Before that, he didn't believe it.

He thought that this might be what the eldest princess of Dayuan deliberately said to make them suspicious of each other, but at the moment when he was sprinkled with the drug and carried away, he believed it.

The dose of medicine given by the other party was not heavy, and it was obvious that he deliberately wanted to preserve his sanity so that he could hear what he said.

Thinking of this, he made a Xichuan salute to everyone, and said, "Everyone, I am very sure that the person who robbed me just now was from Dongyu!"

"They have long been dissatisfied with paying tribute to Dayuan every year, so they intend to take the opportunity to stir up the relationship between the countries and Dayuan."

After the words fell, the envoy of Dongyu jumped up and shouted: "You are talking nonsense, where is the evidence?"

Anyway, they would never admit something without evidence!
The people they bring are all carefully selected, and their skills are all top-notch, and ordinary people can't catch them.

As long as no one is caught, they will not recognize it.

However, as soon as he said this, a female voice came from the palace wall: "Since the envoys of Dongyu want evidence, then we will give you evidence."

As soon as the words fell, a person who was like a dead pig was smashed down heavily.

Everyone was startled, and they leaned over with torches to see clearly that it was a man wearing a purple gold crown and soap cloud boots.

At this moment, the man turned his back to them, as if he had been knocked out.

Immediately, Ling Yuan and Li Huang jumped down from the wall.

When everyone saw Li Huang, they all showed shocked expressions.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Li Huang glanced at those envoys from Dongyu indifferently, and said mockingly: "If my palace is not here, how can I see such a good show?"

In order to prevent the thief pretending to be Li Yuze from escaping, they squatted on the wall for a long time.

Unexpectedly, that person really has a way to heaven, he does not go, and there is no way to hell, but he wants to break into it.

As soon as he climbed into the wall of the East Palace, he was knocked out by Ling Yuan.

What Dongyu master is simply vulnerable!
She pointed to the people on the ground: "This is what you are looking for, the thief who pretends to be my highness the crown prince."

It was only then that everyone realized that this person looked somewhat similar to Li Yuze from the back.

At this time, those Dongyu envoys could no longer pretend to be calm.

"This man was brought out by you from the East Palace. Who knows if you were the ones shouting to catch the thief? Also, what about your Prince of the East Palace? He still hasn't come out after making such a big noise. Could it be that he is guilty of a thief?"

Anyway, that was the person they had carefully selected for their plan. No matter in figure or appearance, he was somewhat similar to Li Yuze.

At this time, a gentle yet majestic voice suddenly came from the crowd: "Is the envoy of Dongyu looking for me?"

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads in unison, and saw Li Yuze, surrounded by several officials appointed by the emperor in charge of the defense of the capital, standing behind them, looking at them with his hands behind his back, his face full of doubts.

The Dongyu envoys looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of consternation in each other's eyes.

Shouldn't this prince be in the East Palace?

As long as he walked out of the East Palace, he would not be able to explain what happened tonight.

After all, the East Palace is full of his people. Who would believe him when he said that he never captured Xiangguo Xichuan?

But why did he come back from outside?

Li Yuze had an extraordinary bearing and walked over gracefully.

The crowd automatically let him out of the way.

Li Huang knew the reason and asked: "His Royal Highness, just now the envoys of Dongyu claimed that you wanted to rob Xiangguo Xichuan, and intended to belittle her, so that she could not return to Dongyu. I don't know how the prince can refute it?"

When Li Yuze heard this, the surprise on his face did not seem to be fake.

He looked around the crowd, then looked at the guard wearing Ying Han's clothes, and said: "Father ordered me to inspect the capital, I dare not slack off, and I have been staying with the little general several times. If you don't believe me, you can ask Ying Xiangguo himself."

When the matter developed to this point, everyone remembered that Ying Han, the protagonist of this matter, had never appeared until now.

Following Li Yuze's words, a slender figure flashed out from behind several officials of Dayuan.

She looked at the envoys of the Eastern Yu Kingdom and said with a sneer, "Since the dinner, I have been discussing with several adults in Dayuan about the next year's trade tariffs. I never thought that you would have such ulterior motives and want to destroy The innocence of the truth."

The envoy of Dongyu made up his mind and refused to admit it: "Don't talk nonsense, you Xichuan may have made this matter yourself, don't rely on us, Dongyu."

Ying Han's guard immediately said: "His Royal Highness Prince Dayuan, Princess Eldest, I am sure that this person is from Dongyu, because Dongyu people like to eat garlic, and they have a choking garlic smell."

They Xichuan people don't have this habit.

When everyone heard what he said, they immediately moved over there.

"Huh? What's the smell? It's so weird."

It was cold and windy, so they couldn't feel it from a distance, but when they got close to smell it, the smell of garlic mixed with spices made them feel sick.

Even those scholars who have always prided themselves on being contemptuous, at this time, they can't help but show a look of disgust.

"This is really from Dongyu."

Just like that, if you dare to go to other people's territory to do things, how did you grow your brain?

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Dongyu's envoys with ambiguous eyes.

Some bold ones even went to Dongyu's envoys to inhale it, and found that they also had that unspeakable smell.

The faces of those Dongyu envoys turned dark: "What are you doing? It's unreasonable!"

"Even if that person smells, it doesn't mean we did it."

Anyway, they wouldn't recognize it if they were killed.

At this time, Ling Yuan had already woken up the unconscious man on the ground.

"Everyone, you are already awake, how about we have a trial in person?"

As she spoke, she stabbed the man's leg with a dagger.

The man screamed in pain, and immediately recruited everything: "I am from Dongyu, and I sent us to your Majesty to wait for an opportunity to find some mistakes in Dayuan, so that you will lose popular support. For this reason, we also brought a Batch black flames into Beijing..."

When everyone heard that there was still black fire, the crowd immediately panicked.

Tonight is the Lantern Festival, and there are people setting off fireworks everywhere. If those black flames blow up, wouldn't the entire capital be killed or injured?

"You are simply hateful, you are such a small piece of land, we, Dayuan, don't mind protecting you, yet you actually want to avenge your kindness, uncles and aunts, kill this guy!"

People in the crowd shouted and rushed forward, punching and kicking the Dongyu envoys.

For a while, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Those Dongyu envoys originally wanted to quibble a few words, but they never expected that the people of this Dayuan would be so tough, and even the officials of the court had not even spoken, and they raised their hands as soon as they came up.

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