The group of Dongyu envoys were beaten and screamed: "You bombers, barbarians, are unreasonable!"

However, who are the angry people at this time, who has the heart to listen to their nonsense?
Li Huang also did not expect that the people in this capital would be so violent, and she was afraid of killing them all, so she said in a timely manner: "Those black fires are no longer a serious problem, everyone can rest assured to watch the lanterns and fireworks tonight. As for these bedbugs, leave them to the imperial court."

When the people heard this, they slowly stopped.

"Bah~" Someone spit on those Dongyu envoys after kicking the last kick, "What, a small country dares to come to Dayuan to make trouble!"

After the people retreated, the patrolmen of the city battalion were able to step forward and pick up those Dongyu envoys.

"His Royal Highness, what should we do with these Dongyu envoys?"

Li Yuze glanced lightly at the Dongyu envoys whose noses and faces were bruised and swollen from the beating, and said, "Temporarily imprison them in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and then go to the post house to search to see if there are any other fish that slipped through the net."

After Ye Beichen got the order, he led a group of soldiers and left.

Seeing that the play was over, Li Huang immediately let out a cheer and prepared to go back home to rest earlier.

Unexpectedly, just as the crowd was about to disperse, the Dongyu man pretending to be Li Yuze laughed loudly: "You stupid people from Dayuan, do you really think that we only brought so many people from Dongyu? Look down on us!"

When everyone heard this, their footsteps paused again.

Even Li Huang couldn't help frowning, she was sure that she had sent someone to clean up the hidden dangers brought by Dongyu Kingdom.

The man looked around from the crowd, and smiled proudly: "Do you think that we only brought black fire with us on this trip?"

Li Yuze's complexion changed, he stepped forward, grabbed the other side's skirt with his own hands, and shouted sharply: "What else did you do?"

The man looked at him mockingly, and said with a high voice: "It won't be long before you will know!"

After speaking, he bit the poison sac and passed away.

Li Yuze's expression immediately darkened.

The crowd who had finally been appeased suddenly became agitated again.

"Take people back and interrogate them carefully. I won't believe it. If Da Yuan eighteen tortures are given to them, they still can't recruit them!"

Li Yuze looked at the Dongyu envoys with cold eyes, and ordered loudly.


At this moment, no matter whether it was the soldiers from the Xuncheng Camp or the guards from the Eastern Palace, they all looked at these Dongyu envoys as if they were looking at a group of dead people.

Under their hands, there is no mouth that cannot be pried open.

Those Dongyu envoys were stupefied by the beating just now, and now they came back to their senses, shouting again and again: "He is talking nonsense, we only brought some black fire, and did nothing else..."

However, Li Yuze didn't want to listen to what they said later, and ordered someone to take them away with their arms twisted.

Due to such disturbances from the East Yu Kingdom, this Lantern Festival was completely ruined.

Everyone was not in the mood to set off any more lanterns or fireworks. At this moment, their minds were filled with the last words of the impostor before his death, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

Li Huang was also a little bit battered.

After returning to the eldest princess's mansion, she called Mu Feng: "Are you sure that there is only a little bit of black fire carried by the Dongyu envoys?"

Mu Feng nodded, with a firm tone: "Returning to Your Highness, there are indeed only two boxes, no matter how many, the little tribute they brought may not be able to cover it."

Li Huang lightly tapped the table with her fingers, thoughtful.

If that person was not referring to the black fire before he died, then what else?
"Could it be poisoning?"

Thinking of this, Li Huang's face changed drastically.

She hurriedly got up and went straight to the palace.

At this moment, the old emperor already knew the news outside the palace and was reprimanding Li Yuze.

"You said that you, as the crown prince of the Eastern Palace, didn't notice these things at all, and asked your sister to clean up for you, hmph."

When the old emperor saw this eldest son, he really didn't like everything.

Especially in these years, he was as blind as he was, letting his younger sister not be favored, and protecting the daughter born to Concubine Luo all day long.

Just thinking about it makes him angry.

"My son and minister have neglected their duties, and my father calmed down."

Li Yuze stood there with his head bowed, his fists hidden in his sleeves clenched and tightened.

"If it wasn't for your sister, I'm afraid you will be tricked again this time."

The old emperor had a terrible headache, and he didn't know when he, the crown prince, would be able to make progress.

"Okay, hurry up and find out what else Dongyu Kingdom has done. Get lost."

Li Yuze answered "Yes", then bowed and backed out.

As soon as he left on his front foot, Li Huang came on his back foot.

The old emperor, who was still so angry that his beard was raised, immediately laughed like an old chrysanthemum when he saw his daughter.

"Huang'er, my darling, why did you come into the palace so late? Is there something urgent?"

Li Huang also didn't care about saluting, and took the old emperor's arm and said, "Father, hurry up and ask the imperial physician to inspect the things that Dongyu people paid tribute to, I'm afraid there may be poison in them."

Hearing what she said, the old emperor immediately became serious.

"Come here, send the imperial physician into the palace."

The imperial doctors who were forced to go to work before the end of the new year did not dare to slack off.

Finally, after three days and two nights of careful inspection, they found no poisonous substances in the spices and other tributes from Dongyu.

The old emperor frowned: "Have you checked carefully?"

The doctor hurriedly cupped his hands: "Return to Your Majesty, we have inspected their batch of things no less than three times in the whole hospital, and we are sure that there is no poison in them."

Hearing what he said, the old emperor was slightly relieved.

But just halfway through his breath, he raised it again.

Since it wasn't poisoning, then what on earth did Dong Yu's bastards do in Dayuan?
If this matter is not clarified, the whole Great Abyss will fall into a panic.

However, the interrogation of the Dongyu envoys by the Ministry of Criminal Justice did not yield any results.

Just when everyone fell into a cloud of gloom, there was unexpected news at the storytelling conference.

On this day, Mrs. Xu came to the eldest princess mansion early in the morning.

After seeing the ceremony, she reported the recent selection situation.

"Your Highness, here are the top [-] finalists and their entries. Please take a look."

Li Huang looked at the thick pile of materials, and sighed that it is easy to do things with money.

"You can just ask your subordinates to deliver these things, and you don't need to go there yourself."

Mrs. Xu took a sip of tea, but stopped talking.

Li Huang saw that she had other things to do when she came here today, so she said: "Madam has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

Mrs. Xu seemed to consider it for a while, and then said: "Your Highness, have you encountered any trouble recently?"

Li Huang's heart skipped a beat: "Where did Madam say that?"

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