Then, those spies who had been lurking in Dayuan took the opportunity to jump out, saying that the Li clan's dynasty was exhausted, and in a short time, various local forces rose up one after another.

The entire Dayuan Dynasty was in chaos, the people fled everywhere, and the people were in dire straits...

Li Huang was awakened again by the scene in the dream.

Ling Yuan, who was sleeping behind the screen, heard the movement, and quickly came over with the oil lamp: "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Li Huang took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, shook his head: "I'm a little thirsty."

Ling Yuan put down the oil lamp and immediately poured her a glass of water.

"Your Highness, is this a nightmare?"

Li Huang nodded, wondering if she had changed the direction of the previous dream, so someone tried to plot against Li Yuze again in the dream.

"Go get Ning Qi..."

Just halfway through speaking, she suddenly remembered that the big liar had already been driven away by her.

Moreover, his name was not Ning Qi at all, it was just a name she gave him when she kept him by her side.

Seeing her like this, Ling Yuan asked cautiously: "Your Highness, you still can't bear him, right?"

Being exposed, Li Huang became a little annoyed: "Why don't you want to, I wish he would get away."

After speaking, she pulled up the quilt and lay down again.

Ling Yuan has served her for so many years, how could she not understand her temperament?

Immediately sighed: "Your Highness, go to sleep, the servant is beside you, please call if you need something."

Then, she took the oil lamp and left.

As soon as the light was removed, the room darkened again.

Li Huang stared at the bed curtain with his eyes open, but his mind was replaying the scene of the previous dispute with Mo Jingzhan very clearly.

Angry and annoyed, she turned over, but couldn't fall asleep anyway.

However, the harder she tried to get Mo Jingzhan's face out of her mind, the more she couldn't sleep.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, she simply got up and went to the martial arts arena.

Luo Mingchuan, who was one step behind, was still very surprised: "Cousin, why did you get up so early today?"

On weekdays, she wished she had come to practice for half an hour before she got up slowly. Today is the sun coming out from the west?

He looked at the position of the sun, it was still east.

Li Huang was in a bad mood, so he didn't pay attention to him, but just played a set of whipping techniques on his own.

Luo Mingchuan felt strange, he looked around, and asked curiously: "Huh? Where's that skilled guard beside you?"

Ling Yuan who was not far away silently covered her face, "Master Biao, you really always pick up any pot that doesn't boil.

Sure enough, when Li Huang heard him mention Mo Jingzhan, the coldness in his body became heavier.

She turned her head to look at Luo Mingchuan, with a loving smile on her face.

Luo Mingchuan shivered for no reason, only thought that his cousin's smile was so pervasive.

Li Huang hooked his fingers at him: "Come here."

Luo Mingchuan's heart skipped a beat, he subconsciously moved his feet back, and his intuition told him that he would die a miserable death in the past.

Seeing his reaction, Li Huang suppressed the smile on his face, and his tone became a little more serious: "I asked you to come here!"

Luo Mingchuan swallowed, and discussed: "You are not allowed to hit me."

Seeing him whimpering, Li Huang walked towards him directly. Luo Mingchuan wanted to run, but his intuition told him that if he ran, he would die even worse.

So, the moment Li Huang's hand was about to touch his hair, he directly crouched down with his head in his arms.

"Cousin, you agreed not to hit me."

Who will tell him why his cousin is angry?
Could it be that the guard really provoked her, and did he hit the gun?

Thinking of this, Luo Mingchuan scolded Mo Jingzhan hundreds of times in his heart.

However, Li Huang's hand still touched his head, and then, that somewhat gloomy voice sounded from above his head.

"Cousin, I think it's rather boring for you to practice these basic skills every day. Why don't you come and practice the whip with your cousin?"

Luo Mingchuan's eyes widened: "Cousin, how can I be your opponent? Practice whipping with you, isn't that waiting to be whipped? If it gets whipped on the face, your lovely brother may be killed in the future." Can't marry a wife, can you bear it?"

Li Huang didn't care what he was talking about, and just walked towards the weapon rack with his hand on the back of his neck.

She threw a whip at him conveniently: "Come on, I'm rarely free today, so I'll teach you two tricks."

Luo Mingchuan's legs were shaking, it's better to find him a master to teach him!

Let her teach it, and it will be fine if she doesn't whip him.

Sure enough, when the whip swung over, it directly left a deep whip mark on the ground where he jumped off, which made him scream strangely, and ran away with his head in his arms.

"Cousin, please speak up if you have something to say, cousin..."

However, the second whip was thrown behind his buttocks, he jumped, and quickly dodged away again.

Ling Yuan looked at Luo Mingchuan who was jumping up and down, and silently shed tears of sympathy for him in her heart.

Who told him to be so ignorant, but to mention that one at this time?

Half an hour later, Luo Mingchuan, who was out of breath from running, sat down on the ground and gave up struggling: "Cousin, hit me, I can't run anymore."

Li Huang saw that he looked like he was going to kill Xi Tingzun, and the anger in his heart dissipated a lot.

She stopped the whip, strode over, and kicked him: "After only half an hour of practice, you're tired? In the past, when Ben Gong wasn't here, did you always slack off every day?"

Luo Mingchuan looked wronged: "Cousin, with so many guards staring at me, I dare to be lazy, am I not afraid that they will sue me?"

Li Huangjian twitched the corners of his lips, and put away his whip: "For the sake of being obedient, I allow you to enter the house for a rest and have breakfast."

Luo Mingchuan was overjoyed, and he got up from the ground with a grunt, patted his buttocks, and followed her into the house.

"Cousin, I want to eat crispy cheese. I heard that all your cooks are brought from the palace. I haven't had a chance to repay that skill."

The corners of Li Huang's mouth twitched slightly: "You want to take this opportunity to have lunch here?"

Luo Mingchuan chuckled, and said: "It's the New Year's Eve, anyway, you don't have anyone here to visit, so leaving me here for a meal, isn't it too much?"

Li Huang felt that it was too much to vent his anger on him just now, so she agreed to him: "Not too much, if you want to stay, you can stay."

Luo Mingchuan's goal was achieved, he immediately rushed to the table, and shouted to the servants outside the house: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you pass on the breakfast."

Everyone didn't mind that he was pretending to be a tiger, so they went to spread the meal immediately.

However, just halfway through breakfast, a servant came to report: "Your Highness, King Lin'an is here."

Li Huang raised his head in surprise, Luo Mingchuan answered, "What is he doing here?"

I haven't seen him running to the princess mansion in previous years.

The servant ignored his question and looked at Li Huang.

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