The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 183 I really know how to pick a place

A good living person disappeared out of thin air?
how can that be!

"Didn't she have tea with her girlfriends in the warm pavilion? When did she leave? Did she say where she was going when she left?"

Although Li Huang felt that it was unlikely that someone would dare to take action against Prince Li and his concubine in the uncle's mansion, if something happened to someone in the uncle's mansion, the Luo family would not be able to absolve themselves of the blame.

"Aunt Huang..."

Li Yue grabbed Li Huang's skirt, and looked at her beggingly.

Huang stroked her little face and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, Aunt Huang will help you find it. Are you here to play with your cousin?"

Luo Mingchuan frowned and said: "Cousin, I'll go find it, after all, this is in our residence."

But as soon as he said this, the maidservant who came to report immediately stopped him and said, "Master Luo, the concubine Shizi disappeared in the latrine, and it might not be appropriate for you to look for it."

Otherwise, she would not be able to directly look for Li Huang.

"Why are you here?"

Li Huang: "!!!"

Li Huang's complexion changed, and he quickly took out the healing pill he gave last time from his arms and handed it to his mouth: "You take one first."

As she spoke, she pointed in the direction of the hut.

Li Yuze was stabbed in the heart by Li Yuxiao, and his face immediately sank.

A familiar voice sounded from the corner, startling Li Huang.

Thinking of how she called King Lin'an one by one in the Princess's mansion before, Li Yuxiao's face also pulled down.

There is no hostess in this country's uncle's mansion, and this country's uncle's mansion is Li Huang's mother clan, so it is most suitable for her to bring a few servants to accompany her to find her.

Unless, someone attacked her before she entered the latrine.

Li Yuze and Li Yuxiao sat a little far away, and didn't pay attention to what the maidservant said to Li Huang just now, but after seeing Li Huang ordered several maidservants to go out, they couldn't help but glance at each other.

Li Huang frowned and felt even more strange when he heard the words, there were only a few huts in total, and there was no back door or anything, how could people disappear?

"No matter how capable Huang'er is, she's still a girl. If you don't take her seriously, it's no wonder she won't even call you Brother Huang."

When Li Huang saw the situation, he knew that he was coming for him, so he frowned and said: "Where are the monsters, ghosts, and ghosts, and they don't show up quickly? How dare you dare to be a monster at the uncle's birthday banquet, you are really courageous!"

She ran over quickly and was about to help him when he stopped her.

Li Yuxiao: "It looks like something is wrong."

Li Huang sneered, this trick is really old-fashioned and vulgar as always.

In Ruo Da's yard, there was no one else except a few maids who were clearing the table.

Hearing this, Luo Mingchuan touched his nose, and could only reach out to take Li Yue over, and said, "Then I will trouble my cousin."

After Li Huang entered the yard, the ladies who had tea had already dispersed.

the other side.

Li Huang went around the whole yard inside and out, and really didn't find anything suspicious.

Suddenly, the door was blown by the wind, and a figure flashed across the room, and the maid rushed in without even thinking.

She couldn't help but clenched the whip in her hand, and walked into the room slowly.

Li Huang saw that he didn't notice her uneasiness at that moment just now, so she shook her head to get that feeling out of her mind.

Today is Luo Jiyuan's birthday, and the envoys from other countries who are still stranded in the capital will naturally come to congratulate him. As nephews, they have to help keep an eye on him.

"Your Highness..."

"Say it as if she is willing to call you Brother Huang."

The servant girl beat her palms and sighed: "The lady servant came out, but she didn't see my family's concubine come out after waiting for a long time after she came out of the latrine, so she rushed to tell the servant girl."

"Your Highness, we're almost here. That's the courtyard where our concubine disappeared." After entering the second gate, the maid pointed to a courtyard not far away and said, "The wives of the six ministers are all having tea there. Later, my concubine and the wife of the Ministry of Justice went out to pay respects, and never came back after that."

Li Yuze looked at him and frowned: "Huang'er can handle things, as long as you take care of yourself."

Mo Jingzhan smiled slyly: "Your Majesty can't hide anything, but, in order to act realistically, I was really hurt."

She looked for her reputation, and saw Mo Jingzhan lying weakly on the ground clutching his chest.

However, just as she entered the room, she was beaten unconscious.

Li Huang nodded, got up and walked out of the garden with the maidservant.

Li Huang winked at Ling Yuan, and Ling Yuan immediately chased after her.

Mo Jingzhan smiled wryly: "Ahem, it's not that caring makes chaos. Some people want to harm His Highness, so I fell into other people's tricks."

"Your Highness, there is poison on my clothes, don't touch them!"

Li Huang's hand stopped in mid-air immediately, she couldn't help frowning when she saw his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Mo Jingzhan didn't refuse either, he opened his mouth and took it.

Li Huang asked: "Then what about Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Punishment? Didn't come back?"

Suddenly, a figure flashed by quickly, and the servant girl said in shock: "Your Highness, that dress... Shi Zifei! It's Shi Zifei!"

She looked at him suspiciously, even if the other party used her as bait, with his intelligence and sagacity, wouldn't it be possible for him to be tricked?

"What's going on? Who is so capable to plot against you?"

Thinking of the ghostly figure just now, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Why didn't I hear that your concubine is good at martial arts?"

However, that figure moved so fast that Ling Yuan chased him several yards without touching a piece of the other's clothes.

Thinking of this, her face became serious, she dared to do something in the uncle's mansion, she was so brave!

The moment his lips touched Li Huang's fingers, Li Huang felt numb all over.

Her response was a dead silence.

Mo Jingzhan adjusted his breath slightly to make the medicine work faster.

As he said that, he clutched his chest and coughed again, coughing and coughing, his face turned pale.

The servant girl led Li Huang towards the hut.

After speaking, the two returned to the yard.

Then, the roots of her ears turned red.

Maid servant: "Returning to Your Highness, my concubine does not know martial arts, but the figure of the person just now is too similar, and the clothes are really the same as the concubine's clothes when she went out today, so just now , the servant girl subconsciously yelled that sentence."

Li Huang followed the maidservants to the inner courtyard, and the road was full of hurried servants.

Just as Li Huang was about to speak, the door of the house was suddenly closed from the outside, and all the windows were also locked.

She sat cross-legged across from him, but her eyes scanned the whole room.

Although she hadn't been to Uncle Guo's Mansion for many years, she was still familiar with this room.

This is the yard closest to the main courtyard. It was specially prepared by Mrs. Guo for her back then. The furnishings and decorations inside have not changed. I can still vaguely recall the scene when Mrs. Guo took her to play in the yard.

Every plant and tree in the yard was planted by Mrs. Guo herself.

Li Huang sneered, he really knows how to choose a place!

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