The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 202 Don't know how to answer

At this time, Luo Jiyuan, who had been silent all this time, had no choice but to tug him, and said in a low voice, "Lord Kuang, shut up!"

After watching the play for a long time, he understood that some people just wanted to do everything possible to turn the prince's brother and sister against each other.

Right now, the death of his concubine sister is full of weirdness, how could the emperor have the heart to argue with them here?
Unexpectedly, Mr. Kuang was in a posture of not hitting the south wall and not turning back, and he called out: "Your Majesty, Mo Shizi is a big rebel, just like King An, he has the heart of treason, and he must not be forgiven lightly."

Mo Jingzhan is an eagle and a strong horse, which cannot be trained by everyone.

As long as he removes such a big hidden danger for His Highness the Crown Prince, will the Crown Prince not remember him when he ascends the throne in the future?

So what if Luo Jiyuan is his own uncle?
As long as he let His Royal Highness see his sincerity, he will be more relied on than Luo Jiyuan one day!

Luo Jiyuan felt that he was simply impatient to live.

However, he is not the kind of person who waits for many things. Since there are people who want to die, there is no need for him to persuade them.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Kuang is right. Things have their own priorities. You can't let Mrs. Fang feel cold."

Several other courtiers who stood in line with Li Yuze saw that the opportunity to be famous in Qing history was at hand, how could they make Mr. Kuang special in front of him?
Moreover, this dynasty has never killed civil servants, and it is very encouraging for officials to speak out.

When she mentioned it, Li Yuze remembered his purpose of coming here, and immediately asked: "That Fang family, what do you think? You saw it in the court just now, if you can't give the Fang family a proper explanation , They're afraid they won't quit."

Fang Taifu was very suspicious.

On the other side, Mo Jingzhan had already left the palace in the blink of an eye, even though Mr. Fang ran all the way and broke his legs, he didn't even catch his shadow, so angry that he stomped his feet at the gate of the palace.

Therefore, he bowed respectfully: "I believe that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will give the old minister a satisfactory explanation. Thank you, Your Majesty."

This Mo Jingzhan is indeed an arrogant person!

All the courtiers looked at each other in blank dismay, with gossip burning in their eyes.

However, before Li Yuze could speak, Mo Jingzhan turned around and left.

Those courtiers who hadn't left were waiting to see how Li Yuze would deal with Mo Jingzhan, his arrogant future son-in-law.

Li Yuze clenched his fists: "What exactly do you want to do?"

The emperor's favor can be given, and it can also be taken back.

And those two Fang's uncles and nephews dared to threaten him with death!
The reason why these people dare to be so bold is not because he is a benevolent monarch and would not do the kind of thing that kills civil servants.

After all, no man can have a good face towards a man who wants to marry his sister.

It just doesn't make sense!
He is a majestic emperor, but he was forced to come here by several civil servants!

He actually just left!

If any minister succeeds in remonstrating to death, maybe he can still be famous in Qing history.

It's not like you really want to rebel, right?
Mo Jingzhan looked at his eyes that were about to burst into flames, and raised his eyebrows: "Guess."

Li Yuze raised his hand and threw a punch, Mo Jingzhan dodged slightly and easily avoided it.

He wanted to confirm for himself whether the woman was really dead.

The emperor suppressed his anger and looked at Taifu Fang: "Teacher, what do you think of the prince's proposal?"

The emperor was very satisfied with his understanding of current affairs: "Then let's disperse."

"When will the superiors need to be led by the nose by these courtiers?"

But now that their identities have been made public, how can they fight?
"I am the king, and he is a minister, but every time he sees me, he doesn't show any respect. I want to teach him a lesson, what's the problem?"

In the past, when they met, Li Yuze felt that she was self-righteous. She was obsessed with the beauty of a guard, which insulted the face of the royal family, and she needed to remove the hidden danger for her.

Isn't it because something happened to chase after her to her house?It's really not like his style to be bothered about trivial matters like etiquette.

Mo Jingzhan sneered: "So what if you don't want to quit? Are you forcing me to die?"

"Father, since Fang Taifu's family insists on an explanation from the royal family, it is better to leave this matter to the ministers. As for Concubine Luo, you should go and see for yourself."

After speaking, he left from behind.

When the two met, it could be said that it was full of gunpowder.

Seeing that Mo Jingzhan was about to disappear, Mr. Fang quickly chased after him: "Mo Shizi, what are you trying to do with my daughter's body detained?"

Everyone looked at Li Yuze unanimously, Li Yuze's face was completely darkened.

"His Royal Highness, please save yourself, you know that you are not my opponent."

For this reason, these civil officials are more fearless than those generals who went to the battlefield.

After all, it was the woman who had taken care of their brothers and sisters since childhood, and died suddenly. It is impossible to say that she was not moved in the slightest.

However, they didn't have the guts to go to the princess mansion to watch the fun.

Li Yuze's face was gloomy: "Don't worry, Grand Tutor, I will go to the eldest princess's mansion in person right now."

If the old emperor hadn't cared about his image as an emperor, he would have wished to kick these people out of the hall.

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and strode out of the Yizheng Hall.

Taifu Fang also knew that if he insisted on asking the emperor to personally give an explanation to their Fang family, then Longyan would definitely be offended, and at that time, it would be their Fang family who would suffer the most.

Li Yuze's face was gloomy, even if Mo Jingzhan really respected him, he might not like him.

He really had never seen someone who played cards so unreasonably.

Li Huang raised her eyebrows and looked at Mo Jingzhan.

"His Royal Highness, otherwise, you go out to fight?"


Luo Jiyuan's eyes lightly swept over these obstinate colleagues, and silently returned to his position.

Fang Taifu came back to his senses, grabbed Li Yuze and asked, "His Royal Highness, this..."

She really didn't understand how the usually calm Li Yuze became childish when he met Mo Jingzhan.

One has to learn when enough is enough.

Can the crown prince really seek justice for such lawless people?

He easily slapped Li Yuze's fist back, and Li Yuze took several steps back after being hit by him, his face turned blue and red, and turned red and white, it was really wonderful.

Mo Jingzhan returned to the Princess's mansion, and Li Yuze arrived behind.

Seeing these two people enter the door, Li Huang was on edge, and immediately raised his forehead: "Could it be that the two of you had enmity in previous lives?"

If you want him to say, those old and stubborn people can just hit them, and just carry them out after they die.

He really didn't believe that those people dared to actually hit the pillar.

It was the first time Li Yuze heard such a rebellious speech, and he quickly reprimanded: "Shut up! The rules left by the ancestors, are you also able to criticize them?"

Mo Jingzhan folded his arms and looked at him: "Could it be that my son is wrong?"

Li Yuze was stopped by his question, and for a while he didn't know how to answer.

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