Mo Jingzhan did not know when he had adjusted his breath, held her hand, and comforted her: "Don't worry, the other party just wants you to fail to marry Prince An, but this kind of vulgar method is obviously useless to us .”

Hearing this, Li Huang nodded in agreement.

But soon, the door opened, and a huge sack was thrown in, hitting the floor heavily, shaking the whole room.

Immediately, the door was closed again.

At this moment, the sack moved: "Uh...uh..."

Li Huang and Mo Jingzhan looked at each other, and just about to get up to check, Mo Jingzhan stopped him: "I'll go."

He untied the sack, and Champion Hou's face was immediately exposed, his mouth was blocked, and his eyes were narrowed to the maximum.

Li Huang: "!!!"

This is too wicked!

Mo Jingzhan stretched out his hand to tear the rag from his mouth, and he howled immediately: "Princess, even if Ben Hou said something you don't like in the garden just now, you don't have to take revenge on Ben Hou like this, right? "

While thinking about it, the door was opened again, and then a second sack was thrown in.

Wu Yifan's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly calmed down and denied it flatly: "I will not understand what your Highness is talking about."

Champion Hou thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the same reason.

Li Huang raised his eyebrows: "I won't explain it for you. If someone comes later, how can I explain clearly?"

Fuck, I really caught all those notorious people in the capital.

If he was allowed to come, wouldn't he only be able to use his mouth?

Just look at that Gu Shizi.

After all, the other party was on Zhan Li Chuchu's side before.

Besides, who knows if this guy is in collusion with others.

Seeing that she was still so calm at this time, Wu Yifan couldn't help feeling a little crazy: "Are you not in a hurry, Your Highness?"

Li Huang sneered: "Without your father giving you this title, what else would you do?"

At this moment, except Li Huang, a woman, the other three people in the room are all men, and he can guess what will happen next with his toes.

After a while, the rope was finally untied.

Champion Hou: "..."

At this moment, the sack next to him started to move, and he happened to want to know which unlucky ghost was in that bag, so he moved his fat body and leaned towards it as hard as possible.

"His Royal Highness, can you help me untie it?"

The champion was sweating profusely, and motioned for the other party to give him a solution.

It's just... very aggrieved.

Champion Hou was full of resentment: "But, I'm still tied up, Your Highness, can't you bother the one beside you?"

Have been humiliated.

The disregarded Champion Hou felt slight contempt from the opponent's attitude, but due to his current situation, he dared not speak out.

However, the doors and windows of the uncle's mansion are not so easy to remove.

If someone broke in at this time, I don't know how to pass them on.

What is the person behind this trying to do?
Wu Yifan also had something stuffed in his mouth. After seeing Li Huang, his eyes widened, and then he struggled more violently.

Of all the noble girls in the capital, who would want to marry into his Champion Hou's residence?

Champion Hou was choked and speechless.

However, Mo Jingzhan resolutely refused: "You find a way yourself."

Champion Hou: "..."

He had never been so aggrieved in his life.

Mo Jingzhan frowned: "His Royal Highness wants to take revenge on you. After you leave the mansion, put a sack and beat you up. Wouldn't it be troublesome for Uncle Luo if you do it in the uncle's mansion?"

Li Huang raised his eyebrows, Mo Jingzhan remained expressionless, this time he didn't even raise his butt.

The scene of Gu Chenzhou being hanged and beaten by Mo Jingzhan in the ring is still a lingering nightmare in Dao Erlang's heart.

However, after Wu Yifan got his freedom, he didn't even look at him again, but got up and ran to the window, trying to find a way out.

But it's better to have one tied than one that can move.

Li Huang: "The doors and windows are locked. If you want to open them, you have to tear down the windows."

Just thinking about that scene, Champion Hou couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"Why can't I get on the stage? I'm also a marquis, and my background is not bad, okay?"

What the hell, this kid is so heartless that he spent a long time trying to untie him, but in the end he didn't care about him.

He knocked and knocked, but the window didn't budge, it wouldn't open at all.

Seeing the man's face, Champion Hou was startled: "You... aren't you Wu Yifan, the eldest son of General Wu?"

Li Huang raised his eyebrows, and said to Champion Hou: "You still don't think of a way to get the things out of his mouth?"

With such a terrifying bodyguard beside Li Huang, only a fool would provoke her.

Mo Jingzhan saw that he was not very smart, he didn't even bother to explain to him, and turned back to Li Huang.

The servants of Guojiu's Mansion told him that the banquet could be held, and he was about to go to the main hall when he was knocked out.

Champion Hou couldn't help it, so he could only put his mouth together with great effort.

Wu Yifan tried his best to turn his tied hands around, motioning for him to untie them first with his mouth.

The Champion Marquis at the side was also confused. He moved his fat body and reminded again: "Little General Wu, can you untie this Marquis first?"

Li Huang glanced at him lightly: "Back then you and Gu Chenzhou were not afraid of the things you did in Dianzhou, but now you are just locked in the same room with me, what are you afraid of?"

Li Huang said lightly: "What's so interesting, the left and right are just men like you who are not very worthy of the stage."

He glared at Mo Jingzhan: "Who are you? Could it be that you were also arrested?"

He didn't want to be cut by the emperor.

Champion Hou was taken aback, obviously he had never encountered such a thing before, and he couldn't even speak immediately.

Mo Jingzhan didn't even bother to give him an extra look, he could only ask Li Huang for help.

The sack didn't seem to be tightly tied, and the person inside struggled for a while before poking his head out of it.

Although, they are now like this, it seems that it is not clear.

blah blah!

He didn't want to have anything to do with the royal family, otherwise, his official career in this life would be over.

"Here... here's another one? What's the situation? Eldest princess, don't you open it and take a look?"

Speaking of Li Chuchu, I don't know how Lingyuan is going.

Wu Yifan didn't want Li Huang to continue chasing the matter of Dianzhou, so he walked over and untied the champion Hou.

Champion Hou rubbed his sore wrist, and muttered, "It's impossible, there are still people who are going to be thrown in?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside.

Champion Hou raised his hand and slapped himself, this broken mouth!
Wu Yifan's expression also changed, and he subconsciously looked at Li Huang.

Li Huang sneered: "The good show is finally about to begin."

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