When Han heard this, she started crying again: "Eldest Princess, as a descendant of the royal family, don't you dare to be one if you dare?"

"Your Majesty, the Eldest Princess has not only detained the youngest daughter in the mansion, but also Mrs. Han's daughter, Han Ling'er. If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can send Han Ling'er into the palace to ask."

She didn't believe that Han Ling'er, who had also been wronged a lot, would not tell the truth.

When the old emperor heard that there was still a witness, he glanced at his daughter uncertainly.

Li Huang gave him a stable look, then nodded with deep approval and said: "I also feel that I can't just let Mrs. Han's red mouth and white teeth say that I humiliated the official daughter. "

Seeing that she had a plan in mind, the old emperor ordered the servants around him to go to the eldest princess's mansion to bring Han Ling'er into the palace to confront her.

After Han Ling'er learned that Han's family went to the palace to seek justice for her daughter, she specially changed into decent clothes and entered the palace.

"My daughter Han Ling'er, see Your Majesty, see the Eldest Princess."

After seeing the ceremony, she looked at Mrs. Han and called "Auntie".

Han raised her chin confidently, and asked, "Ling'er, what have you been doing in the princess's mansion these days?"

Han Ling'er lowered her head, and replied politely: "Back to aunt, the eldest princess has invited a gentleman to teach my niece how to behave. My niece has learned a lot in the eldest princess's mansion these days."

Upon hearing this, Han sneered, and asked, "The rules you're referring to aren't rough jobs like cleaning the sheepfolds to feed the livestock, digging the soil and planting flowers?"

Han Ling'er was surprised when she heard the words: "Auntie, you can't talk nonsense. How could there be livestock in the eldest princess's mansion? Besides, although my father is only a fifth-rank official, my niece is also a member of the official family. How can the eldest princess do that?" This kind of thing?"

As for the matter of feeding livestock in the princess's mansion, she would not admit it even if she was killed.

Gu Ningshuang is shameless, she wants more!
If those high-ranking families in central Beijing knew that she had done such vulgar work, who would marry her?

When Han heard this, this cheap hoof was about to turn his elbows outward, and his lungs were about to explode.

"Han Ling'er, don't you forget your own last name?"

These words are undoubtedly reminding Han Ling'er that they are a family.

However, it would be fine if she didn't mention this sentence, but the resentment in Han Ling'er's heart would be even greater when she mentioned it.

At the banquet that day, if she hadn't hinted repeatedly, would she be able to suffer this crime in the eldest princess's mansion?

She stayed in the eldest princess's mansion for so many days, and she never saw her idea of ​​being an aunt to get her out.

Now it's time to talk about relatives with her.

Thinking of this, the sarcasm in Han Ling'er's eyes became even stronger: "My aunt asked this, of course my surname is Han, and my father hasn't kicked me out of the family tree yet."

Han Shi choked on her, and stared at her fiercely.

After working in the eldest princess's mansion these days, Han Ling'er has already figured it out very clearly that she is unreliable as an aunt, and if something happens, she will be the first to push you out.

So, with such a relative, why would she go to the chaser to curry favor?
"Auntie, slandering the current princess is a serious crime. Even if you love your daughter dearly, you shouldn't gamble with the glory of the Pingyang Marquis Mansion."

With a few words, she overturned Han's previous accusation.

The Han family was not convinced, kowtowed heavily, and said to the old emperor: "Your Majesty, if the eldest princess's mansion has any livestock, you can find out by sending someone to the mansion to have a look. The eldest princess keeps saying that she has never been humiliated or treated harshly. My little girl, but my little girl's hands are full of cocoons after hard work, as a mother, my concubine can't do nothing, I hope His Majesty will be sympathetic."

The old emperor frowned, feeling very impatient.

Why are these people one or two, just looking for work for him.

But people have talked about this, if he doesn't send someone to check it out, he can't justify it.

So, he once again ordered the servants around him: "You take a team of imperial guards to check the inside and outside of the princess's mansion to see if there is any livestock pen in the mansion as Mrs. Pingyanghou said."

The servant took the order and went down.

Seeing this, Han secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

She has no doubts about what her daughter said, as long as those imperial guards find out that the eldest princess's mansion raises livestock, then Li Huang's justifications just now will be untenable.

Seeing Han's determined look, Han Ling'er felt a little flustered in her heart.

She sneaked a look at Li Huang and found that she was not in a panic, so she settled down.

Come to think of it, the eldest princess should have made preparations early in the morning.

Several people waited for a long time, during which the old emperor was approving the memorial, and a eunuch served tea for Li Huang, and she sat down and sipped tea leisurely, as if everything had nothing to do with her, she was just a spectator That's all.

Not long after, the servant came back with the commander of the imperial army.

"Your Majesty, the last general checked the inside and outside of the Princess's mansion, but found no livestock."

When Han heard this, she almost jumped up: "This is impossible!"

Because she was so excited, Han's screams almost broke through the roof.

The old emperor looked at her dissatisfied: "Mr. Han, please pay attention to your manners!"

Only then did Han recall that she was in the Emperor's Chengde Hall at this time, and she immediately lowered her voice to the normal range.

"Your Majesty, my daughter has been working as a coolie in the Princess's mansion for many days. How could there be no animals? Could it be that the imperial guards didn't find out..."

In the last sentence, her voice was almost inaudible.

But the commander of the imperial army was standing less than three feet away from her, and with his ear strength, he still heard clearly.

Being questioned by such a woman, his upright face was clearly filled with displeasure: "Mrs. Pingyang Hou, the people who went to the princess's mansion to search this time are not only the imperial guards of the last general, but also the inner prisoner next to your majesty. , what can be seen by so many pairs of eyes is not as good as what you can see with one mouth?"

Han was choked up for a moment, but she still mustered up the courage to argue: "But, the little girl's hands are all calloused, how can there be nothing?"

"Could it be that the Eldest Princess had been on guard for a long time, so before entering the palace, people moved those things in the mansion to other places?"

But even if those livestock are transferred, there will still be some traces of the place where the livestock were raised, right?
For example, smell or something, it can't be nothing, right?
Han Shi expressed great doubts.

Being questioned again and again, the commander of the imperial army was very upset: "If Mrs. Pingyang Hou doesn't believe it, you can go and see it yourself. Presumably the eldest princess will not mind to prove her innocence."

Li Huang nodded at the right time: "Yes, I don't mind, it's better to look carefully, so as not to come to the palace twice a day to disturb the quietness of the father."

Han Shi clenched her lips, her eyes filled with unwillingness and doubt.

The old emperor waved his hand: "I also really want to know if there is something wrong with a dignified waiter's daughter who insists on saying that she has cleaned the pigsty and sheepsty."

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