Mo Jingzhan continued: "The rules left by the ancestors are to allow them to give direct remonstrance without fear of life and death when the king is confused, but they don't let them act like a woman for their own self-interest, throwing themselves around and seeking death as a threat. .”

"His Royal Highness and His Majesty have made the same mistake, so that these courtiers feel that as long as they want to die or live, you who hold the imperial power in your hands must be at their mercy."

"Even if they have been greatly wronged and need the king to make decisions for them, they also need to present the facts and reason well, and impress the king with sincerity, instead of hitting the pillars at every turn like today. After all, in this world, is the surname Fang, or Li?"

It's a joke to try to leave a name in Qing history in this way!
Li Yuze was left speechless by his question.


It seemed very reasonable, but he couldn't refute it.

"But if they really die in His Majesty's Highness, what will the historians write in the future? His father claimed to love the people like a son, he was considerate of his subjects, and he was a benevolent king. If it is because of this, he will be criticized in later generations..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mo Jingzhan.

"Your Majesty's benevolence is the blessing of the people in the world, but it is not the reason for these courtiers to overstep the rules. Ordinary people want to sue the officials, and they have to get [-] boards to enter the door. Is it possible that the courtiers want to sue the emperor's relatives? If Nao San hangs himself, His Majesty has to agree?"

"Then Your Majesty, the king, is he worse than those parents and officials?"

Li Yuze knew that no matter how much he asked, the other party would not reveal a single word to him, so he walked away with a dark face, his robe was torn by the sword, looking very embarrassed.

These people don't think about how to do things for the court every day, but only think about how to climb up the relationship. Even he, a housekeeper, is a little contemptuous.

"What are your plans, that Fang family, what are you going to do with it?"

After Kuang Zhulan got the news, she quickly organized a discussion with several courtiers who supported Li Yuze, and then they ran to the uncle's mansion one after another, wanting to find out what Luo Jiyuan said.

Ling Yuan came in hurriedly and said: "Your Highness, so far I only see that Minister Kuang has made a move, but the servants don't look at him like the kind of person who can plan a divorce."

He finally couldn't hold back and asked.

Obviously, Gu Chenzhou's operation was just a show, in fact, he didn't worry about Fang's life or death at all.

"Our country's uncle said that it's not a year or a festival. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for the adults to visit at this time. Please come back."

Ling Yuan shook her head: "There is no movement in the Fang family for the time being, and they probably want to see how His Highness the Crown Prince will handle this matter. As for the Pingyang Hou Mansion, they pretended to go to the East Palace dignitaries an hour ago, but they were dismissed by the guards. There is no more movement."

The people from the Princess's mansion then spread the news that the two of them fought in the mansion, and Li Yuze, the dignified prince, lost no face at all.

"But what if it caused civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to kneel down to petition?"

According to Li Chuchu's intention, it would be better if Fang Shi died, and no one would be able to press him down in the future.

As far as Kuang Shilang's brain is concerned, even if the people behind the scenes seek help, they will not find him.

And the Marquis of Pingyang, what exactly is it trying to do at this time.

So, after nightfall, he quietly went to the East Palace.

That brain is definitely stupid when reading.

While removing the hairpin from his head, Li Huang ordered: "Then let people continue to stare at them. How will the Fang family and Gu family react now?"

All those eyes that hid in the shadows saw.

Although what he said made sense, Li Yuze just felt that if the method was too tough, would it cause too much backlash?

Li Yuze followed closely with a dark face.

With a single word from the housekeeper, he dismissed several people immediately.

Isn't it just a tool?
He is a dignified prince, these matters should be dealt with by him logically, but these two people are not married yet, they just look like a couple, which makes him very unhappy.

A few people had a bad nose, and finally had no choice but to leave resentfully.

However, they didn't expect that Luo Jiyuan didn't want to see them at all.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince still can't see it? It's obvious that someone has set up a trick to make you brothers and sisters turn against each other. If that's the case, then when you leave the Princess's Mansion later, when you bother His Highness the Crown Prince to leave the mansion, behave angrily. .”

If you're here to discuss the way of being a king, it's not appropriate to stand in this yard, right?

With the big hat of forcing the palace down, those old stubborn people who value reputation more than death will not have to fight to the end, will they?
Seeing the two standing in the yard arguing for a long time, the topic seemed to be going further and further away, Li Huang couldn't help interrupting them.

Mo Jingzhan shook his head and reminded him: "His Royal Highness, has he forgotten that His Majesty is a king, and they are ministers. His Majesty does things according to His Majesty's considerations. If they dare to kneel down collectively, they will force the palace."

"His Royal Highness knows that too much will affect performance, and when the instructions behind it surface, you will know."

Li Yuze opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but he didn't say a word for a while.

"Your Highness, what are you here for?"

After all, he is the prince's real uncle.

The courtiers who were waiting to see the excitement also got the news soon.

Fortunately, the people in the East Palace did not stop him outside, but invited him in politely.

Mo Jingzhan took her hand and walked into the house, not caring about Li Yuze's reaction.

Princess Palace.

Kuang Zhulan didn't give up, he was determined that as long as he was loyal enough, His Highness the Crown Prince would definitely see him.

"As for Gu Shizi, an hour ago, he prepared generous gifts and went to Fang Mansion to plead guilty, but obviously, the people in Fang Mansion didn't welcome him, and he couldn't even enter the door."

His words can be said to hit the nail on the head, thoroughly pointing out the problems of the imperial court over the years.

They just wanted to make this matter worse and worse as expected by the mastermind behind the scenes. He wanted to see who was stirring up the wind and rain behind it.

Mo Jingzhan raised his eyebrows, thinking that His Royal Highness was going to take it to the end, but he didn't expect to lose his temper so soon.

Li Yuze found a chair and sat down, dissatisfied: "You have to reveal the plan to Bengong, right? I don't want to be such a muddleheaded tool."

However, I don't know what wish she made to Gu Chenzhou to make Gu Chenzhou like her.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

There was still no movement on the side of the Princess's mansion, and nothing seemed to be done on the side of the East Palace, so the Fang family couldn't sit still.

On this day, early in the morning, the Fang family was full of people sitting outside the gate of the eldest princess's mansion.

Looking around, there are at least three people. Those who don't know it think they were sent by the imperial court to confine them.

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