The smirk that Li Chuchu just squeezed out almost didn't stop.

When she saw Li Yuxiao picking on others before, she just felt very happy, but she never thought that one day, the person who was picked would become her, and this feeling would be so uncomfortable.

Li Yuxiao saw that she didn't speak for a long time, and immediately said displeasedly: "What's the matter? Are you still not happy to hear a few words from you?"

Li Chuchu bit her lip, unconsciously a look of grievance surfaced on her face, and she was slightly blessed: "I have met the prince's brother, I have seen the third emperor's brother, I have seen the elder princess's sister."

There were quite a few people who came to celebrate the birthday, and they were standing in a very conspicuous position at the moment. Li Chuchu's appearance of a "whatever you say" pissed off daughter-in-law fell into the eyes of others, as if they were brothers and sisters working together Come to bully her like a concubine sister.

Li Huang frowned, Li Chuchu often used this kind of trick to frame her before, which made her notorious.

She reprimanded her with the attitude of the elder sister.

"Chuchu, you are also a princess of the royal family after all, how can you act so petty?"

"Today is my uncle's birthday. Even if he didn't make any big arrangements, there are quite a few colleagues who came to celebrate his birthday. Who do you want to offend by dressing like this?"

"King Lin'an just said a few words about you, who are you trying to show by making such a gesture?"

If anyone can get something embroidered by her, it must be the most precious thing, let alone clothes made by her novice.

Li Huang frowned and reprimanded: "You are a man, don't be like those women in the market who chew other people's tongues behind their backs. If you do this again next time, you will be punished for an extra hour of training every day."

With Li Huang's explanation, Luo Mingchuan's initial disbelief disappeared in an instant.

But after all, he still didn't dare to refute, and obediently shut up.

As Yingbo spoke, he stood still.

There is no girl in the mansion, but they made a backup specially. It is clear at a glance who it is for.

But looking at her style now, it's really hard to like her.

"Second princess, you can just pick a set and go to the inner room to change."

Ever since Li Chuchu approached, Li Yuze's brows had not been relaxed. He used to think that this concubine girl was obedient, soft and weak, and needed the protection of his brothers at any time.

However, thinking of the next plan, she held back.

What the eldest princess said is right, who came to celebrate a birthday dressed like this?I don't know, I thought it was just here to mess things up!
Sensing those strange gazes from around, Li Chuchu's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists.

But she still had to pretend to be humble, and said in a low voice: "Sister Elder Princess taught me the right way. Chu Chu was only focusing on chanting scriptures and praying for the former queen in the Buddhist hall these days, and for a moment she forgot the time, so she hurried away. I came here, I didn't embellish it enough to describe it, and I offended the Eldest Princess, so I ask the Eldest Princess to punish me."

"Chuchu, it's still early and the banquet won't be held so soon. You can ask someone to take you to the backyard to change your clothes. Otherwise, when other guests see it later, they will think that the royal family has treated you harshly, and they won't even make you decent clothes. "

She lowered her eyes, covering the fierceness that flashed in her eyes.

Li Chuchu maintained a decent smile on his face, but he was mad with jealousy in his heart.

Ying Bo on the side quickly said: "Second princess, although there is no young lady of the right age in the mansion, Madam still made some clothes with excellent styles and the best materials in the early years. You come with this old slave."

Li Huang was afraid that his words were too serious, so he couldn't help but add another sentence: "It's not that my cousin is strict, you need to know that disaster comes from your mouth, in the future you will inherit this country's uncle's house, if you say something that shouldn't be said, you will be punished by someone with a heart. Listen to it, when the time comes, you won't be as simple as being spanked by your father."

Luo Mingchuan curled his lips, thinking that he was only talking about chewing on Li Chuchu's tongue.

Everyone in the capital knows that when Madam Guo was still alive, she was famous for her embroidering skills. All the rich and powerful women wanted to learn from her, but none of them could compare to her skillful hands.

The brother Saito, who was scolded together, looked as if he had eaten shit, which was very ugly.

Li Chuchu secretly scolded the dog slave, is this to prevent her from ruining these boxes of good clothes?
They are also the cousins ​​in this mansion, so why is she, Li Huang, the master!

If he had been welcoming guests at the gate of the mansion, he would not have let her in.

After a while, she will not be complacent.

"Did Li Chuchu really tell you that?" Li Yuze asked with a serious face.

After she said this, the guests who came and went noticed that Li Chuchu was dressed so plainly at the moment, not to mention hairpin rings on her head, and she didn't even tie two extra hairbands. Come to celebrate birthday.

On the other side, Li Huang and the others were led by Luo Mingchuan to the back garden. Thinking of Li Chuchu's appearance just now, they muttered: "The second cousin made it clear that the visitor was not kind, and the maid next to her was even worse. It's a sneaky look, and it's uneasy and kind to look at."

For a moment, those people looked at Li Chuchu with something strange.

Unexpectedly, she did so many sets for Li Huang!
These clothes, even if they are placed now, if you take out any one at random, it is also a rare item that the noble ladies in the capital are vying for.

As for those passing by, instead of finding fault with her, they had to praise her for their filial piety.

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to glance at the two brothers Li Yuze.

She carried the late Empress out, even if Li Huang disliked her again, she could no longer criticize her.

Yingbo ordered someone to fetch a set of hairpins, and after helping Li Chuchu tidy up, he led them to the main hall.

He looked at Li Huang, and nodded obediently: "Cousin, I know, and only my cousin will sincerely plan for me. The second cousin always says that my cousin is inexperienced and doesn't like to play with those who are waiting to learn. I used to be stupid to believe her words."

When she saw the large boxes full of clothes of different styles, her eyes were red with jealousy.

She picked out a suit of pink embroidered cloud brocade dress that suited her from the box, and went into the inner room.

Li Huang, that bitch!

"Cousin Prince, do you believe this?" Luo Mingchuan frowned, "If you don't believe me, probably send someone to the second princess's mansion to find out, second cousin's maids know about it, oh, it's okay for her to say that cousin doesn't like me I am eager to learn, and said that my two cousins ​​would not like me to be eager to learn."

Li Yuxiao's face turned black with anger. He looked around and saw that this road was quiet and deserted, so he asked, "What does it matter to us if you don't make progress? Why did she say that?"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Luo Mingchuan immediately learned Li Chuchu's words verbatim.

"She said, our country's uncle's house is a relative. Since ancient times, no emperor would allow a relative to sit on the throne. The more promising I am, the more afraid I will be by the emperor in the future."

"And the prince's cousin is the next emperor of Dayuan, so naturally he won't let me. As for the third cousin..."

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