But, he couldn't say that.

Li Huang looked at the pretending man in front of him, and sneered inwardly.

She suddenly smiled brightly, played with the whip in her hand, and said casually: "I know you are good at it, so let's go to the courtyard to practice before dinner."

As she said that, she didn't wait for the other party to nod, she grabbed his arm and dragged it out.

Mo Jingzhan looked confused, he still couldn't figure out what Li Huang was thinking now, he had already been dragged into the yard.

"Your Highness..."

Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, Li Huang's whip was thrown towards him, and he quickly avoided it.

"Your Highness, are you serious?"

Looking at the position where he was standing just now, the flower pots behind him were all broken into pieces.

It can be seen how hard her whip is.

"What's the point, I've practiced for so many days, today is just a good time to test the results."

As she spoke, she swung her whip again.

Soon, there was a burst of flying sand and rocks in the whole yard, and even the new flower seeds that Gu Ningshuang and Han Lingzhi had planted here before were whipped by her terribly.

Mo Jingzhan's movement is very fast, with Li Huang's level of skill, he can't even touch a corner of his clothes.

After waving the empty whip for nearly half an hour, Li Huang was also a little discouraged, she threw the whip on the ground: "No more practice."

She is really angry.

Mo Jingzhan noticed that she was getting more angry, so he said: "Otherwise, I will stand still and let you whip me twice?"

No matter how he looked at it, this temper was directed at him.

Could it be that she really fell in love with the third prince Baili, and she would not be happy if he hurt him?
Thinking of this, he also darkened his face.

But Li Huang entered the hall without looking back, without even giving him a look.

Mo Jingzhan's heart sank to the bottom all of a sudden, could it be that he really fell in love with that weak third prince?

If that was the case, he would not care about the relationship between the two countries, he might as well kill the third prince of Baili, at worst he would personally lead the troops to conquer the Baili country.

He raised his foot and chased after him, and was about to ask what happened, when he heard that Li Huang had ordered someone to close the palace door.

Mo Shizi who had the door shut: "..."

He sneered, can a mere palace door shut him down?
After a few breaths, he skillfully flipped the window and jumped into the house.

However, before he landed, a dagger stabbed at him head-on.

He dodged slightly, raised his hand and grasped the bright wrist holding the dagger, frowned and said: "Your Highness, what are you angry about? Could it be because seeing the third prince Baili injured like that made his heart ache? "

A killing intent flashed across Li Huang's face instantly.

The word "distressed" is Chi Guoguo's insult to her!
"So that's how you see me." Li Huang sneered, pulled back her wrist, and turned back to the table.

Seeing her like this, he knew that what he just said seemed to be inappropriate.

But the words have been spoken, and he can't pretend that he didn't say them.

He opened his mouth to explain: "I didn't mean that, I..."

However, before he finished speaking, he heard Li Huang say in an unusually calm tone: "You go, I can't keep you, a Panlong, here in this palace."

Mo Jingzhan looked at her in surprise, she wanted to drive him away?

Just because, is it suspected that he hurt the third prince Baili?
"Your Highness, are you serious?"

With a sullen face, he looked at her with burning eyes.

Li Huang was angry, so she replied directly: "Why not true?"

Mo Jingzhan took two steps back, the smile didn't reach his eyes: "Okay, let's go now, for such a long time, I really bothered the eldest princess."

After speaking, he swished out the window and quickly disappeared into the twilight.

Ling Yuan pushed the door open and came in, and asked, "Your Highness, can you pass on the meal?"

Li Huang didn't expect that Mo Jingzhan would really leave, she was angry and annoyed for a while, and said: "Zhuan, you also come in to eat with Bengong."

Ling Yuan was surprised for a moment, but soon realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the room.

She looked around and asked, "What about Sergeant Ning?"

Li Huang said angrily: "Ning the guards!"

His surname is not Ning at all, nor is his name Ning Qi, fortunately they are still being played around by him.

"I humiliated Ben Gong, and Ben Gong let him go."

For some reason, she was even angrier when he left.

In addition to being angry, the loss and annoyance in my heart grew bigger and bigger.

She's sick of it.

"No, he is too dishonest. Your Highness treats him so well, how could he really leave in a moment of anger?"

Look at her highness angry.

As soon as she said this, Li Huang became even angrier.

"Isn't it? I drove him away not because he was talking nonsense."

It's ridiculous to act like a regular wife who catches her husband and raises an outer room outside!
Seeing Li Huang talking more and more angry, Ling Yuan didn't dare to say any more, so she comforted her: "Okay, Your Highness, don't get so angry, he will never come back if he has the ability."

If they guessed really well, when the time comes for the wedding, if he doesn't show up, then she will encourage her highness to marry someone else.

What virtue!
Although Ling Yuan was also very angry, she didn't dare to add fuel to the fire any longer.

In case, later on, people really marry her highness, isn't she courting death as a servant girl?
In terms of eyesight, Ling Yuan is not inferior to that Mu Feng outside.

Ling Yuan ordered people to pass on the food, and Li Huang also asked for a jug of wine.

As a result, it is conceivable that she, who was not a very good drinker, got drunk immediately.

At night, she had the dream about her previous life that she hadn't had for a long time.

During the Lantern Festival, the streets are brightly lit, and in the mission of Xichuan, a small country attached to it, the female minister was kidnapped.

When the news spread to the palace, the old emperor didn't sleep all night. The officers and soldiers of the city patrol camp searched all over the city, and almost searched the entire capital, but they couldn't find the shadow of the female Xiangguo.

Although Xichuan is only a small country, but people disappeared in Dayuan, and Dayuan has to explain to others no matter what.

Besides, it was a woman.

At this time, someone picked up the personal belongings of the female Xiangguo along the street, followed them all the way, and finally came to an alley on the outer wall of the East Palace.

The woman's clothes were in a mess, and her hair was also in a mess.

This looks like being underestimated.

The person was found on the outer wall of the East Palace. After the woman woke up, she insisted that Li Yuze had treated her lightly and insisted on marrying Li Yuze.

Although it is a subordinate country, the Crown Princess of the Eastern Palace is the future queen, how can she be a foreign woman?
The old emperor had a headache, and Li Yuze couldn't defend himself.

Later, the female Xiangguo crashed to death outside the palace gate.

This matter has aroused strong protests from the neighboring countries, and they all demanded to leave the abyss and go out independently.

And Li Yuze, who caused all this, was impeached again and asked to abolish the crown prince.

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