But right now, it must be inappropriate for him to keep chasing after him, as there are still so many people watching from the audience.

The left and right things are still in Dayuan, and he can always find a way to get the gun back.

Thinking of this, Gu Chenzhou settled down and ordered: "Since the lottery head has been taken away by the eldest princess, there is still a day of competition. You go back to the mansion and get the Canglong Yinyue knife that father loves."

Although the saber was not as good as the gun that Li Huang took away, it was also owned by a famous general in the previous dynasty, and it would cost a lot of money to buy it on the market.

"But, in case someone snatches it away again..."

Gu Chenzhou's face sank, and he interrupted: "What are you talking about? Just go if you are told!"

If he closed the ring at this time, how would he show off his martial arts?
How can he show his face in front of the emperor?
He ended at this time, fearing that those children who hadn't had time to play in the future would say behind their backs that their Gu family was not generous enough.

Now that the arena has been set up, it must be completed to its fullest.

On the other side, Li Huang swaggered through the city with the red cherry gun in his hand, and when he came to his carriage, Luo Mingchuan couldn't help but touch the end of the gun.

"Cousin, I didn't expect you to actually get this gun."

Before Li Huang said that he wanted to take this gun into his pocket, he just thought she was speaking harshly. There are so many masters in the capital, how could she just let a woman pick it up?

Now that he has actually touched this gun, he feels that his cousin is really powerful.

"If you have something to say, go back to the house and talk, and get in the carriage."

Li Huang looked around and quickly got into the carriage.

Luo Mingchuan also knew how eye-catching this gun was in the capital, so he quickly followed him into the carriage.

Driving quickly out of the busiest street in the west of the city, he turned into an alley.

Suddenly, a cold arrow came through the air.

Ling Yuan exclaimed: "Your Highness, be careful!"

Li Huang pressed Luo Mingchuan's head to hide aside, and the sharp arrow barely hid where they were sitting just now.

Luo Mingchuan scolded: "Damn, who wouldn't be afraid of death would dare to openly assassinate the eldest princess in the capital!"

He was full of words and only had time to start, and the arrows shot towards their carriage like shooting stars.

"Escort! Quickly escort!"

Ling Yuan pulled out the sword from her waist, tied a beautiful sword flower, and stood firmly in front of the carriage.

The guards of the Princess's Mansion jumped to the top of the wall and fought with the assassins who shot cold arrows.

After the two parties fought for a while, Ling Yuan could also see that the other party didn't seem to intend to fight them desperately.

So, he drove the carriage, fought and moved forward.

However, at this moment, a man wearing a ghost mask flew over and slapped the roof of the carriage.

In an instant, the roof of the carriage cracked a crack and was crumbling.

The horse also neighed because of being frightened and refused to go any further.

Ling Yuan shrank her eyes and said anxiously: "Your Highness, let's go!"

This person has deep internal strength and extraordinary kung fu at first glance, she is definitely not an opponent.

Seeing this, the hidden guards who were hiding in the shadows also quickly flashed out, and confronted the ghost-faced man.

However, the secret guard master carefully cultivated by the Princess's mansion could not move ten moves in front of that man, and he was wounded by him in less than a cup of tea.

The carriage was smashed to pieces, Li Huang raised his gun and wanted to stab the ghost-faced man.

However, her strength was nothing in the eyes of the other party, and the other party held her gun as soon as he raised his hand.

"How can Her Highness the Princess's jade hand hold a gun?"

The man's voice was soft and charming, and his eyes stared straight at Li Huang's face, like a sticky snake wrapped around his body wet and slippery.

Li Huang's hand holding the gun barely let go.

She suppressed the disgust in her heart, and asked in a cold voice, "Do you want Ben Gong's life or this gun?"

The man laughed bitterly: "At the feet of the Son of Heaven, I don't dare to assassinate the royal family openly. Therefore, if your highness is sensible, you should let go quickly."

As he spoke, he exerted a little more force, trying to take the gun back.

However, he underestimated Li Huang's temperament, she can give away Li Huang's things, but others can't grab them!
What's more, she got this gun in front of everyone, and when she turned around and said that it was snatched away, who would believe it?
The other party saw that she refused to let go of her life and death, and his tone was obviously tinged with excitement.

"It seems that the eldest princess is also very fond of this gun. Since His Highness refuses to let it go, don't blame me for being merciless!"

As he spoke, he raised his other hand, fully charged with internal energy, and was about to hit Li Huang in the face.

Because of the difference in strength, Li Huang couldn't escape at all.

"Your Highness—"


Ling Yuan kicked an assassin away, and flew towards Li Huang.

However, she was too far away, even if she used the fastest speed, she still couldn't keep up with the ghost-masked man's palming speed.

Luo Mingchuan was even more overwhelmed, being entangled by two assassins at the same time, he almost lost an arm.

This time I went out, but I really made a fortune.

At this critical moment, a black shadow flashed in front of Li Huang like a ghost, and raised his hand to catch the opponent's palm.

The ghost-masked man was so shaken that he fell back several times, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The face under the mask changed, he knew he was invincible, and quickly shouted: "Withdraw!"

In the blink of an eye, those assassins who were fighting with the guards of the Princess's Mansion all rushed away.

After the ghost-masked man dropped a smoke bomb on the ground, it quickly swept away.

The guards wanted to chase at first, but they were stopped by a cold voice: "There is no need to chase, and I will send your Highness back to the residence first!"

Only then did everyone stop in their tracks, and they all surrounded Li Huang.

Looking at the young man who disappeared for many days and then suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Huang's face was very stinky.

The tone was even worse: "Didn't you go?"

At this time, Luo Mingchuan, who had regained his breath, also squeezed over, stood up and stopped in front of Li Huang, and raised his chin: "Yes, didn't you leave?"

Mo Jingzhan gave him a disgusted look: "You are a retard and have the nerve to question me?"

Luo Mingchuan choked for a moment when he pushed him, but his eyes stared at him firmly.

The scene remained stalemate for quite a while, but Ling Yuan reminded: "Your Highness, let's go back to the residence first."

In case someone else appeared on the way to snatch it, they didn't have enough manpower.

Li Huang knew that this was not the place to talk, so he just glanced at Mo Jingzhan and walked towards the Princess's mansion.

Mo Jingzhan looked at her back helplessly, and heeled up.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter any problems along the way, and the group quickly returned to the mansion.

After Li Huang handed the gun to Ling Yuan, she looked at Mo Jingzhan.

Luo Mingchuan wanted to say something, but was dragged out by Ling Yuan.

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