Li Huang: "The third prince Baili is really rich."

The third prince of Baili was not modest either: "That's natural. My mother's family has been in business for generations, and the mere 200 million yuan, this prince can still afford it."

Moreover, in Baili, the status of a merchant is not as low as that of Dayuan. On the contrary, he relied on the money left by his mother's family to quickly overwhelm his brothers.

Li Huang raised her question: "You are not afraid that during the time you came to Dayuan, your old father was killed by someone long ago."

The third prince of Baili was stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head: "No, there are rumors from the outside world that my father's time is numbered, but in fact those rumors were only released by my father on purpose."

An emperor who can still control the situation doesn't need to worry about someone being able to murder him.

Li Huang was at a loss when he heard this: "Then why do you come to ask him for a miracle doctor?"

The third prince of Baili looked at her strangely: "Naturally, the reason to ask for a doctor is to detoxify. Although he won't die for a while, his body is always poisoned, so it's not good, but none of the doctors in Baili can do it." Eliminate the poison, so this prince came to Dayuan."

Li Huang: "..."

She understood that although the old emperor Baili was poisoned, the poison should not be serious, but to show his filial piety, the third prince Baili was still willing to come to Dayuan to seek a miracle doctor for him.

In this way, his chances of winning the throne are even greater.

In order to prevent his brothers from jumping over the wall in a hurry, he needs to use external force to help him ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The third prince Baili saw that she was a little moved, so he stepped up and talked about the benefits of his superiority: "Don't worry, after the prince ascends the throne, not only will he not go to war with Dayuan for the rest of his life, but also open the trade between the two countries. If you businessmen from Dayuan want to come to Baili to do business, you can also enjoy many preferential treatments, and if other countries want to invade Dayuan, I, Baili, will also be obliged to do so."

"The most important point is that your future husband-in-law is the ruler of the God of War of the Three Continents. If this prince dares to say nothing, he can kill me at any time."

There is little doubt about this.

His last words made Li Huang suddenly look up at him, and a thought popped up in his heart.

She asked: "Your injury was not caused by him, right?"

Otherwise, could this arrogant third prince Baili be so obedient?

The third prince of Baili, who was poked into his mind, coughed dryly, and said: "I said earlier that your husband-in-law is a coward and dare not show his face. He also said that you might become a widow in the future. I hope His Royal Highness will not blame him."

If he hadn't been beaten by that person, how many people in the whole world could beat him like this?
Li Huang's heart skipped a beat, she really guessed it right.

That guy Mo Jingzhan is not only in the capital, but he already knows that he will marry her in the next year?
Reminiscent of what happened when Gu Chenzhou was beaten to the last breath, Li Huang's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

"How can you be sure that the person who beat you must be him?"

Although she had guessed it early in the morning, she still wanted to confirm it at the end.

The third prince Baili covered his painful face, and said angrily: "With his skill and the speed of punching, there is no one in the world, right? Although he is wearing a mask, this prince can still be sure , He is the only person at this age in the whole world who can have such a strange movement."

The big stone in Li Huang's heart suddenly fell to the ground.

It seems that her coming today is not without gain.

"What mask is he wearing?"

The third prince Baili was stunned for a moment, and said, "A gold carved mask, what? You don't even know what your future husband-in-law looks like?"

Li Huang sneered: "I didn't know before, but now I know."

A carved gold mask, isn't that the one she gave him?

After leaving the post house, Li Huang went back to the mansion directly in the carriage.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the carriage was very tense.

What the third prince Baili said just now, Ling Yuan also understood a little way, she asked tentatively: "Your Highness, after we return to the mansion, do we want to ask Mr. Ning to question him face to face?"

Li Huang glanced at her, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Since she wants to hide, why should we do that annoying thing again?"

However, after she confirmed the identity of that person, she didn't have to worry that no one would come to pick her up on the wedding day.

At that time, even if her father's forbidden army is used, she will ask her father to escort her to the wedding hall for her to pay homage.

In the evening, as usual, Mo Jingzhan entered the palace where Li Huang lived, and keenly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with the way Li Huang looked at him.

He generously picked up the pastry on the table and put it in his mouth, and asked: "Your Highness is not looking very well today, is there anyone who upset you?"

Looking at his unceremonious appearance, Li Huang just felt that in her eyes, was he just a big fool?

Knowing that she was going to marry him in two months, he kept seducing her as a bodyguard.

It caused her to feel that she was really a woman who couldn't keep her heart. She had decided to exchange marriage with Dayuan's Taiping, but she still couldn't help but be moved by the guards around her.

She spurned herself countless times in her heart.

Every time he teases her like this, it's funny to see her helpless and trying to keep a distance from him, right?
Thinking of this, her face became a little colder.

"This is the palace's bedroom. Didn't I tell you, don't come in if you have nothing to do."

The smile on Mo Jingzhan's face froze, he looked at Li Huang who suddenly turned his back on him in surprise, wondering why she was angry again.

"Your Highness, is this subordinate making you unhappy?"

Immediately, he recalled the news he had received before, saying that the envoys of Baili Kingdom blocked the door of the eldest princess's mansion for a while, and then Li Huang went out with them.

Thinking of the third prince Baili whose nose was bruised and face swollen by his beating, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

It seems that this is a light blow.

Li Huang looked at his gradually turning cold eyes, and asked: "Then Prince Baili, did you hit him?"

Although she was quite sure when she was in the posthouse, she still wanted to verify it in person at this time.

Unexpectedly, Mo Jingzhan shook his head immediately: "No."

Li Huang stared: "It wasn't you? You beat Gu Shizi almost to death last time, so it wasn't you this time?"

Mo Jingzhan frowned, telling him intuitively that if he admitted, something bad might happen next.

So, he shook his head firmly: "Of course not, what does His Highness think of me, that is the third prince of Baili Kingdom, and now he is still in our territory of Dayuan, how can I do it right away?"

If it weren't for Da Yuan's territory, he would have beaten him harder than going back to Shen Zhou.

Who made him a toad want to eat swan meat, and miss his wife all the time!

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