Just halfway through the banquet, the emperor's servant rushed in, beaming with joy.

"Your Majesty, good news." He handed over the fold in his hand, "Good news from Liu Fuma, he said that Dianzhou has almost been rectified, and this time he also caught a large number of bullies. Officials and local people have also been let go, and now, it is not a problem for them to leave Dianzhou City to visit relatives or do business in other places."

After the emperor heard the news, his mood, which was very gloomy because of the list, suddenly brightened.

"Oh? Really? Let me take a look."

After receiving the booklet, the old emperor glanced at ten lines, and after scanning the contents of the booklet, he immediately burst out laughing.

"Okay, as expected of the No. [-] scholar back then, hahaha."

Such a talent, if it wasn't because of Concubine Xu, he should have reused it earlier.

"You give me a word of mouth for me, if Liu Fuma can completely restore all common affairs in Dian Prefecture to normal within this year, and eliminate hidden dangers, he can choose any position in Beijing."

The waiter let out a cry, and trotted out quickly.

After hearing the news, the rest of the officials in the hall had different thoughts.

Because the matter was explained verbally, there was no hard evidence left, so the emperor did not take their official positions.

"Liu Fuma sent someone to send his son back to Beijing more than once, but they were stopped by your father and son. What can you say about this matter?"

If he jumps over the wall in a hurry, then it's just right that he will clean it up.

The emperor lowered his eyes and said, "No hurry, let's see what they are going to do next."

After being stunned for a while, he finally realized, and shouted: "Your Majesty, those things were all done by Pingyang Hou Shizi, and have nothing to do with our father and son. Please check it out!"

The implication is that there is another one with a lot of flesh and thick skin, you go to him.

Only then did Wu Yifan know that the emperor had been eyeing their Wu family early in the morning, and if Liu Fuma hadn't sent back the booklet, he would have wanted to keep them playing around for a few more days.

"What does your Majesty mean by this? Why do you want to arrest the humble minister?"

The emperor looked at his way of scoring points together when he was good, and pushing the responsibility to others when something happened, which really felt a little annoying.

As Li Chuchu's biological mother, Concubine Luo Gui was directly demoted to concubine, locked in the cold palace, and was not allowed to leave the palace for half a step without an edict.

However, he doesn't want to die.

Ma De, do you think the kick just now was not enough?
He rolled his eyes and pointed at Champion Hou who was hiccupping: "Mr. Mo, if you want to compete, you can't catch the next one, right?"

Luo Jiyuan's birthday banquet was really lively.

Mo Jingzhan couldn't bear to listen to his nonsense here, so he directly grabbed his shoulder and dragged him to the main courtyard.

If he could get rid of the thorn in the side of the Rong family and seize the military power of the Rong family without any effort, he would not believe it if he said that there was no one behind him to guide him.

The old emperor and his inner guards were already waiting there, and when they saw that the person was brought, they sent people over to arrest him immediately.

He is not stupid, he can see that the eldest princess and Mo Shizi have an old score with this Wu, and he still wants to pull a quilt at a time like this, which shows that this person is really malicious.

So, he waved his hand and ordered: "Hurry up and take him away, I will feel annoyed if I look at him more."

"And the Pingyang Hou's Mansion is also strange. I didn't see them falling in love with the second princess before, but now they are rushing into the palace to ask for marriage. Do you think it's strange?"

The next day, the news that the two commanders planned to collude with foreign enemies to murder the eldest sister quickly spread throughout the capital.

However, after the banquet was over, Wu Yifan just got up and wanted to slip away, but was held down by Mo Jingzhan.

Li Huang looked up from the book in surprise, and looked at Ling Yuan: "You said, the Pingyang Marquis went to the palace to ask for marriage?"

Li Chuchu was directly demoted to the common people, and the Princess Mansion was taken back according to the law. As for the people, they were temporarily imprisoned in the Zongren Mansion to think about their mistakes, and they were not allowed to leave the Zongren Mansion for half a step without an edict.

However, Liu Fuma is a man of means. During the time he went to Dianzhou, who knows what else he dug up.

But if the other party can hold his breath, then he can also put a long line to catch big fish and see who is behind him.

"I heard that the Luo family didn't respond in the slightest throughout the whole process, not even pleading for mercy. Your Highness, do you think it's strange?"

"Where does Little General Wu want to go? Our sparring just now is not over yet."

He took down the Wu family father and son on purpose today in a high-profile way, just to scare the snake and see Pingyanghou's reaction.

Wu Yifan was dragged away yelling, Luo Jiyuan asked: "Your Majesty, what are we going to do with Pingyang Marquis Mansion?"

So far, the future of Luo Shi's mother and daughter has been completely ruined.

Although he knew it well, when Wu Yifan heard the emperor's question, his mind still buzzed.

The champion Hou who had just got up and was about to say goodbye glared at him suddenly: "Wu Yifan, I don't know martial arts, but I know how to see. When you fight Mo Shizi, I can teach you a few tricks."

Thinking of this, those officials couldn't help but secretly vigilant in their hearts. They all said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and they should be more careful when doing business in the future.

At this time, Wu Yifan was no longer afraid of boiling water: "Master Hou, won't you be able to do this after a few tricks? I can teach you as well."

According to reliable sources, he killed many officials in Dian Prefecture on the spot, and his methods were so cruel that he didn't even look like a civil servant.

It really is the art of the emperor, you have to give a sweet date for a slap, and you control the child with the front foot, and you make such a generous promise with the back foot, saying that you can choose the position in Beijing, I am afraid that if Liu Fuma really doesn't like it Those who know how to choose dare to choose, and they will suffer the consequences.

If Pingyang Hou had such a brain, Pingyang Hou's mansion would not be what it is now.

After Ling Yuan reported the news from the palace to Li Huang, she talked about Li Chuchu again.

Regarding the matter in Dianzhou, their Wu family was stabbed by the Marquis of Pingyang in front of the imperial court last time, and they were already not very good-looking in front of the emperor.

Hearing his voice, Wu Yifan only felt the pain on his buttocks again.

Although death was imminent, he was still not reconciled.

Compared with the careful thinking of these people fighting in the officialdom, Wu Yifan seemed much flustered.

It's over, the emperor knows.

This kid was getting impatient and dared to drag him into the water.

Ling Yuan nodded vigorously, her eyes full of gossip: "No, at first the slaves thought they heard it wrong, but the sisters who served the tea in the palace said that when Pingyang Hou entered the palace, there was a lot of battle. They just can’t see it.”

"Your Highness, tell me, what is the Gu family planning?"

Li Huang squinted her eyes, stroked her chin, thoughtful.

She also wanted to know what kind of plans this Marquis of Pingyang was planning.

She didn't think that Gu Chenzhou was an affectionate person, now that Li Chuchu was like this, he would still marry her.

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