Li Chuchu looked at the man gratefully, but when he saw the man's face, his expression froze.

Because, although the material of the clothes on that man's body is high-quality, with his appearance, it really feels like a rich man wearing a dragon robe.

Especially the fat, the cloth on the body is almost torn, the eyes are squeezed by the fat, and the face is full of acne pits. Judging by the age, it must be at least 25 or six.

Sitting in the middle of a group of boys and girls with this dignified appearance, it is really a bit... unsightly.

The gratitude that Li Chuchu had just felt disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a touch of contempt.

Where did the nouveau riche come from?Speaking for her in front of so many people, could it be that the toad wants to eat swan meat?

"Champion Hou is so reasonable, so how can Mrs. Hou get mad at each other when she enters the house?"

When Li Yuxiao saw that it was this famous man who restrained his wife, he immediately became even more rude.

Champion Hou was exposed in public, and the flesh on his face trembled three times in anger.

"King Lin'an, I'm talking about you, don't talk about me!"

All of a sudden, Li Huang's table was full of people, all of them couldn't wait to stuff their little things into the little girl's arms, hoping to please her and show her face in Prince Li's mansion later.

Li Huang was amused by her serious explanation, reached out and pinched the tip of her nose: "I heard that your mother sent you to a girls' school after the year, I think you have new friends, have you forgotten Aunt Huang? "

Luo Mingchuan, who sat aside and watched the play for a long time, said bluntly: "You can't help, but your parents and grandparents can."

Immediately, she pushed those things back, and politely refused: "My mother said, you won't be rewarded if you don't have merit, and Yue'er dare not accept your things, so you should take them back."

After everyone left, Li Huang whispered to Li Yue: "Yue'er, although what you said just now is correct, there is no need to say these words in front of others, otherwise, they will be very embarrassed."

Although Li Yue didn't quite understand, she still nodded obediently.

A big hat was buttoned down, almost scaring Champion Hou into the urine, stammering out a sentence.

He couldn't help secretly hating his impulsiveness, the dignified prince's son's daughter, do you want anything good?

Li Yuxiao sneered: "What does the matter between our royal brothers and sisters have anything to do with you? Or do you think that the old Champion Hou has a close relationship with his father, so you can be half an elder of this king?"

With so many people coming to celebrate her birthday today, she is not afraid of any accidents before they are delivered to her.

At this time, a childish voice came from behind: "Aunt Huang~"

Those girls were bored, and returned to their positions under the eyes of other people, who were either watching or sympathizing.

After seeing the ceremony, she clung to Li Huang's side again, picked up the piece of snack that she hadn't finished just now, and continued to eat.

Li Huang hugged her and found a place to sit down, and the servants immediately offered her tea and snacks, looked around, but did not see the shadow of the princess of Prince Li's mansion, so she couldn't help asking curiously: "Yue'er, Didn't you come with your mother? Where is she?"

Li Buxiao sneered, his house is in a mess, and he dares to meddle in other people's business, he is capable.

After all, he didn't dare to stay in the garden anymore, so he got up and went out.

The people in the garden were instantly attracted by this soft, cute and well-educated little girl.

This mother really has a big heart.

Li Yue raised her small face and looked at her with bright eyes: "Aunt Huang, Yue'er misses you so much."

Li Huang squatted down to tease her: "Oh? How much do you think? I didn't see you come to the Princess's mansion to play with Aunt Huang."

Li Yue heard this, and nodded her head in a serious manner: "So that's how it is."

Li Huang: "..."

As soon as Li Huang turned around, the soft little girl hugged her legs.

Everyone smiled awkwardly and politely, and took their things back.

"You...don't talk nonsense, this Marquis doesn't mean that."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, and took the clothes so quickly, maybe there was a spare in the carriage.

Who dares to go forward desperately to find it uncomfortable?
At this time, Li Chuchu's maid came back in a hurry, holding a set of clean clothes that could be changed, Li Chuchu hurriedly took the opportunity to change clothes and left the garden.

This is the heart and soul of Prince Li's son!

After the whole garden was opened by Li Yuxiao's burst of fire, there was no sound at all.

The noble ladies who had been exposed showed embarrassment and didn't know how to react for a moment.

Those thoughtful noble ladies couldn't sit still any longer, and came forward to show their courtesy one after another.

The little girl who had been exposed blushed in embarrassment, and simply clung to her arms and could not come out.

Li Yue held a piece of snack in both hands, took a sip gently, and said: "She met her best friend in the boudoir, so she went to the Nuan Pavilion to have tea and chat, and asked the nanny to accompany me to find Aunt Huang."

However, although Li Huang is just a little doll a few years old, she frowned as she looked at the piles of little things brought up to her, and turned to look at Li Huang: "Aunt Huang, what are they doing?" Yue'er sent so many things, did she ask for something from Yue'er? But Yue'er is just a child, what can Yue'er help them?"

Li Yue blinked, as if she just realized that there were three elders standing beside her.

"Yue'er, my sister got a new gadget here, do you want it?"

So, she put down her snacks, got out of Li Huang's arms, and greeted the three of them in a dignified manner.

Li Yuxiao couldn't help coming over to show his presence: "Xiaoyue'er, you can't even see a man as big as Uncle Huang here, and you only see your Aunt Huang in your eyes?"

She obviously has clothes, but she deliberately dresses like that, what the hell is Li Chuchu trying to do?
She winked at Lingyuan, and Lingyuan immediately followed her quietly.

The little girl threw herself into her arms and said coquettishly: "Yue'er wants to go, but mother said that there are many outsiders in the capital, Aunt Huang must be very busy, let Yue'er wait until next year to visit."

"Yue'er, sister bought some snacks on the way here, do you want to pay for it?"

The most unpredictable thing in this world is the human heart. Among those people who can't keep it together, there are some small-minded people who look for an opportunity to take revenge. No matter how noble her status is, she can't stand the villain's schemes.

At this time, Ling Yuan came back.

Returning with her is the maidservant next to Prince Li and Princess Concubine.

As soon as the servant girl saw Li Huang, she said anxiously: "His Royal Highness, my eldest concubine is missing."

The corners of Li Huang's eyes twitched, and he frowned: "Why didn't you disappear? There are no hidden corners in this country's uncle's mansion, have you ever asked someone to look for it carefully?"

The servant girl nodded: "I've searched for it all, and all the servants in the mansion said that they have never seen my family's eldest concubine."

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