The New Year's Eve was boring, and was kicked out of the mansion, Li Yuxiao said he was very unlucky.

However, after he calmed down, he immediately became serious again.

He called his personal guards and ordered: "Go and investigate, what happened between Huang'er and the noble concubine recently, including those in the palace, nothing should be leaked."

The personal guard responded and withdrew.

In the eldest princess's mansion, the annoying King Lin'an was driven away, Luo Mingchuan heaved a long sigh of relief: "Finally he's gone, it's the New Year's Eve, it really affects the mood."

This also brought up Concubine Luo Gui, not to mention that Li Huang was unhappy, even he, an outsider, was unhappy.

"Okay, if you've had enough rest, hurry up and practice. I'm going out for a while."

Thinking of what happened in the dream, Li Huang stayed in the mansion and lay down without peace of mind.

When Luo Mingchuan heard that she was going out, he immediately asked, "Where are you going? Take me with you."

Li Huang glanced at him sideways: "Practice well in the manor, if it wasn't for Mu Feng just now, you could beat your third cousin?"

Being poked at the pain point, Luo Mingchuan immediately lowered his head, let out an "oh", and headed towards the martial arts field resentfully.

Li Huang went out of the mansion, took a carriage, and went directly to another post house.

In order to prevent envoys from various countries from living together and colluding, the imperial court arranged separate residences for them.

She had to meet that Xichuan female Xiangguo to see what she was like.

The servants of the post house were surprised when they saw Li Huang get off the carriage: "His Royal Highness, do you come to the post house for your majesty's purpose?"

The corners of Li Huang's mouth twitched slightly. Does the emperor need a princess to convey the emperor's will?

"Is the country of the female minister of Xichuan here?"

She didn't bother with the other party, and straight to the point, she asked the purpose of coming here today.

The servant nodded: "The one who should be in the room, I haven't seen her go out today."

Li Huang strode into the posthouse: "I am downstairs, you go and call her, just say that I need to find her for something."

The servant responded, quickly ordered someone to serve her a pot of tea, and ran upstairs to call for someone.

Not long after, a woman with delicate features came down.

She was wearing a rose-red official uniform, with a golden crown on her head, and her gestures had both the charm of a woman and the majesty of a superior.

"Xichuan Yinghan, I have met Princess Dayuan."

She walked up to Li Huang generously and saluted her.

Li Huang got up to return the salute, motioning her to sit down.

The two sat across the table, Li Huang asked with a smile: "I heard that men and women are equal in Xichuan Kingdom, and women can also serve as officials in the court. I really didn't expect that women can be such high-ranking officials in the court."

Qinghan smiled slightly: "Actually, this is not a rare thing in Xichuan. There have always been people who have been appointed as marquis and prime ministers. It's just that the truth is a little younger."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, which was boastful.

"I don't know if Xichuan has come to Dayuan this time, and whether he has the intention to stay married?"

She didn't go around the bush, and asked directly.

Ying Han obviously didn't expect her to ask this, and shook his head: "I managed to achieve the position of Xiangguo, even if I want to get married, then I have thousands of men in Xichuan, I don't have what kind of man I want, so why stay here?" Are you, Da Yuan, a man's accessory?"

For a country where men and women are equal, the country where men can have three wives and four concubines is the most despised.

Therefore, when Li Huang asked this sentence, she was obviously a little unhappy.

Li Huang saw that she did not seem to be lying when she rejected the man from Dayuan, but thinking of the situation in the dream, she couldn't help but ask one more question: "If you can marry me, Prince Chao, you will ask for a high position in the future, no more than you being a minister in Xichuan Is it strong?"

Ying Han was obviously stunned for a moment, and then looked at her with a strange face: "But the prince of Dayuan will not be the same in the future. Three wives and four concubines? What's the difference?"

People in Xichuan have always been straightforward, they only advocate a couple for a lifetime, she doesn't quite understand the mentality of many women in Dayuan fighting for a man all day long in the inner house.

Moreover, she, who is conceited and talented, does not want to be trapped in the back house, fighting with a group of women all over the place.

Even if that man is the emperor.

"Could it be that your prince of Dayuan has taken a fancy to the truth?" After asking this, Ying Han visibly panicked, "The eldest princess is here today to spy on me for my brother?"

Otherwise, how to explain that she is a majestic eldest princess, and she wants to come to the inn where she lives to talk to her in person during this new year's festival?

Li Huang looked at her amusedly: "I don't like mediators."

After the conversation just now, she can already fully understand the status of a woman in Xichuan.

They have their own pride, and they will never allow themselves to become men's vassals.

However, in the dream, she claimed with great certainty that it was Li Yuze who underestimated her, and for the sake of innocence, even crashed to death outside the gate of the East Palace.

Looking at the other party's reaction now, she has no interest in Li Yuze.

So, who tricked her?

Li Huang asked: "Has Ying Xiangguo brought a follower with high martial arts skills?"

Ying Han nodded, how could he not give himself more security chips when he was on an envoy to another country?

Li Huang only reminded: "I heard that someone is going to plot against Ying Xiangguo during the Lantern Festival. I hope that on the day of the Lantern Festival, Mr. Xiangguo can bring a few more guards by his side. After all, if someone wants to borrow and destroy your It’s not good to come here innocently and stir up conflicts between Da Yuan and the affiliated countries.”

After finishing speaking, she didn't stay any longer, she got up and left.

Ying Han was stunned for a while, his mind kept recalling the amount of information in Li Huang's words just now, and his whole body tensed up instantly.

She said someone was going to destroy her innocence?
Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still.

Because, the Lantern Festival is not a few days away from now.

After leaving the post house, just as Li Huang stepped onto the carriage, an arrow shot towards the carriage.

Ling Yuan's face changed: "Your Highness, be careful!"

She pulled out her sword with a swish, and stood in front of Li Huang.

Li Huang's eyes fell on the arrow, and she found that there was a note on it, so she pulled it out.

As soon as the note was unfolded, the vigorous words immediately came into view: Be careful of Dongyu.

Li Huang's heart skipped a beat, could it be that the person who plotted against Xichuan belonged to Dongyu?
Speaking of Dongyu, it used to belong to Xichuan's territory, but since 30 years ago, they separated from Xichuan and no longer accept Xichuan's control.

Ling Yuan stayed on guard for a while, but didn't find any other hidden arrows, so she put the sword back into its sheath.

"Your Highness, let's go home quickly."

At this time of the year, there were few people on the street, if a few assassins really appeared, she would really be overwhelmed.

Li Huang took the note, got into the carriage, and ordered: "Send someone later to find out what the envoys from Dongyu have been doing since they entered Beijing."

No matter what is written in this note is true or false, she has to check it out.

If you want to do something with her in Dayuan, there is nothing!

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