All the people under the stage took a breath in unison.

Gu Chenzhou, who originally planned to rush to save Li Huang's life when Li Huang's power was dying, so as to win her favor again, was dumbfounded.

Li Huang whipped the whip, and the gun directly landed in her hand.

She raised the corners of her lips, and said in a loud voice: "Since this gun is in Ben Gong's hands, then it belongs to Ben Gong."

The Dongyu guard finally regained his composure at this moment, and uttered a foul language in Da Yuan's unskilled language: "Your grandma is a bear, two against one, you don't talk about martial arts!"

As soon as he said this, he regretted it.

At this time, everyone looked at him with anger.

"It turns out he can speak Dayuan dialect!"

"It seems that this guy is just pretending to be stupid, maliciously came to the stage to break the rules, and he has the nerve to say that our eldest princess is two against one, bah!"

"This Dongyu person is really shameless!"

For a moment, everyone's saliva was flying all over their faces. If the opponent still had combat power at the moment, they would all want to rush to Qunou.

Li Huang looked at the Dongyu guard mockingly: "Aren't you going to get out? Waiting for the people of Dayuan to treat you to a feast of abalone?"

Even such an idiot dared to be sent to the stage, did Dong Yu's gang have their brains trapped by the door?
"Your Highness, this person broke the rules, so we can't just let him go so easily." Gu Chenzhou, who hadn't played any role in the whole process, jumped out at the right time at this time, pointing at the Dongyu guard who got up, "He is like this, I don't know if it's his personal behavior or His Majesty Dongyu's intention, but I feel that he should be arrested and interrogated in Dali Temple."

Li Huang couldn't help but glance at him more.

It was a smart time this time.

Based on the same front, Li Huang did not object: "Okay, then you can send someone to take him down."

Gu Chenzhou heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately waved his hand to signal for someone to come up and get him.

Seeing that Dayuan was acting serious, the guard of Dongyu quickly raised his hand to stop him and said, "I just want to come up and rub it, I don't mean to smash your place, you are a big country, you can't afford to make such a joke, right?" ?”

Gu Chenzhou sneered: "Are you kidding me? Then the prince invited you to our Dali Temple, and it was all a joke. Why are you talking nonsense here?"

After the words fell, he took a bundle of rope from his subordinates and threw it directly towards the opponent's neck.

Seeing this, the other guards of Pingyang Marquis quickly cooperated, and quickly tied up the Dongyu guard.

Seeing this, the Dongyu guard shouted angrily: "You can't do this to me, I'm a guest, and I didn't hurt the lives of your people in Dayuan. Rip your face?"

However, no matter how much he yelled, Gu Chenzhou ignored him, and after tying him up, he was sent directly to Dali Temple.

Seeing this, the people in the audience also let out a bad breath.

God knows how arrogant and arrogant this guy was before, seeing how much they wanted to beat him up.

After solving the trouble, Gu Chenzhou cupped his hands towards Li Huang, and said: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for protecting this red cherry gun for the Pingyang Marquis Mansion, I am very grateful."

After all, he raised his hand and was about to come over to pick up the gun.


Li Huang avoided his movements.

Gu Chenzhou froze for a moment: "Your Highness, this is..."

Li Huang curled her lips: "I got this gun with my own ability, so it naturally belongs to me. It doesn't make sense that I have spent a long time getting it, so I gave it to you in the end, right?"

Gu Chenzhou was stunned.


"But, Your Highness, let's compete..."

He wanted to say that the rules of the competition were not like this. As the eldest princess of Dayuan, how could she make noise with foreigners?

However, just as he started talking, Ling Yuan interrupted him.

"Gu Shizi, before our highness came down, so many of you didn't think of a way to get back your own things. Now, since our highness has made such a mistake, you have no reason to deny it, right?"

As Ling Yuan said, she turned her head and looked at the people under the ring.

"Fellow folks, don't you think our Highness should take this gun away?"

Everyone in the audience said in unison: "Should!"

The smile on Gu Chenzhou's face stagnated, but soon returned to normal.

He turned to look at Li Huang, his eyes full of tenderness: "His Royal Highness, it was thanks to you that you were able to restrain the Dongyu man who smashed the scene just now. Now that the chaos has been rectified, the game must continue. This gun..."

The implication is to let Li Huang, the eldest princess of the country, stop imitating that barbarian and return the gun in his hand to him.

Li Huang stared at the gun in his hand, couldn't help but play a few tricks, and sighed inwardly, it really is a good gun!

Seeing this, Gu Chenzhou couldn't help reminding again: "Your Highness, there is still one more day until tomorrow for the competition!"

What's the point if you don't return the gun?
Li Huang didn't even look at him, but felt the feel of the gun by herself, and then walked down the stage holding it.

Gu Chenzhou was taken aback for a moment, and then became anxious.


However, as soon as he chased two steps forward, Li Huang turned around and pointed a gun at his throat.

"Gu Shizi, people need face and trees need bark. As a person who has read a lot of poetry and books, you don't even understand this truth?"

"If I hadn't come, this gun would have fallen into the hands of another country long ago. Why should I give you what I obtained by virtue of my ability? Is it because of your pride?"

"The Dongyu barbarians have been showing off their power in the ring for a long time just now, but I didn't see you standing up to stop it. Now I just want to take away the prize I got by my ability, but you want to stop it. What's wrong? I look good Bully?"

Gu Chenzhou was squeezed by her with a gun and a stick, and his face was flushed with embarrassment.

At this time, the onlookers in the audience also began to chime in.

"That's right. If the eldest princess hadn't appeared, your Gu family would have been ashamed. You still have the nerve to tell them the rules of the game. Could it be that these rules are only used against Dayuan's own people?"

"Gu Shizi dares to treat you differently because the eldest princess once liked you?"

Hearing the cynicism and sarcasm below, his face turned blue and white, and he was speechless for a while.

Seeing his appearance, Li Huang sneered, not bothering to talk nonsense with him, and walked out with a gun in hand.

The crowd automatically made way for her.

Seeing this, Gu Chenzhou's entourage immediately asked urgently: "Your Majesty, is it true that the eldest princess took that gun away like this?"

That was the treasure of their town house in the Marquis of Pingyang, so it was taken away, how would they explain to the old lady later?
Old Pingyang Hou loved the red cherry gun the most during his lifetime, and he originally thought that he would find a way to redeem it after the game.

But now it is taken away by the eldest princess, how can I redeem it?
Gu Chenzhou did not expect that Li Huang would actually take the gun away with such lack of affection.

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