Just when Pingyang Hou was about to kick the door in, Gu Ningshuang continued to add: "It's really not possible, I'll tell the elder brother to deal with that bitch, the elder brother is now in a higher position than father, he must have a way to give it to me." That bitch taught me a lesson."

Outside the door, Pingyang was so angry that the top of his head was about to smoke.

His son's position was higher than his, and this was a pain in his heart. Hearing that his daughter looked down on him, he immediately became angry from the bottom of his heart.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked open the courtyard door: "Naughty girl, what did you just say?"

Gu Ningshuang, who had never seen her father get angry like this, was taken aback, and her face turned pale when she thought of what she said without restraint just now.

"Father, I..."

Just as she was about to open her mouth to explain, she received a slap from her father.

Han Shi was stunned, and Gu Ningshuang was also dumbfounded.

Pingyanghou was always a meek person, he would just get angry on weekdays, at most he would throw up his sleeves and leave.

It was the first time to do it like this.

"Father, you actually hit me!"

Gu Ningshuang looked at Ping Yanghou deeply, it was the first time she was beaten at such a big age.

No matter how serious her crimes were before, at most she would be punished for copying books or kneeling in the ancestral hall, and Pingyang Hou never touched her a finger.

Now, with his slap, half of her face was swollen.

"I should have hit you long ago!"

Ping Yanghou pointed at her nose and said angrily.

"Master Hou, what are you doing?" After Han's reaction, she immediately stepped forward to protect her daughter, and glared at him angrily, "My daughter has been bullied to this point, so it's fine if you don't tell her to vent your anger. And hit her."

Hearing her mention this matter, Ping Yang Hou became even more angry, he turned his finger to point at Han Shi.

"Why did I marry such a brainless stupid woman like you? If you weren't used to it, how could my daughter become like this?"

He heard that she went to the palace to sue Li Huang's Imperial Court, and if she wins the case, it's fine, but she still steals money, and was even confiscated by the emperor.

The glory of several generations of their Pingyang Hou Mansion was ruined by such a brainless woman.

"Master Hou, this daughter is not a concubine alone. Now that something happened, you put all the responsibility on the concubine alone. The concubine..."

As she spoke, she wiped away tears.

Ping Yanghou was angry when he saw her like this, and he didn't know why he married such a woman in the first place.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry! Did you get the result of crying in front of His Majesty with such patience?"

Seeing his gloomy face, Han seemed to have just remembered that at this time, Marquis Pingyang should be in the yamen. At this moment, she returned to the mansion early, could it be that she knew about her being in the palace?
She felt guilty for a moment, then stepped forward and tried to pull Ping Yanghou's sleeve, but Ping Yanghou threw it away.

He pointed at her nose angrily and cursed: "Stupid woman who has not accomplished enough but failed, from tomorrow onwards, you can go to your mother's side to take care of her illness, and don't go out of the house to wander around if you have nothing to do."

"As for the common affairs in the mansion, I will leave it to Aunt Liu to take care of it."

This is to restrain her feet and take away her housekeeping rights.

The Han family looked at Pingyang Hou in disbelief. She is the wife he is currently marrying. If he treats her like this, how will she behave in the manor in the future?

However, before she could say anything else, Ping Yanghou had already flung his sleeves and left.

Both mother and daughter were dumbfounded.

"Mother, how could father treat you like this? After all, you also gave birth to a pair of children for him, how could he not show any affection?"

At this time, Gu Ningshuang couldn't help feeling a little bit resentful towards Ping Yanghou.

She has suffered all kinds of grievances and has not seen her father stand up for her, but now he is able to shirk the responsibility completely.

"Mother, I'm going to look for elder brother right now, I don't believe that elder brother can see father treat you like this."

Saying that, she didn't care about the Han family who couldn't recover from the blow, and rushed out of the courtyard gate.

The chicken feathers in Pingyang Houfu soon reached Li Huang's ears.

"Your Highness, the Marquis of Pingyang will not have the time to trouble us in a short period of time. Now that the envoys from various countries are in the capital, should we do something serious?"

After Ling Yuan finished speaking, she handed over the materials of the surrounding countries.

These were all investigated by Li Huang before the envoys entered Beijing.

Li Huang focused on flipping through the stack of Baili Kingdom, and immediately frowned.

It seems that Baili Kingdom has expanded its military strength very rapidly in recent years.

"Your Highness, the Baili Kingdom is very ambitious. The third prince of Baili came to Dayuan this time. Apart from testing Dayuan's strength, he probably has other ulterior secrets."

Li Huang's gaze was fixed on a certain paragraph in the material, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The old emperor of Baili Kingdom was poisoned?

"Your Highness, the old emperor Baili may be running out of time. Didn't the third prince Baili say that he has the best chance to take the throne? Then why would he dare to come to Dayuan with the envoys? He is not afraid, just in case Did the old emperor die before he returned?"

At that time, the other princes guarding Baili will be close to the water.

Normal people would not travel to other countries at this time, would they?
He can't really want to marry Da Yuan's eldest princess back, and then count on Da Yuan to take the throne for him, right?
If he is so naive, then his brain is tightly painted.

At this moment, the porter came in hurriedly and said: "Your Highness, the envoys of Baili are clamoring for justice outside the door."

Li Huang: "..."

Why did you come to her for justice?
Besides, didn't the guy who came to Dali Temple from Dali have revenge on Concubine Xu?

What is going on with her?

Ling Yuan asked, "Did the envoy say anything fair?"

The concierge glanced at her cautiously, and said: "He said that the third prince Baili was beaten last night and was seriously injured. I suspect that His Highness sent someone to do it."

Li Huang: "..."

Ling Yuan: "..."

This bridge is very familiar.

"What evidence do they have to say that Bengong sent someone to do it?"

This kind of crime is absolutely unacceptable.

The concierge said: "Your Highness, you should go and have a look. It doesn't look good for an envoy of a country to stand outside the gate and yell."

Li Huang sighed, she knew that these Baili envoys would never stay in the capital in a proper manner.

Well, let her go and have a look.

Not long after, Li Huang came outside the gate of the mansion.

The leading envoy of Baili Kingdom was standing outside the door with hands behind their backs, as if they were here to collect debts.

"Why isn't your eldest princess coming out? Is it possible that you dare to do it or not?"

Li Huang's icy voice sounded behind him: "The envoy of Baili has to give evidence when he speaks. What did this palace do to make you run outside the gate of the house to make trouble regardless of your image?"

Those Baili envoys all turned around to look at her, and the one in the lead snorted and said, "Our third prince was attacked last night, whether or not the Eldest Princess sent someone to do it, but it will be done after all." It's your Dayuan's territory, if you don't give an explanation..."

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