Li Huang frowned, why is this envoy of Baili acting like a rascal?
"If the envoy of Baili has no evidence and thinks that I, Dayuan, are responsible, he can report to the officials. What are you doing outside the gate of my eldest princess's mansion?"

Unexpectedly, those Baili envoys seemed to be relying on her, they simply sat on the steps outside the gate of the mansion and refused to leave.

Seeing that there are more and more people onlookers, it is not easy for Li Huang to forcibly bombard them, since he is a foreign envoy after all.

So, she asked patiently: "How do you envoys want me to be responsible?"

You can't let her make a promise with your body, right?
The envoy Baili looked at her: "Our Highness has been beaten so hard that he can't get out of bed, so go and express your condolences, isn't it too much?"

Li Huang was stunned for a moment, but he did not expect that the other party's request was so simple.

"This is our territory of Dayuan, you Baili people don't want to play any tricks."

Ling Yuan also felt that these people were deceitful, so she couldn't help but warn them.

But Baili's envoy looked at Li Huang provocatively: "What? Since this is your Da Yuan's territory, could it be that the eldest princess is afraid that we will do something to you?"

Li Huangming knew that the other party was using aggressive tactics, but he couldn't allow those onlookers to think that the Dayuan royal family was such a coward.

So, she nodded and said: "Forget it, after all, it is a guest who came from afar, and was injured in Dayuan's territory. It is also appropriate for me to go and see it on behalf of the Dayuan royal family."

After finishing speaking, she asked someone to hitch up a carriage, and followed Baili's envoy to the post house.

Ling Yuan's face was full of vigilance, for fear that something might happen to these Baili people.

However, when they entered the room of the third prince Baili, both master and servant were stunned.


Is this still the third prince of Baili Kingdom who has a bad fart and a bad temper?
The face was beaten to the point that it looked like a pig's head, a pair of eyes were also black and blue, and one foot was splinted, and the whole person could only breathe in, not out.

This was beaten too badly, right?

It was more serious than Gu Chenzhou's injury back then.

Li Huang made a surprised expression, and asked: "Message Baili, I heard that the third prince of Baili Kingdom started to practice martial arts at the age of three, and his kung fu is stronger than many masters in the world. Who can hurt your third prince?" Like this?"

The Baili envoy's face was serious: "I don't know the details, but the eldest princess should have a chat with our third prince alone."

After speaking, they all retreated in a swarm.

Li Huang was even more confused.

This Baili third prince, can he still speak?

However, at this moment, the third prince, who felt that the envoy had left, sat up from the bed in a jiffy. How could he still look as weak as before?
Li Huang looked at him in surprise: "You...are you pretending?"

The third prince Baili put an index finger on his lips, signaling her to keep her voice down.

Seeing his appearance, Li Huang couldn't help feeling even weirder.

Could it be that he is still wary of the team of envoys he brought?
The third prince Baili waved at her, and said in a low voice: "The little prince has a leg injury, the princess should come closer and talk."

Ling Yuan looked at him defensively: "Third Prince, don't you want to play tricks again? The one who framed you is Concubine Xu, and it has nothing to do with our Highness. Even if you want to take revenge, why don't you go to that old hag?"

The third prince of Baili didn't even bother to look at her. Why would he talk to such a lowly maid?

Seeing his attitude, Ling Yuan immediately turned cold: "Your Highness, this man hides his head and shows his tail, and this servant doesn't look like a good person. Otherwise, let's go back."

Li Huang also didn't like his attitude towards his subordinates, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

Seeing this, the third prince of Baili immediately became anxious: "His Royal Highness, please stop. I apologize to you for my attitude just now."

Li Huang stopped and turned to look at him: "There are people from my palace outside the door now, the third prince doesn't need to be so careful, what do you want to say, my palace is standing here, just say it."

This is a person who has clamored to marry her from the very beginning, who knows what the other party wants to do after getting close.

The third prince Baili also knew that he was indeed not worthy of the other party's trust, so he sighed and said, "I want to make a deal with Dayuan Kingdom."

Li Huang raised his eyebrows: "The third prince wants to make a deal with Da Yuan, so he can talk to my father, or, it might be inappropriate to ask His Royal Highness to find me, a princess?"

Unexpectedly, the third prince Baili said firmly: "No, it's best to talk to the eldest princess."

After all, it has been a while since I came to Dayuan, and anyone with a discerning eye can see how much the old emperor dotes on this eldest princess.

Since he can't marry her back, he needs her to make a promise. If she agrees, doesn't that mean the old emperor agreed?

Besides, her future husband-in-law is the one who can't be messed with.

Li Huang didn't bother to spend time with him, and asked directly: "What deal do you want to make?"

The third prince Baili got out of bed, limped to the table, poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, and then said: "I am willing to sign a non-aggression treaty with your country for a hundred years, but only if Yes, your country has to help me ascend the throne."

Li Huang was almost laughed angrily by him: "Third Prince Baili, your wishful thinking is really good. You only agreed a treaty of no war for a hundred years, and let us Dayuan contribute money and efforts to help you ascend the throne. Then we Wouldn't it be the same if you don't help me and negotiate terms with your other brothers?"

Without giving any capital, just wanting her to help him get rid of those unsightly brothers, the third prince of Baili must have thought too beautifully.

Furthermore, the third prince Baili suddenly changed his temper and wanted to negotiate terms with her, isn't it because he saw that there are strong people in Dayuan?
He wanted to borrow Da Yuan's strength, but he didn't want to pay anything. He had to think about all the beautiful things in this world by himself.

"Your Royal Highness, you can't say that. If you go to negotiate terms with my other brothers, it's not certain whether they will agree to the agreement. Besides, they are much more despicable than this prince. , and tore up the agreement, and the two countries still have to raise troops at that time, then your work will be in vain."

Li Huang sneered: "They are also the princes of Baili Kingdom, how are you different from them? Why would I trust you?"

But the third prince of Baili said firmly: "Just because my elder brothers are busy fighting for power in Baili at this time, only this prince is willing to come to your Dayuan to look for a miracle doctor who can detoxify the emperor."

"Besides, this prince doesn't want you to contribute in vain. I am willing to spend 200 million military expenses as Da Yuan's hard work. How about it?"

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, feeling a little excited.

One must know that the treasury of Dayuan is still not full, and the military salary of the border generals cannot be paid on time. If the third prince Baili is willing to give the money, then this business is not impossible.

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