Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, so anxious that Li Yuxiao almost didn't get started.

"How about my king?"

Luo Mingchuan cleared his throat, and then slowly continued: "She said that my third cousin loves money like his life, and he wouldn't hate a dude like me who is proficient in everything. Human life is not long, our family members in Luofu are weak, it is not good for me to be too smart."

Li Yuze: "..."

Li Yuxiao: "..."

It sounds reasonable, but why does he want to beat someone so much?
Li Huang was also a little shocked, she didn't know that apart from chewing tongues between her and Luo Mingchuan, Li Chuchu also got involved with Li Yuze and Li Yuxiao.

But it's right to think about it carefully. If she didn't say that, how could she successfully turn Luo Mingchuan into a waste?

Obviously, the two brothers also figured this out, and their expressions became even uglier immediately.

"Chuchu, why did she do this? What good does it do her?" Li Yuxiao still couldn't believe it.

But he also knew that although Luo Mingchuan was a bit useless, he was not a person who liked to create something out of nothing.

Even if the old emperor had objections, he would stand up to defend her.

"Second princess arrives—"

Luo Mingchuan just wanted to remind everyone that the eldest princess had arrived, but was stopped by Li Huang.

As the crown prince, she knew how much he valued the royal family's face. If Li Yuxiao dismissed her like this in front of everyone, even for the sake of the royal family's face, he would definitely not make things worse.

"Brother Sanhuang, do you have to refuse to give Chu Chu any face in front of so many people?"

Li Chuchu looked at Li Yuxiao with teary eyes, and then looked at Li Yuze as if asking for help.

She bit her lip, and tears of grievance filled her eyes instantly.

Li Yuze frowned. He knew that when his aunt was alive, he would make several sets of clothes for Li Huang every year. Even if Huang rarely came to live in the uncle's mansion, she still made enough clothes for her to wear until she was 20 years old. clothing.

But now, he actually told her in front of so many people that she is a concubine princess, and she can't overtake the concubine concubine who was born by the empress of the palace, and wear clothes that violate the etiquette!

Thinking of the depressed Gu Chenzhou after one of his legs was broken, the hatred in Li Chuchu's heart grew even stronger.

He couldn't help but reminded: "Second sister, these clothes are a bit exaggerated for you, you should ask your maid to go back to the house to get a new set."

Thanks to the fact that she has no siblings, otherwise, wouldn't she have to fight for the crown prince?
When Li Huang and the others came to the garden, those young boys and girls were sitting in a group, beating drums and passing flowers, having a good time.

This almost didn't directly say that she was unworthy.

Everyone got up together and wanted to go forward to salute, only to find that the eldest princess and the two princes had arrived, and Dang even had different thoughts.

But now, she finds it unbearable to be the one being trained.

However, she wanted to keep a low profile, but others didn't.

Li Huang sneered: "Isn't the benefit obvious? Why does the King of Lin'an ask knowingly?"

In Dayuan, men and women are not very fancy, so whenever there is a banquet, it becomes a feast for the aristocratic circle in Beijing.

It can be said that she pinned all her regrets about not having a daughter on Li Huang.

Those noble ladies looked at her with envy.

And Gu Shizi...

"Chuchu, it's my uncle's birthday today. It's your fault that you came to the banquet in white. It would be nice if you didn't let you go back home to change. You made this expression to tell everyone that the king bullied you." ?"

Li Chuchu's eyes widened: "!!!"

They couldn't believe it until now, that the concubine sister who was weak and deceitful in their eyes, who needed their protection all the time, had such deep thoughts.

The maid's shrill voice came from the corridor, and the laughter in the garden stopped instantly.

Seeing Li Chuchu wearing it now, like a ostentatious butterfly, he felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it.

These two princesses are really majestic!
After everyone turned their heads and saw Li Chuchu, they were stunned.

The tears that could not be shed in the eye sockets slipped out all at once.

Li Chuchu enjoyed this feeling of attention, a faint smile could not help but appear on the corner of her mouth, completely forgetting that Li Yuze and Li Yuxiao were still standing not far away at this moment.

Li Yuze had never mentioned any concubines to her before, as long as she liked them, he wished he could bring them all in front of her.

After that, he dragged Luo Mingchuan and walked towards the back garden.

However, Li Yuze nodded, and echoed: "Your third brother is right. Even if you are a royal princess, there are regulations. According to the regulations, Huang'er's clothes are really not suitable for you to wear."

Li Chuchu was wearing a dress made by Mrs. Guo at the moment, and there were exquisite butterflies embroidered on the hem of the skirt. While walking, those butterflies seemed to be alive, dancing gracefully, stunning and eye-catching.

But because of his status, he couldn't say anything.

In the past, Li Chuchu used to win his sympathy by playing coquettish and weak, so as to take away from him what should belong to Li Huang.

It's all the fault of that bitch Li Huang, if it wasn't for her, the prince brother and the third brother would not have treated her like this.

Seeing that Li Chuchu was still frozen in place, he added: "After all, these are clothes that my aunt made for Huang'er during her lifetime, and they are not suitable for you to wear."

Once Li Yuxiao didn't like that person, he would be unceremonious when he spoke. In the past, Li Chuchu had watched him scold Li Huang like this, and he felt very happy at that time.

Compared to Li Yuze's scruples, Li Yuxiao's actions are much more straightforward.

The two brothers who were left behind were really incomparably and complicated at the moment.

As soon as she stood in the garden, she instantly became the focus of the audience.

Right now, he is not happy.

If it was in the past, Li Yuze couldn't help protecting him long ago, but now he realizes that Li Chuchu's behavior is a bit fake.

If she had a little compassion for Li Chuchu before that, then now, he wished to go back in time and beat himself up who doted on her more than his own sister.

Li Chuchu shook his body, looked at him in disbelief: "Brother Sanhuang..."

But for the sake of the next plan, she held back her life.

She took a deep breath, lowered her eyebrows and responded with a pleasing expression: "Yes, Chu Chu, let the maid go back and get it."

After finishing speaking, she winked at the servant girl beside her, and the servant girl immediately retreated.

At this time, someone couldn't stand it anymore, and stood up to report Li Chuchu's injustice: "Your Highnesses, as men, are afraid that it would be out of style for you to bully your concubine sister so openly?"

"Even if the second princess has done something wrong, you say it in private, why bother to make her girl unable to come down in front of so many people?"

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