When Luo Mingchuan heard the word "classwork", the expression on his face immediately collapsed.

He hates reading the most.

However, he dared not be disobedient.

If one day he is randomly checked by his cousin and cannot answer, then he will really have no time to play in the future.


Halfway through lunch, Mu Feng came back.

With a dark complexion, he complained to Lihuang: "Your Highness, my subordinates have never seen Mr. Xiao at all."

Li Huang's face darkened, and she asked, "What's the matter? The Yunwai Tower really has something to do with Mo... Ning Qi?"

She was about to blurt out Mo Jingzhan's name, but turned around in time.

Mu Feng shook his head: "That's not true, it's just that he sent a subordinate out, and after his subordinate finished speaking His Highness's instructions, he only replied that he understood, and sent his subordinate away."

So, with this attitude, it's a bit confusing. Is the other party agreeing or not?

After a short moment of surprise, Li Huang snorted coldly: "So that's how it is."

In the past, it was Mo Jingzhan who went to Yunwailou to spread the word, but he could always get some extra wool from Xiao Yunlan.

She thought Xiao Yunlan was easy to talk to.

But it turns out that whether he speaks well or not depends on others.

This reminded her of the first time she went to the top floor of the Yunwai Building and bet against the landlord Xiao. The moment she won, the other party obviously had murderous intentions.

Later, when Mo Jingzhan appeared, Xiao Zhu's attitude changed 180 degrees.

She thought it was Yunwailou that she won with her ability, but now that she thinks about it carefully, what else is there that she doesn't understand?
Xiao Yunlan is also Mo Jingzhan's man!
The real owner of Yunwailou is Prince An's heir, Mo Jingzhan.

No wonder, his father sent people everywhere to search for him but failed, but it turned out that it was Yun Wai Lou who was covering him.

"Cousin, why is this so?"

Seeing Li Huang's smile getting colder and colder, Luo Mingchuan only felt panicked.

Li Huang gave him a sideways glance: "Eat quickly, leave quickly after eating."

The disgusted Luo Mingchuan didn't have the slightest sense of being a superfluous person: "Cousin, what did you ask Mu Feng to do? I can help too, you ask him to take me with you."

Li Huang put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped her mouth, and stood up gracefully, with the same sentence: "Leave quickly after eating."

After speaking, she lifted her foot and went to the side hall.

Mu Feng and Ling Yuan followed immediately.

Luo Mingchuan saw it, and it was clear that he didn't want him to participate.

So, he curled his lips and said, "If you don't participate, you won't participate."

Thinking of this, he took two mouthfuls of rice vigorously, and swept away the dishes on the table like a storm.

After entering the side hall, Li Huang ordered: "We don't care about the Yunwai Building, you pick a few with good skills, and find a way to replace the batch of black fires."

"Even if they are discovered, it's okay. Dongyu is a guilty conscience and dare not make a big deal. Otherwise, I, Dayuan, can level their small land with my hand!"

When she said this, her body was filled with a light of confidence.

They might have some scruples about going to war with Baili, but if Dongyu dared to hit a stone with an egg, they would not be afraid of Dayuan.

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange it."

Mu Feng cupped his fists and backed out.

Only Ling Yuan still looked confused: "Your Highness, just now Mr. Luo said that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince saw on the street yesterday, could it be a fake?"

Li Huang sneered: "Whether it's fake or not, won't we all know it on the Lantern Festival?"

In a blink of an eye, it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Before you arrived, the tables for those guessing lantern fans had already been set up, and all kinds of lanterns were hung along the street.

Those who used their dinner early have already taken to the streets one after another.

The top floor of Yunwai Building.

Xiao Yunlan looked at Mo Jingzhan lying on the soft chair with his eyes closed, and asked speechlessly: "Today is the Lantern Festival, do you really want to stay with me all night?"

But since you want to stay here with him, can you please take back the air-conditioning on your body, his delicate body can't stand it anymore.

Mo Jingzhan ignored him and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

The corner of Xiao Yunlan's mouth twitched, he wanted to see how long he could bear it.

"I heard that Gu Shizi carefully arranged the fireworks by the river and wanted to take the opportunity to show it to the eldest princess, so you really don't want to see it?"

Mo Jingzhan was indifferent.

Xiao Yunlan continued: "There is also the third prince of Baili. I heard that his injury has mostly healed. Two days ago, he sent someone to send a post to the eldest princess's mansion, inviting her highness to go boating on the lake together. The eldest princess seems to agree."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Jingzhan, who was pretending to be dead, opened his eyes suddenly, and a murderous look shot out of them.

Seeing that he finally reacted, Xiao Yunlan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Obviously they drove you away, but you have done so much for them behind the scenes. You don't really plan to marry her, do you?"

The imperial decree of granting marriage is known to the whole world.

Xiao Yunlan objected in his heart, the old emperor betrothed the eldest princess to him, and any fool could see his intentions.

Mo Jingzhan, the majestic lord of the Three Continents, is it possible that he is still restrained by the old emperor?
Mo Jingzhan glanced at him coldly, didn't bother to answer him a word, got up and walked out, and disappeared outside the door in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yunlan was very worried. The young master cared so much about a woman, and he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

the other side.

Li Huang was sitting on the porch having a barbecue, when Ling Yuan came to report: "Your Highness, the envoys of Dongyu Kingdom and the group of Xichuan Kingdom have already left the post house and went to visit Lantern Street."

Li Huang brought the roasted meat to his mouth, took a bite, and asked, "Where is the prince now?"

Ling Yuan: "Your Majesty ordered him to patrol the entire capital, in case these foreign envoys take the opportunity to fight for chaos, and there will be no trouble."

Li Huang nodded: "Then wait."

Ling Yuan poured a glass of wine for her and asked, "Your Highness, I heard that King Lin'an went to the palace to greet His Majesty early in the morning, and interceded for Concubine Luo Guifei by the way, and Concubine Luo Guifei has also performed very well during this time, and she is copying for the Empress again." After praying for blessings and embroidering the marriage certificate for you, His Majesty reluctantly agreed to release her restraint."

"In addition, after the fifteenth day, Concubine Xu will go back to the Royal Courtyard. She wants to meet her two grandchildren before she leaves."

Li Huang looked at the sizzling barbecue, and said sarcastically: "It seems that letting Brother San Huang lose some money, it would be better to disappoint him to the mother and daughter."

"It's okay, I'm just worried that I can't drive the Luo family out of the palace in one go!"

"As for Concubine Xu, let her visit the Eldest Princess Mansion in person."

After leaving this mansion, who knows what kind of trouble the old woman will make, she is willing to take that risk.

At this time, Mu Feng came in and said: "Your Highness, the people of Dongyu have made a move, and the envoys of Xichuan are in chaos."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, the fun began.

"Go, go out and have a look."

Ling Yuan immediately took the cloak for her and put it on, and Li Huang strode out of the mansion with the stove in her hands.

The street was crowded with people, but Li Huang took the alley and went straight to the alley on the outer wall of the East Palace.

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