"They asked to marry, did the emperor ever agree?" Li Huang asked.

Ling Yuan shook her head: "This is not clear, but His Majesty does not seem to reject them."

That is to say, as long as the sincerity of the Pingyang Houfu is achieved, the emperor is very likely to agree.

"Your Highness, according to this servant, it is a good thing that Gu Shizi really married the second princess. At least they can't harm others. They just get together and hate each other."

If from the beginning, Gu Chenzhou said that she wanted to marry Li Chuchu, she would still feel a little unhappy.

After all, her Royal Highness has done so much for the Gu family, but in the end she actually made wedding clothes for others, which she would not like to see.

But now it is clear that these two guys have half their feet in the coffin, if they die, they should die together, and stop harming other people.

What Li Huang was interested in was why Marquis Pingyang was willing to marry a demoted princess. Could it be that marrying Li Chuchu would be of value to them?
At this moment, Mo Jingzhan came back.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "Pingyang Houfu is going to marry Li Chuchu, have you heard about it?"

Mo Jingzhan nodded: "Your father just asked me into the palace to ask questions."

This is too incredible.

Relying on the relationship of the Taifu Mansion, he was able to succeed and return home.

Mo Jingzhan picked up the fruit on the table and took a bite, then said: "Your father intends to follow their request and send him to Gu's mansion on a good day to see what Pingyang Hou's mansion is going to do." What tricks."

"It's really against the sky. Our family still holds the imperial decree in their hands, and they dare to openly attack our family. This is simply contempt for the Holy Majesty!"

Mo Jingzhan took a sip of tea, and then said leisurely: "I told your majesty, after all, Li Chuchu has been relegated to the rank of a commoner. If you give Gu Shizi a concubine, it will inevitably make people feel that the emperor is mean, so let your majesty do it again." Choose a capable concubine for Gu Shizi, and after choosing a good date, they will be admitted to the mansion together, and double happiness will come, which is very good."

After finishing speaking, he stuffed the imperial decree into Li Chuchu's arms, turned around and left with his people.

This guy doesn't seem to be such a talkative person either.

That's right, the woman who was about to become Gu Chenzhou's official wife was the only youngest daughter of the Fang family who was not pissed off and divorced after she was promised to the champion.

This Fang family is exactly Fang Taifu's offshoot.

Mo Jingzhan knocked on her forehead with all his fingers, and reminded: "Li Chuchu's name has been crossed out from the royal jade plate. Whether she is a slave or a concubine has nothing to do with your royal family, so your majesty will agree." It's normal."

However, before she rushed forward, she was held down by the other eunuchs who accompanied her.

Is this Li common man crazy?
"You despicable dog slaves! After all, I am also the biological daughter of my father. Even if I have annoyed my father now, I will return to the royal family one day. At that time, I will let you dog slaves have nothing to do with it." Terrible!"

She knew that the old emperor didn't take Luo's daughter seriously, but it was his daughter after all. Isn't it smearing her face by insulting her like this?

In Zongren Mansion, the eunuch dedicated to the decree had just finished reading the decree, Li Chuchu was stunned.

"What's the idea?"

And that Luo's reaction was too calm, so she always felt that there must be a demon if something abnormal happened.

Not to mention Ling Yuan was surprised, even Li Huang found it inconceivable.

Li Huang: "..."

She put the book aside, moved closer to him, and asked, "Tell me, what is Father's plan?"

She really wanted to marry Gu Chenzhou with all her heart, but she never expected that the emperor would let her be a concubine!
Seeing that she didn't respond for a long time, the eunuch passing the order was a little displeased: "Mr. Li, accept the order."

That would be regarded as being demoted to a commoner, and she is also His Majesty's daughter. If His Majesty wants to make his daughter a concubine, this...

As soon as Li Huang heard it, Xingzhi came to him immediately.

Ling Yuan was dumbfounded.

If it meant a woman with a higher status than her to be Gu Chenzhou's regular wife, she would accept it, but why should a second-married woman be over her head?

Therefore, it must be the eunuch who delivered the decree, seeing that she was in a weak position, and made trouble.

How could he endure being insulted like this by a concubine who was hated by the emperor?

She thought about this, and then questioned: "Is it you, right? You are a dog slave who overestimates me. Seeing that I am in a weak position, you deliberately come to bury me!"

The corner of Li Huang's mouth twitched, she knew it.

Even if he wasn't the great eunuch who served the emperor personally, he still had a high rank in the palace anyway, even her mother, Luo Concubine, had to be polite when she met him.

He didn't have any feelings for that daughter at all, and she had done so many outrageous things, the emperor didn't cut her with a knife, it was because half of his blood was slipping in her body.

How could such a cheap bastard who can't stand on the stage be put on her head?

She had obviously been demoted, but she kept calling herself my palace, which made the eunuch who passed the decree frowned.

"Before leaving the palace, Your Majesty said that if the common people of Li refuse to obey the will, then they don't have to enter the door with their main wife. After Miss Fang enters the door, they can be carried into the Gu residence."

Mo Jingzhan nodded seriously: "Your Majesty said that my idea is very good. He is already drafting the decree. I don't think it will take long for the imperial decree to grant marriage to the Gu family."

Sure enough, Mo Jingzhan said next: "One of these two is bad, and the other is stupid. They are a good pair. I won't object, but I think it's a little bit cheap for them to be so simple. , and gave His Majesty an idea."

"Hold it down for our family!"

While screaming, she rushed towards the eunuch delivering the decree.

Li Huang nodded, the reasoning was so reasonable, but she always felt that something was wrong.

Even Ling Yuan, who was waiting for the tea, pricked up her ears curiously.

Li Huang took a sip of tea and almost didn't spray him on the face, and stared at him with rounded eyes: "Your proposal, father also agrees?"

In the past, when we met at the banquets of various governments, Li Chuchu couldn't help but hint at those little sisters who flattered her and ridiculed her.

The face of the eunuch delivering the decree was completely dark.

Li Huang just looked at him like that: "You didn't raise any objections?"

Only then did Li Chuchu come back to his senses, looked up at the eunuch and asked, "Did you read it wrong, how could the father ask me to be a concubine?"

Holding the imperial decree, Li Chuchu almost read it word for word, completely dumbfounded.

The royal father really wanted to treat her like this!

Do not!
She will never believe it!
It's all the fault of that bitch Li Huang, if it wasn't for her, how could the father treat her like this?
At the same time, the Pingyang Hou Mansion also received the imperial edict.

Compared to Li Chuchu's hysteria, Gu Chenzhou seemed much calmer.

After sending away the eunuch who delivered the decree, Gu Chenzhou looked at Pingyanghou and asked, "Why did my father ask me to marry a common man?"

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