The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 193 Weichen, Prince An's son, Mo Jingzhan

Emperor Da Yuan narrowed his cold eyes dangerously: "Are you threatening me?"

The Dongyu messenger raised his neck and said: "I am just reminding His Majesty Dayuan that those envoys are from Dongyu after all. If something goes wrong with them before our compensation reaches Dayuan, you will be responsible. Willing to bear it?"

"If you don't want to take the burden, then I advise His Majesty Dayuan to let you take him back."

"After all, our small country doesn't dare to play tricks on you, does it?"

The implication is that if Da Yuan insists on not letting people go first, then he will not have the demeanor of a great country.

Emperor Da Yuan was almost choked to death by him.

At this time, a cold voice came from outside the hall.

"Your country seems to have never figured out one thing, that is, it was you Dongyu who did evil on our Dayuan territory. According to the law of our dynasty, as for your Dongyu envoys, we just killed them. You can't say anything either."

"Now we are willing to discuss with you calmly how to resolve this matter, because we don't want to raise our troops in a big way, and make people lose their lives. Do you really think that there will be no one left for me as a military general?"

As the voice fell, Mo Jingzhan walked into the hall with his elegant and slender figure.

In case something really happened to Dongyu, they should have gone back earlier to deal with it.

After seeing the ceremony, she looked at the Dongyu courier, and went straight to the point: "Go back and tell your majesty to withdraw your army stationed on the border of our country for fifty miles, and pay another 300 million taels of compensation. If you don't agree, I, Xichuan I will never rest with you!"

Li Yuze, who had been standing by the side without saying a word, couldn't help but glance at her more.

"Where the farts are bigger, you dare to come to our Dayuan and jump up and down, without looking at how many catties you have."

But those who hadn't been there didn't recognize him, so they couldn't help asking with their eyes at the colleagues standing beside them.

There was never even a chance to stay in a hotel.

"Ying Xiangguo, those bastards were confused about these things for a while, let's talk it out if we have something to say, and don't want to do it."

"Yes, we will take care of it for you!"

The subordinates behind her echoed: "Yes, Dongyu and Xichuan belong to the same country. It would be good if we can take this opportunity to unify us."

"Our Majesty is willing to wait for you to come to discuss it. That is already giving you face. You are still shameless. If you want to take people back first, then we will lead our troops to take down your capital first, and then come with you. Can we talk about compensation?"

This woman is really fierce.

However, something special.

He came to negotiate, not to die.

"Since Xiangguo Xichuan said so, you should hurry back and prepare money, don't delay here."

Emperor Dayuan, who sat high on the head, nodded secretly. He really didn't mind if Dayuan's territory expanded.

Ying Han sneered, "I, Xi Chuan, have nothing to say to you, Dong Yu. You have to retreat and pay for it, or wash your ass and go back and wait."

Don't look at those military generals who only know how to wield swords and guns on weekdays, but the skills of talking to the enemy are no worse than those civil servants.

After all, there are some words that a civil servant who claims to be gentle can never say.

Emperor Dayuan sneered: "You Dongyu have such a big face, you came here to frame our prince, and you still want to be a white wolf with empty hands, okay, I will order people to release them from prison, but, Whether I can leave the great abyss alive is beyond my consideration."

Xi Chuan Xiangguo saw that Dongyu's affairs had already begun, and immediately began to bid farewell.

Seeing that everyone's stand was firm, Emperor Da Yuan started to drive people away.

However, Mo Jingzhan didn't let them guess for long, and the emperor generously rushed to offer his hands and said, "My minister, Prince An's son, Mo Jingzhan sees His Majesty!"

"Your envoy, please save your tongue. Even though we Dayuan are generous and don't want to argue with you, Xichuan may not let you go."

Mo Jingzhan didn't care about these people's small thoughts, he looked at the messenger: "If you, Dongyu, think that the tiny place is difficult to take care of, we, Dayuan, don't mind taking care of it for you!"

However, after all, after being a guilty minister, many people thought to themselves that even if they become the emperor's son-in-law, they may not be able to get much use from the emperor.

He was so frightened that he backed away again and again, and wanted to swear a few bad words, but the situation was stronger than others, and he was afraid that if he said one more word, these ferocious barbarians would cut him down on the spot.

Dongyu's messengers were almost pissed off, and each one of them came up and said they would beat them.


Who will not!
The Dongyu messenger wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Mo Jingzhan.

Many people in the main hall had been to the uncle's mansion for a birthday banquet, so they naturally recognized him.


Dongyu Messenger's face froze, yes, he almost forgot, there was Xichuan.

"Your Majesty Da Yuan, I've been bothering you for a few days, and it's time for me to return to court."

Emperor Dayuan didn't keep them either, so he ordered Li Yuze: "The crown prince will send them off for me. If there is any need in Xichuan, please do your best to meet it."

It seems that His Majesty has long been gracious to him for coming to this hall with such a generous and open identity.

As soon as this statement came out, the entire hall was in an uproar!
He is Mo Jingzhan, the adopted son of the rebellious minister An Wang who the court has been looking for to no avail!

In addition, Xichuan Kingdom is about the same size as Dongyu, and there are still women in charge of the family, but it is really fierce when fighting, and Dongyu is not an opponent.

Li Yuze cupped his hands and replied, "Yes, my minister obeys the order."

Why are these people so hot-tempered?
But unfortunately, he couldn't afford to provoke anyone.

The Dongyu messenger wanted to dig a hole for Dayuan, but he never thought about it, and was sent away with a few words.

He secretly wiped the sweat that flowed to his forehead, thinking that this errand was really difficult to handle.

Taking a deep breath, he forced out a smile again, and said: "Your Majesty Dayuan calm down, I don't have that intention, but His Majesty of our country has confessed that at least one or two important people should be brought back to him. This is also my responsibility." Entrusted by others, and matters of loyalty, if you have something to say, say it well, and if you have something to say, say it well."

The few generals next to him got excited when they heard the words.

Where has Dongyu Messenger seen such a posture?

That Xichuan woman is not easy to deal with!
As soon as this idea fell into place, Ying Han came with her two assistants.

It hurts his eyes to look at such incomprehensible things.

After the court meeting dispersed, the emperor left Mo Jingzhan to discuss important matters in the palace, and the others walked out of the hall one after another.

As soon as he left the gate of the palace, the servant of the household department called Li Yuze to stop him.

"His Royal Highness, can I take a step to speak?"

Li Yuze frowned, but followed him into the alley next to him.

Seeing that there was no one around, the Minister of the Household Department lowered his voice and asked, "Your Highness, it seems that His Majesty's reliance on him is unusual when Prince Mo returns to Beijing."

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