Sure enough, less than a few days before the poetry meeting organized by Mr. Zuo, Gu Chenzhou temporarily set up a large competition arena in the west of the city on the grounds of cutting martial arts.

The No.1 winner is a red cherry spear used by the founding hero of the Gu family.

As soon as this news came out, those martial arts young talents in the capital were all excited.

You know, that red cherry spear is only made of fine iron, it is extremely sharp, and it was the treasure that picked the heads of many enemy generals on the battlefield and helped the Gu family create a generation of achievements.

This is undoubtedly full of temptations for those sons who are eager to make contributions on the battlefield.

That kind of treasure, even if it is placed at home, is also very majestic.

All of a sudden, applicants poured in.

Li Huang, who got the news, couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "This Gu Chenzhou really spent a lot of money in order to gain fame."

I just don't know, if he is not the winner, but loses the ancestral red cherry spear, will he be killed by Ping Yanghou.

"Your Highness, are we going to have a try?" Ling Yuan was already eager to try.

The rules of the competition did not say that women cannot participate.

She is also a little interested in the red cherry gun owned by the Gu family.

Although, she doesn't use a gun, but just like what most people think, she can be placed in the princess mansion.

"This kind of opportunity to suppress Gu Shizi, I naturally want to get involved."

Ling Yuan's eyes lit up, and her voice became excited: "Your Highness, are you going to play in person?"

Li Huang nodded, Gu Chenzhou set up a ring competition, and the competition was not all about martial arts, but also riding and shooting. Although her martial arts were not high, she would not lose easily in riding and shooting.

"Your Highness, the competition lasts for three days, let's go and see the excitement first." Ling Yuan said, and she had already started to get Li Huang's coat.

Although the new year is over, it is still a bit cold in the capital now, if you don't wear thicker clothes, you will easily catch cold.

As soon as the master and servant finished speaking, Luo Mingchuan ran in blusteringly: "Cousin, are you going out to watch the fun? Take me with you? I'm done practicing."

As he spoke, he raised his arms and brightened his muscles.

Ling Yuan looked at him speechlessly: "Master Luo, you still like to join in the fun so much."

However, with his three-legged cat skills, wouldn't it be a shame if he couldn't help but play later?

However, the despised young master Luo didn't take it seriously. He looked at Li Huang and said righteously: "Cousin, if you don't take me with you, some eyesless people will come to your side when you turn around. Who will give you that?" Are you blocking peach blossoms?"

Li Huang was directly amused by him, how could he still protect her from love?

Ling Yuan was also overjoyed: "Your Highness, you can't even beat Gu Shizi?"

Luo Mingchuan's eyes widened: "..."

If you beat someone but not face, will this servant girl speak?

"Cousin, the servant girl next to you is really getting more and more presumptuous!" Luo Mingchuan stretched out his hand to pull Li Huang's sleeve, pointed at Ling Yuan and complained, "Just watch her talk to me so contemptuously, Don't you care?"

He found out that since he came to the princess' mansion, no one in the mansion took him seriously.

Is it because he is not angry?
Li Huang stretched out his hand and patted him on the head: "Okay, don't make trouble, I'll take you there."

Luo Mingchuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately tossed Ling Yuan's words that offended him just now.

He went out to the street with his cousin, and saw how those villains still talked about him being rejected by the royal family!
"Cousin, if you just go out like this, I'm afraid you didn't enjoy watching enough?" Luo Mingchuan rolled his eyes and said, "How many people in this capital city don't recognize you? Where do you go? Compared with what??"

"We're just going to watch something lively, you can't do things that are waiting for Jing Xiang to be played by others, can you?"

Li Huang looked at him with a half-smile: "Are you really thinking about those sons, or are you thinking of something else?"

Luo Mingchuan shook his head again and again: "Cousin, what can I have in mind? I just want to be a good little brother by your side."

He smiled flatteringly, the corners of Li Huang's mouth twitched, but he didn't expose him.

"Okay, then I will change my outfit."

After that, she went into the back room.

Ling Yuan hurried in to help her change her makeup.

Not long after, a Li Huang with simple makeup and plain dress came out slowly.

For the sake of convenience, she was wearing a jacket with narrow sleeves, and the hairpins on her head were removed, and only a few simple ribbons were tied. At first glance, she really looked like a woman who came out of the folk.

It's just that that whole body bearing can't be covered no matter what.

Luo Mingchuan gave a "tsk" sound: "Cousin, even if you wear a sack, you can make those red-eyed patients in the capital mad."

After all, with such an appearance, such a bearing, among the noble ladies in the capital, who would dare to compete with his cousin?
Li Huang stretched out his hand and poked his head away: "Let's go, don't be poor, you won't be able to watch the excitement when it's late."

Luo Mingchuan immediately became excited: "Let's go, let's go, then we must go faster."

After finishing speaking, he raised his legs and jumped out, and disappeared in a flash.

Ling Yuan was speechless: "His Royal Highness, this Young Master Luo's temperament of teasing cats and dogs and loving to join in the fun, I don't know who he followed."

If such a guy is expected to inherit the uncle's mansion in the future, when will he have to wait?

Li Huang shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, I will teach you slowly."

It's okay to be a bit picky, as long as he handles things safely.

In order to keep a low profile, this trip did not take a carriage with the princess mark, but an ordinary carriage.

"Hurry up, why haven't you arrived yet?"

Along the way, Luo Mingchuan kept lifting the curtain to look out, and kept urging Ling Yuan who was driving the carriage.

Ling Yuan rolled her eyes, if Mu Feng hadn't been sent out, she wouldn't have wanted to drive the carriage for the young master.

Two quarters later.

The carriage finally reached the west of the city.

Looking at the crowded arena, Ling Yuan lifted the curtain and said, "Your Highness, this carriage is a bit full, we can only walk for a while."

Li Huang nodded, got out of the carriage, looked at the black head on the edge of the ring, turned his head to look at Luo Mingchuan: "Hurry up and find a place where you can watch the excitement."

"Good Le~"

Luo Mingchuan happily responded, and then walked towards the nearby teahouse and restaurant.

He is the most proficient at doing this kind of thing.

With all the teahouses and restaurants in the capital, who wouldn't recognize him as Young Master Luo?
Sure enough, not long after, Luo Mingchuan came back in a panic.

"Cousin, let's go over there. The shopkeeper said that there is an excellent location on the second floor."

Li Huang followed the direction of his finger and looked towards the railing on the second floor, raising his eyebrows.

That was indeed a good position, she raised her hand and pinched Luo Mingchuan's ear: "Did you not threaten or lure others? Or use power to suppress others?"

She is very clear about this guy's pissing nature. Wasn't she punished him because he ran amok in other people's shop?

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