Gu Chenzhou didn't quite understand, even if Li Chuchu was the second princess before, Marquis Pingyang never agreed with him to marry her.

Now that she has been demoted, it will not be of any help to their Pingyang Hou Mansion, but he took the initiative to enter the palace to ask for this marriage gift.

Marquis Pingyang dismissed the servants, and waited until they were the only father and son left in the room, and then said: "Why do you think that Luo Pin is so eager to protect her daughter, why didn't she do anything this time?"

Gu Chenzhou didn't understand why the Marquis of Pingyang wanted to transfer to Luo Pin because he clearly asked about Li Chuchu.

But he shook his head honestly, Pingyang Hou sighed: "Do you think that an ordinary concubine in the harem can have such a great ability to hire assassins to assassinate the eldest princess of the dynasty again and again?"

Gu Chenzhou froze for a moment, then asked hesitantly: "Father means..."

Ping Yanghou nodded: "So, what you married is not just a common man who was demoted by the emperor. With her in his hands, our Gu family will have a chance to stand up."

Gu Chenzhou was excited for a while, but soon thought of his broken leg and the ugly scar on his face, and the energy in his eyes disappeared all of a sudden.

Pingyanghou saw his loss, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, as long as you marry Li Chuchu into the family, there will be a genius doctor to come to treat your injuries. When the time comes, you will still be in our Pingyanghou's mansion." son."

Hearing this, Gu Chenzhou suddenly raised his head and looked at him with burning eyes: "Father, are you serious?"

"Your Majesty, Emperor Dayuan, I told Your Majesty that what those envoys did was purely their own behavior, and I did not instruct His Majesty, but after all, it was done by our people. Therefore, we are willing to treat Xi Chuan and Dayuan will give you some compensation."

The messenger knelt under the great hall, read the letter from their lord on the spot, and reported the amount they could compensate.

Because, the lord of Dongyu is really generous, and he wants to compensate Dayuan and Xichuan with 300 million taels of gold and silver each.

At that time, the morning court had not yet ended, and when everyone heard the amount of compensation, they couldn't help but gasped.

"When did His Royal Highness like to hold banquets?"

Hearing this, the man's eyes behind the mask suddenly became sharp: "I hope you understand that I help you because we have a common goal with you, but this goal does not include assassinating the eldest princess. You can't recognize this clearly , then I will pretend that I have never been here today."

Li Huang took a deep look at him, and told her instinctively that Li Yuze is definitely not a person who is aimless. Could it be that she has something to do with the banquet he held this time?
"I know, you can go back."

Seeing this, Li Chuchu hurriedly said, "Forget that I said something wrong, how can you help me?"

So, he asked: "How can you help me? Could it be that you are willing to help me assassinate Li Huang again?"

If Mo Jingzhan was here, he would definitely recognize the man in front of him as the ghost-faced man who was trying to snatch the red cherry gun.

The person who came to post the post was Cao Quan, the chief manager of the Eastern Palace, which showed the sincerity of the other party in inviting her.

The ghost-masked man paused, and the corners of his lips under the mask immediately curled up.

After speaking, he jumped off the window sill and was about to leave.

Thinking about the current situation, she might as well be dead.

The second princess, who used to be so high and played with all the men in the applause, is now reduced to being suppressed by a second married woman whom she has ridiculed before. How can she not swallow this tone?
What made her most angry was that Gu Chenzhou didn't come to her room at all on the day she entered the door.

Three days later, Donggong sent someone to send an invitation card, Li Huang was a little surprised.

After entering the door, she had to offer tea to Mrs. Fang.

The man smiled gently: "The second princess doesn't have to be so hostile to me, I'm here to help the second princess."

Unlike the girl from the Fang family who was dressed in red makeup and beat gongs and drums, she only had a few people who carried the sedan chair, and she didn't even have a dowry maid.

Li Huang glanced at her: "Your idea is outrageous."

After Cao Quan resigned, Ling Yuan was full of surprise: "Your Highness, could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince knew that he was a little blind before, and wanted to repair your brother-sister relationship?"

The old emperor really didn't care about Li Chuchu, and wished he could immediately carry Li Chuchu into Pingyanghou's mansion, so the date was fixed seven days later, and he sent a sedan chair to carry him out of Zongren's mansion.

Time flies, Li Yuze's painting feast has not yet arrived, but the messenger sent by the Lord of Dongyu has arrived.

Moreover, concubines cannot be included in the genealogy.

It's just that Li Yuze didn't like to hold these kinds of banquets, so it's really strange that he wants to hold a painting appreciation conference this time.

He took the second princess one bite at a time, and successfully lowered Li Chuchu's defense.

You know, the annual tax revenue of the Dayuan treasury is not even 100 million taels. This is a small country in Dongyu, and it only pays out 600 million taels. Isn't it generous?
However, the messenger then said: "It's just that those envoys are from Dongyu after all, and I hope that His Majesty Dayuan will put them up and let me take them back to Dongyu to deal with them."

Ling Yuan scratched her head, and laughed a few times, she couldn't make up such a scene by herself.

"This was not caused by envoys from various countries in Beijing a few days ago. His Highness the Crown Prince felt that it is necessary to improve the cohesion of the forces in Beijing and China. I also hope that His Highness the Eldest Princess will definitely come."

He was afraid of falling into the trap set up by the other party, so he didn't dare to agree outright, but instead let Xi Chuan's envoy enter the palace.

That last sentence is full of expectations.

None of the servants in the yard came in to clean up. Obviously, no one in this mansion took her seriously.

Ping Yanghou nodded: "When did father lie to you?"

She was so angry that she smashed a set of porcelain on the spot.

At this time, a figure silently appeared on the window sill, and said jokingly: "Tsk, the second princess of the royal family, this mess is quite miserable."

The son of Marquis Pingyang can only be him, he will never let those concubine younger brothers have any chance!

The old emperor always felt that Dongyu was too talkative.

Gu Chenzhou clenched his fists tightly, and couldn't stop the excitement in his heart.

When Li Chuchu heard this voice, he suddenly became vigilant: "What are you doing here again?"

Soon, Sanyan had finalized the amount of compensation and signed the agreement.

"The gold and silver for compensation will be sent to the capital of Dayuan within one month. I hope that His Majesty Dayuan will release the person first, so that I can take him back for disposal."

When the old emperor heard it, he even refused: "You haven't even seen the compensation money, and you want to take someone back. The Dongyu King's idea is too beautiful. Do you really think that our Dayuan is a soft persimmon?"

Several generals in the main hall immediately stood up and said in unison: "That's right, is it because there is no one in Dayuan?"

Seeing this, the messenger felt a little offended, but he still had the courage to say: "If His Majesty Dayuan doesn't let you go at this time, if there is any mistake in the process, what are you Dayuan's plans?"

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