Speaking of the God of War of the Three Continents, that familiar and ruthless shadow instantly appeared in Li Huang's mind.

That stinky and heartless bastard, if you let him go, he really left!

Seeing that her expression turned ugly all of a sudden, Morha thought she had said something wrong, and immediately touched her braid: "Did I say something wrong?"

The God of War of the Three Continents is jealous of the surrounding countries, which is why those small countries only dare to make small moves behind their backs.

Compared to Li Huang's restlessness and confusion, Li Yuze is much better.

He heard that the guard who was always by Li Huang's side was driven away, thinking that his imperial sister is a royal after all, and he still knows how to take care of the royal face.

She is now engaged to be engaged, so it is indeed appropriate to keep such a guard by her side and let others gossip.

"You're right. There are three continents of war gods in Dayuan, so I'm not afraid of you going back on your word." Li Huang said, looking at Li Yuze, "His Royal Highness, let him go, and then let the wind out, saying that this Beihu businessman is because of nonsense. Yuyu has been executed by you."

Li Yuze frowned: "You let him fake his death and sneak back to the country?"

He is not a fool either, once Li Huang said that, he understood.

"However, if he sneaked back alone, he may not have saved his relatives."

When the time comes, won't it be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?
He didn't understand why Li Huang couldn't understand such a simple thing.

However, what Li Huang said next left him speechless.

She said: "Since I promised to help him, I will not let him go back without support."

Morha's heart skipped a beat: "Could it be that the growing princess wants to lend me someone?"

Li Huang shook his head: "I believe that if you want to turn around, you won't even have a cronies around you, right?"

"You may not be able to use it with confidence if someone from this Palace lends it to you, but this Palace can lend you a batch of hidden weapons. Those hidden weapons can help you return to Beihu successfully."

As for whether he can save his own relatives, that depends on his own ability.

Dayuan will never send people to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries on the surface, so as not to be caught by other countries.

Morha is also a smart person, so he can naturally understand this.

His purpose of this trip was originally to ask Da Yuan to show mercy to Bei Hu's subordinates, he never dared to think that he could borrow soldiers from Da Yuan.

However, since Li Huang is willing to provide him with hidden weapons, then this is an unexpected gain from his trip.

Li Yuze didn't know where she got the hidden weapon, so he immediately speculated: "Where did you get the hidden weapon? Could it be that you got it from the military supervisor?"

Thinking of this, his face immediately sank.

"Huang'er, those things are of great importance, and they must not be given to other countries easily!"

A country's weapon forging technology is related to the country's foundation, and it must not be easily learned by outsiders.

Now, Li Huang is going to give away those things just because of an empty promise from the other party. Isn't she afraid that after they get it, they will make a large number of imitations, which will be used to deal with their Dayuan soldiers in the future?
As the prince of Dayuan, he would never allow such a thing to happen.

Li Huang looked down at her grasped forearm, and there was a trace of ridicule in her eyes.

As her eldest brother, she still didn't believe her enough.

Either way!

She, Li Huang, has always acted according to her heart, so what's the point if others don't understand her?
Immediately, she withdrew her hand, raised her eyes and looked at him indifferently: "His Royal Highness thinks that Li Huang is a fool?"

If she dared to lend it to others easily, she was extremely sure, and the other party could not easily imitate it.

Otherwise, wouldn't she be shooting herself in the foot?

Li Yuze opened his mouth: "I didn't mean that, I was worried..."

But Li Huang was already impatient to hear him continue: "His Royal Highness should be worried about the security of the capital, right? Those envoys haven't left yet, who knows who will be instigated again."

After that, she turned and left.

After walking a few steps, she turned her head to look at Morha in the cell again: "Disguise after dark and wait at the back door of the Princess's Mansion. I will send someone to deliver the hidden weapon to you."

As for how to leave the capital and how to take things away, that was out of her scope.

If he needs help even for this, then he can't expect to go back and take back what belongs to him.

Li Yuze, who was pushed away by Li Huang once again, looked like a rainstorm, and even Morha, who was still somewhat confident, became a little embarrassed.

The brother-sister relationship between Dayuan seems to be a little delicate...

After leaving the East Palace, Ling Yuan immediately passed a post to Li Huang: "Your Highness, Mrs. Pingyang Marquis personally went to the mansion to post the post just now. Ah Yuan didn't dare to delay, so she sent it here."

Li Huang took a look at the post, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "I even asked her daughter to marry her daughter out of the capital, how dare she invite me to a wedding?"

You can guess it with your toes, this Han family can't be at ease.

However, since someone is chasing him to death, she doesn't mind giving Pingyang Marquis a heavy blow again.

"Your Highness, this Marquis of Pingyang is ruthless enough. He will marry a daughter in three days. I'm afraid it's too late to prepare the dowry, right?"

Li Huang sneered: "The other party is a wealthy family, so why would they care about their dowry in the Marquis of Pingyang?"

Besides, how dare Marquis Pingyang give her a red make-up for a girl who was rejected by the royal family?
At this time, Luo Mingchuan hurried over: "Cousin, if you don't make a move, the red cherry gun will be snatched away."

Li Huang looked at him in astonishment: "Isn't there still a few days left in the competition? It's only the second day, why is it being snatched away?"

Luo Mingchuan's face was as ugly as eating shit: "Just an hour ago, a burly, rough-looking man appeared out of nowhere, and kicked the children of those aristocratic families off the ring one by one. Now, He snatched the red cherry gun into his hands, and no one is his opponent, cousin, what should we do?"

He knew that Li Huang was not his opponent, but he subconsciously felt that Li Huang should have a way.

"Where did that person come from? Is it someone from the envoys?" Li Huang asked.

There is no man of this stature in Dayuan Capital.

"Looking at the attire, he looks like Dongyu's guard. However, this person doesn't seem to understand Dayuan language. He only knows how to go up and snatch the gun and then make a provocation. None of the masters in the capital can snatch the gun back from him. Bring the gun."

It is obviously a waste of words to tell a barbarian who does not understand the language the rules of the game.

At this time, it is the most direct and effective for someone to knock that person off the ring.

Li Huang frowned: "Then the Gu family is watching like this?"

It was their ancestral treasure, and she didn't think they could just watch that gun being taken away.

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