"This subordinate originally wanted to follow that Prince Beihu and see what he was going to do next. He never thought that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would appear out of nowhere and immediately take that Prince Beihu away."

Li Huang: "..."

Why did Li Yuze escape?

Ling Yuan was also full of astonishment: "Isn't His Highness the Crown Prince responsible for keeping an eye on those envoys? Why is he going to arrest Prince Beihu?"

Besides, Dong Yu's gang haven't found anything yet, have they?
How could he still have the time to deal with a nonsense guy who just talked nonsense?

Mu Feng couldn't put it into words: "His Royal Highness said that there was an envoy from Dongyu who confessed that someone would make trouble in the capital of Dayuan in order to disturb the hearts of the people. It just so happened that Prince Beihu fell into his hands."

Ling Yuan opened her eyes wide: "..."

What a coincidence.

Li Huang asked the key point: "Did His Royal Highness meet Prince Beihu when he was looking for someone in the street, or did Prince Beihu bump into him on his own initiative?"

Mu Feng: "Returning to Your Highness, he bumped into him on his own initiative, and the way to seek death is exactly the same as in the wine shop before."

Li Huang was speechless for a moment.

Ling Yuan asked: "Then Your Highness, everyone has fallen into the hands of His Highness the Crown Prince, what else can we investigate?"

The same is true for His Royal Highness the prince, leaving so many envoys from other countries in the capital alone, why did he come to arrest a nonsense Prince Beihu?
Others didn't know about it, but they thought that the prince of Dayuan was just doing nothing like this.

Li Huang looked at Mu Feng: "Go to the East Palace and tell the prince that it is Prince Beihu, don't miss it and kill him."

Mu Feng clasped his fists in response, then dodged out.

At this time, a servant came to report: "Your Highness, the Second Princess is here."

Li Huang frowned: "What is she here for?"

Concubine Luo Gui on the front foot was only released from the confinement, so Li Chuchu couldn't bear it anymore on the back foot?

The servant shook his head: "The Second Princess only said that she came to pay New Year's greetings."

Li Huang: "..."

This year is over, what year do you want to pay homage to?

I'm afraid Li Chuchu didn't come to make a joke!
However, she didn't even bother to find a decent reason, so it could be seen that she really wanted to find her something.

"Let her in."

Li Huang said lightly.

The servant responded and withdrew.

Ling Yuan: "Your Highness, these two princesses will go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing, so we have to be careful."

There was a sneer on the corner of Li Huang's lips, she was really afraid that she would do nothing.

Not long after, Li Chuchu was led in by his servants.

"See Elder Princess Elder Sister."

Li Chuchu gave her a respectful salute, although he was not as pretentious as before, but his attitude was so affectionate that it made one's scalp tingle.

Li Huang glanced at her, and asked: "I heard that the imperial sister came to pay New Year's greetings to me today? Why are you here empty-handed?"

Li Chuchu's eyes flashed, and then he smiled and said: "Sister Elder Princess is joking, since she is here to pay New Year's greetings, my sister will definitely not empty her hands."

As she said that, she took out a jade bottle from her bosom, and held it with both hands: "This is the skin nourishing cream that the third brother brought back from the fief, my sister thought, the elder princess and sister practice martial arts every day, and it is inevitable If you get some injuries, you won’t have any scars after using this.”

Li Huang looked at her with raised eyebrows, not believing that this woman would be so kind.

However, she still signaled Ling Yuan to take the things over.

She wanted to see what the other party was trying to do.

However, Li Chuchu didn't leave immediately after delivering the things, Li Huang knew she had other things to do.

Sure enough, after sitting and chatting awkwardly for about a cup of tea, Li Chuchu finally revealed the purpose of her trip.

"Sister Elder Princess, it's my uncle's birthday next month, can you take me with you?"

Li Huang put down the teacup: "Why should I take you there? Can't you go by yourself?"

Li Chuchu lowered her head, showing a little grievance: "I'm afraid that my uncle doesn't like me, so I won't be allowed to enter the house then."

Thinking of this, Li Chuchu hated to death.

They are also nieces, so why is the treatment so bad?

Is it because her mother is a concubine?

Li Huang was surprised: "How come? Uncle is not that kind of person."

Even though she has been demoted to be the princess, she is also the princess of the royal family. No matter how unhappy Luo Jiyuan is, she will not slap the emperor in the face in public.

Li Chuchu said so, could it be that he did something to annoy Luo Jiyuan, so he ordered the concierge not to let her in?
If so, then it is understandable.

"Elder Princess, please take me with you. Please, the concubine mother said that if I can't deliver the gift to the Luo Mansion smoothly on my uncle's birthday, she will tell me not to enter the palace anymore."

As she spoke, she was about to kneel on the ground again.

Seeing her acting like this, Li Huang felt a little tired, so she waved her hand: "Okay, on that day, wait outside the gate of the mansion."

Li Chuchu was overjoyed, and quickly thanked: "Thank you, Elder Princess, then Chu Chu will not bother Elder Princess here, and Chu Chu will leave."

With that said, she got up and walked out.

Through the back view, Li Huang could see a bit of joy.

She rubbed her chin and told Ling Yuan: "You let people stare at her, I always think she's not holding back anything good."

Ling Yuan nodded and went out.

A Yuan came in carrying the freshly washed clothes: "Your Highness, I heard that the third prince of Baili was riding a horse in the countryside yesterday, and fell off his horse, almost paralyzed."

Li Huang: "..."

Why does she feel that this fall is a bit strange?
After all, the third prince of Baili Kingdom has been able to ride a horse and shoot arrows since he could walk. Can he fall off his horse easily?

"Oh, then he is really miserable."

Even though he was so unlucky, Li Huang still couldn't sympathize with him.

Inexplicable, but also a little want to laugh.

For some reason, she suddenly said, "I heard that the eldest son of Zuo Yushi's family held a poetry meeting in Zhenbao Pavilion?"

Ah Yuan nodded: "Yes, those envoys all went to join in the fun, and originally wanted to show their faces, but they were crushed back by that young master Zuo, but they gave Dayuan a big back Face."

I have to say that the sons and daughters of Zuo Yushi's family are really well-raised.

Li Huang praised without hesitation: "In terms of literary talent, I, Dayuan, will not lose to those small countries around me, but in terms of military force, no one has shown their hands so far. This is probably to make those small countries who have been provoked Got an idea."

A Yuan looked at Li Huang curiously: "Your Highness, is it possible that you want to hold a martial arts tournament?"

It's hard not to feel that she is intimidating when the dignified eldest princess of a country comes to hold such a conference in person.

Li Huang chuckled lightly: "I don't need to act. Those who are eager to show off and want to show off will naturally think of this level."

After all, Mr. Zuo has already shown off his poems on the occasion of the poetry meeting. Don't those speculators who know how to read the wind don't understand?

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