When mentioning the family surnamed Gu, Luo Mingchuan unconsciously revealed a hint of disdain.

"There is no one in that family who can fight, and dare to take out the treasure of the town house as a lottery. It would be fine if these children in the capital took it away. What if it was taken away by some foreign master? Isn't it embarrassing?"

A great country can't even keep its own treasure that symbolizes its own glory. Wouldn't it be a joke if it was spread?
"Cousin, think of a way." Luo Mingchuan said anxiously.

Although he doesn't like Pingyang Marquis Mansion, he doesn't like Gu Chenzhou even more.

However, when it comes to matters related to Dayuan's face, he can still be clear about it.

"Let's go and have a look first before we talk." Li Huang signaled him to get on the carriage first, and he had to see the other party's route before talking about the specific method.

The carriage soon arrived at the west fork of the city.

Because there is a ring in front, there are people all around, so they can only get out of the carriage and walk.

From a distance, people in Dayuan could still hear the shouts of people under the arena: "Where did this person come from? Is there no one to care about?"

"Yeah, do you understand the rules? In addition to martial arts competitions, there is also riding and shooting!"

"That's right! Put down our Da Yuan's Changsheng Red Cherry Spear!"

Protests erupted one after another.

However, the strong man on the stage turned a deaf ear to it, and just kept gesturing at the audience with the gun, his eyes full of provocation.

The people of Dayuan were furious!

If they didn't know martial arts, they would have rushed up and kicked that man off the ring.

Li Huang watched from a distance for a long time before asking Luo Mingchuan: "Where are the envoys from Dongyu Kingdom? Where can they hide to watch the excitement?"

She glanced around, but did not see Dong Yu's share in the crowd.

Luo Mingchuan pointed to a certain attic not far away, and said angrily: "I saw two there before, but they probably slipped away because they were afraid that Da Yuan would trouble them."

Therefore, the unruly person on the stage was obviously acquiesced by Dongyu's group of envoys.

"Since the people in Dongyu want to mess things up, then I want to let them know that Da Yuan's business is not so easy to mess up."

After saying that, she pulled out the whip around her waist, raised her feet and walked towards the ring.

Luo Mingchuan was startled: "Cousin, do you want to do it yourself?"

He wanted Li Huang to think of a way, but he didn't want her to do it by herself.

"Don't you have people under your command? You call them here."

Luo Mingchuan was in a hurry.

What if the other party relies on his brute strength to really hurt someone badly?
At that time, Uncle Huang will have to peel his skin!
Thinking of this, Luo Mingchuan almost cried.

However, Li Huang has already leaped onto the ring quickly.

Those voices of denunciation that were originally noisy suddenly quieted down.

Someone recognized Li Huang and called out: "That's Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!"

"Is the eldest princess going to go up and take back the gun from the Pingyang Marquis Mansion in person?"

For a while, the crowd began to gossip again.

They didn't forget how Li Huang was so obedient to the eldest son of the Gu family before.

It was so ruthless before, but now it seems that they really haven't given up yet.

Not to mention that the common people who watched the excitement had their own thoughts, even the Gu family guarding the ring couldn't help but think contemptuously, thinking that the eldest princess is a backbone, and they really don't like their sons. Now it seems that, This is obviously not worth it.

Look, for the sake of their Gu family's face, isn't this going to put their lives on the stage?

Li Huang didn't know that she just wanted to save Da Yuan's face, these people had so much drama in their hearts.

However, even if she knew, she didn't care.

When the guard of Dayu saw the delicate and soft girl, a look of contempt appeared in his eyes.

He pointed at the spear, muttered something, and then made a gesture of "bring the horse over" to Li Huang.

That attitude can be described as extremely arrogant.

Li Huang clenched the whip in her hand, and was about to attack her opponent's lower body, when a hand with well-defined bones appeared from nowhere, and tightly held her wrist.

"Your Highness, this man has great martial arts skills. You are not an opponent. You must not act impulsively just because of me."

As soon as these words came out, Li Huang's face immediately darkened.

She shot down the paw holding her wrist with cold eyes, and her tone sank: "Let go!"

However, regarding the coldness released from her body, Gu Chenzhou didn't seem to feel it at all, and he was still talking to himself.

"Your Highness, I remember your friendship, but you really don't have to do it for me..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Huang slapped him backhandedly.

For a while, the whole place was dead silent!
Gu Chenzhou was stunned, and the ordinary people watching the fun were also stunned.

Li Huang finally withdrew her wrist, took two steps back, and kept a safe distance from Gu Chenzhou.

She looked at Gu Chenzhou, her eyes were full of sarcasm: "Gu Shizi has the time to indulge himself here, why don't you think about how to get back your Gu family's red cherry gun!"

At this moment, her dislike for Gu Chenzhou almost reached its peak.

She felt that she was blind in her previous life to fall in love with such a person.

Gu Chenzhou was ashamed and embarrassing, but he also knew that there were so many foreign envoys in the capital waiting to see Da Yuan's jokes, it was really inappropriate for him to talk about personal affairs with Li Huang at this time.

So, he took a deep breath and said: "Your Highness said yes, but this person is full of brute force, and his inner strength is also extremely deep. Even if Your Highness has practiced some martial arts before, I am afraid that he is not his opponent. Let me do it."

But before his words fell, Li Huang was already impatient to listen to his babbling here, raised his whip and rushed over.

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Ling Yuan then jumped onto the ring, drew her sword and stabbed at Dong Yu's guard's left rib.

The guard had to avoid Li Huang's whip and Ling Yuan's sword, but he was able to handle it with ease, which shows that his martial arts are really extraordinary.

Li Huang frowned: "His foot is not stable, if you attack his foot, I will cover you."

Ling Yuan immediately understood what Li Huang was going to do, and immediately responded, raising her sword and stabbing fiercely at the opponent's lower body.

Her swordsmanship was fast and ruthless, Li Huang's whip traveled like a pen, and the master and servant cooperated tacitly, which made the Dongyu guards a little overwhelmed for a while.

The three of them quickly took twenty or thirty moves in the ring.

Suddenly, Li Huang and Ling Yuan quickly switched attacking positions. Ling Yuan's sword stabbed at the face of Dong Yu's guard, and Li Huang's whip directly circled his legs.

It was too late to say, but it was so fast at that time, I saw the two servants walking quickly on the ring, one pulling and the other stabbing.

bang bang!

The red cherry gun was released, and Dongyu's guards also smashed heavily on the ring.

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