, I don't know what's the hurry to call my son into the palace?"

After seeing the ceremony, Li Huang asked the question knowingly.

The old emperor turned his eyes to Han Shi who was at the side, and asked angrily: "Mrs. Pingyanghou, tell me, how did the eldest princess offend your Pingyanghoufu?"

If she hadn't been wearing this imperial uniform today, the old emperor would have ordered someone to give her a meal first.

Kneeling there, Mrs. Han embellished the matter of Li Huang detaining Gu Ningshuang in the mansion for no reason and forcing her to do servant work.

At the end, she said sadly: "Your Majesty, although the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die, but the eldest princess humiliates the little girl like this, it is better to kill her directly."

The old emperor snorted, if you kill her, you won't be able to crash into the gate of the palace!

But he still put on a fair and strict look on his face, turned to look at Li Huang and asked: "Huang'er, is there such a thing?"

It was impossible for Li Huang to admit it. She blinked at the old emperor with an innocent face: "Father, although I don't get along well with Miss Gu, I'm not so bored, right? Besides, my son How could it be possible for the eldest princess mansion to raise so many livestock? If Miss Gu thinks that the eldest princess mansion is not well received these days?"

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