The master and servant returned to the eldest princess mansion soon.

Li Huang summoned Mu Feng and told him to check Dong Yu's whereabouts after entering Beijing.

Mu Feng moved very quickly and came back in less than an hour.

"Your Highness, I found out. The Dongyu envoys have been inquiring about the whereabouts and movements of the Eastern Palace these days. Moreover, my subordinates also discovered that they secretly brought a large amount of black flames with them when they entered Beijing."

The corner of Li Huang's eyes twitched: "Black fire?"

Mu Feng nodded: "They were included in the spices offered, so the soldiers guarding the pass didn't find out."

Li Huang stroked his chin and narrowed his eyes.

Black fire is a dangerous thing. The streets are crowded with people during the Lantern Festival, and there are people setting off fireworks everywhere. If Dongyu people want to take advantage of this time to ignite the black fire, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Your Highness, do you want to arrest Dongyu's envoys now?"

Mu Feng asked.

Li Huang waved his hand: "He hasn't done anything now, if you arrest him, he turns around and argues, saying that it was sent for us to make fireworks, what should you do?"

Mu Feng was stopped by her question.

Ling Yuan asked worriedly: "Your Highness, if they do something, the people of our capital will inevitably be affected, so what?"

Li Huang thought for a moment, then asked: "Is there anything you can do to replace those black flames?"

Mu Feng hesitated for a moment, then said: "If Ning Qi is here, he will definitely be able to, but the subordinates are only [-] to [-]% sure."

Li Huang: "..."

If she left that man with a dark face, would the people under her become useless?
Seeing that her expression was not right, Ling Yuan immediately glared at Mu Feng. Why does this person have no eyesight? Doesn't that guard Ning have already left?

Did he deliberately mention him in front of His Highness to make His Highness angry?

Mu Feng was inexplicably stared at by her. He patted his head and thought about it for a while. He seemed to be right. The guard Ning was superior to them in martial arts and stamina, and he did things more appropriately. This is a fact.

Seeing that he was not enlightened, Ling Yuan just wanted to kick him hard.

"Your Highness, don't you still have the Yunwai Building? Let them go, they can even rob the goods of the Third Highness, what is the black fire of this mere Eastern Yu Kingdom?"

Ling Yuan was afraid that Mu Feng would say something to make Li Huang unhappy, so she quickly opened her mouth to divert her attention.

Speaking of Yunwailou, Li Huang immediately remembered the attitude of the owner of Yunwailou when he saw Mo Jingzhan, and his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Seeing her silent for a long time, Ling Yuan couldn't help reminding her again: "Your Highness, before reselling the goods of the third highness and blaming the second princess, they did it seamlessly. Therefore, the servant feels that it is better to ask them to change to a black fire. It's not a problem."

Li Huang suppressed the doubt in her heart, and turned to look at Ling Yuan: "I almost forgot, there is still a Yunwai Tower that can be used."

Mu Feng asked: "Then this subordinate will go to Yunwai Tower right now?"

Li Huang nodded.

Mu Feng took the order and retreated.

Ling Yuan rubbed her sword, and asked curiously: "Your Highness, tell me, who passed the note to us just now?"

She also glanced at the words on the note, the handwriting, no matter how you look at it, was not written by an ordinary person.

Li Huang shook her head, she had never seen such domineering handwriting.

But for some reason, a guess appeared in her heart, but it was quickly thrown out of her mind.

At this time, Luo Mingchuan, who was sweating profusely from training, ran in bluffing: "Cousin, I almost forgot to tell you something."

When the words fell, people came in like a gust of wind.

He was not polite, picked up the teapot on the tea and poured himself two cups of water, then wiped his mouth, and then opened his mouth.

"Yesterday, I saw the prince's cousin sneaking into the post where the Dongyu envoy lived. I was a little surprised at the time. I wanted to see what the prince's cousin was up to, so I squatted outside for nearly two hours. I haven't seen him come out, do you think it's strange?"

Li Huang frowned: "Are you sure that's your cousin?"

Luo Mingchuan nodded, "Although I didn't see his face clearly, his body shape is no different from that of the prince's cousin. Cousin, it seems that the prince's cousin is going to meet the envoys of other countries privately at this time. Great, isn't it?"

If the ministers of the imperial court caught Xiaozi, they would impeach him later.

Didn't someone report him for collaborating with the enemy and treason before?
How long has it been now? If someone sees it, they will have to make a fuss about it again.

"Although the cousin of the crown prince didn't believe me that day at Huguo Temple, I thought, we are still a family after all."

If Li Yuze committed a serious crime, as his mother clan, the Luo family would not be able to escape.

That's why he hurried over to have breakfast, wanting to talk about it by the way.

It's just that he forgot about being made such a fuss by the uninvited Li Yuxiao.

Li Huang's brows became tighter and tighter. Of course, she didn't believe that Li Yuze could do anything treasonous.

Even if he had some shady business to negotiate with, he was looking for a big country like Baili, so why would he look for a small place like Dongyu, where the geographical location and climate are not advantageous?
"You said you didn't see his face clearly?" Li Huang asked.

Luo Mingchuan thought about it for a while, and he was sure that he had never seen the face, so he nodded again.

"Cousin, could it be that it's just a person who looks similar to the crown prince's cousin?"

After asking this question, he shook his head again: "No, no, no matter what he wears or the hair crown, those are undoubtedly the daily attire of the prince's cousin."

One must know that there is a clear distinction between the rich and powerful in Dayuan, and some hair crowns are not allowed to be worn by ordinary people.

Therefore, when he saw that figure, he decided that it was Li Yuze.

Li Huang repeatedly confirmed that Luo Mingchuan only saw a man with a similar figure to Li Yuze, but did not see the other person's face, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

She dared to conclude that that person was definitely not Li Yuze.

Thinking of the scene in the dream, Li Huang suddenly understood why Ying Han insisted that the person who belittled her was Li Yuze after waking up.

However, there was one thing she couldn't figure out, that was, Li Yuze was responsible for Ying Han in her dream.

However, today she had a chat with Ying Han, and she felt that she was not the kind of woman who would marry a man she despised when she lost her innocence.

Then, there must have been something else going on.

Just when Li Huang thought about it more and more, Luo Mingchuan at the side called her several times without knowing why.

"Cousin, cousin? Say something, should we ask the prince's cousin face to face?"

Luo Mingchuan was dying of anxiety.

Li Huang withdrew his mind, glanced at him, and comforted him: "This matter will be dealt with by the palace, you can go back after lunch, and you can't miss your homework, don't play around."

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