The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 206 What is there to worry about

He pushed the door open vigorously, and then he was dumbfounded.

Because, the hands of the two are holding each other tightly, the two faces are still a little close, and the atmosphere in the room is ambiguous no matter how you look at it.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something stupid, so he quickly backed out and closed the door in a hurry.

"When I haven't been here, you continue."

The atmosphere was completely defeated by him, and he still had the nerve to say this, Li Huang was speechless.

"Come in, what's the matter?"

She and Mo Jingzhan's identities have been determined, and there is nothing shameful about it.

She, Li Huang, has never been such a coy person.

Luo Mingchuan tentatively pushed open a crack in the door, subconsciously glanced at Mo Jingzhan, it wasn't that he was cowardly, it was that he really couldn't beat him.

Rarely did Mo Jingzhan not change his face, so Luo Mingchuan boldly pushed the door open and said, "Cousin Prince found the original painting of the former master, and found something in the scroll of the original painting. It proves that cousin, you have the heart to seize the throne, and those ministers who discuss politics will quit after hearing it."

Li Huang subconsciously glanced at Mo Jingzhan, it seemed that the third master of the Fang family was really doing great things in a silent voice, why didn't he see it before.

"I said, why are you not in a hurry?" Luo Mingchuan jumped anxiously when he saw her sitting as firmly as a mountain, "The prince's cousin really regards you as an opponent who wants to grab the throne with him, maybe he will kill you, How can you still sit still?"

As he said that, he looked at Mo Jingzhan again. He didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly pointed at him and said, "It's all you, you can still laugh."

Before Mo Jingzhan appeared, Li Huang was probably just the eldest princess, even if she got engaged to Mo Jingzhan, it was just a means to appease the students all over the world.

However, he appeared, so the meaning is different.

As long as Li Huang is willing, he will use his influence in the hearts of the students all over the world and the support of the three continents to easily break the traditional rules and send her to the throne.

Thinking about it made those courtiers afraid.

Mo Jingzhan looked innocent: "What does it have to do with me? I told you in the hall that you can bring your cousin back to the fief after marriage, but they don't believe it."

Luo Mingchuan found a chair, sat down on his buttocks, and asked: "Now they must be kneeling in the hall together, asking Uncle Huang to deal with this matter, you should quickly think about what to do?"

Although the emperor is authoritative, if all the courtiers wrote a letter requesting to eliminate this hidden danger on the grounds of dismissing the court, the emperor would have no choice but to take some measures.

Mo Jingzhan peeled an orange for Li Huang, and said lightly: "Why are you panicking? No matter how helpless Your Majesty is, he will never kill your cousin. As for the so-called evidence, it is not convincing. Go practice your skills. Don't come here to prevent me from developing a relationship with your cousin."

Luo Mingchuan's eyes widened, and the phrase "stinky and shameless" came to his throat, but he swallowed it back.

In the end, he could only stand up from the chair aggrieved, and walked towards the door with three steps and three turns.

I thought his cousin would protect him, but she didn't call him until he crossed the threshold.

Sure enough, with a man, a cute younger brother and so on are all superfluous.

At this moment, the palace has already become a mess.

"Your Majesty, Prince Mo was originally the adopted son of King An, and he was a traitor after all. If you can pardon him generously and let him not be implicated by Prince An's mansion, that would be very tolerant. If you marry the Eldest Princess Give it to him, I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

"That's right, Your Majesty, King An has evil intentions. As his adopted son, Mo Shizi must also be ambitious. If it wasn't for the peace of mind of the world, how could His Majesty marry the eldest princess to him?"

"Your Majesty knows that His Majesty tried to use this marriage to force him to show up, but he failed to catch Mo Shizi when he sent out documents from the sea. Now he is in the capital, and the court has not pursued him. Even his title, He didn't touch him, so he should be grateful to Dade, and shouldn't expect to marry the eldest princess back!"

Several ministers tried to ruin this marriage with one word at a time.

A princess who is more favored than the prince is already outrageous, and adding a genius who is capable of writing and martial arts as her husband, wouldn't that be like adding wings to a tiger?
Just thinking about it is scary.

And Li Yuze, who handed over the original works of the previous dynasty, just stood aside from the beginning to the end, playing the role of his kind and steady prince, as if the matters requested by these courtiers had nothing to do with him.

In fact, he couldn't help but secretly startled.

He thought that the third master of the Fang family was contributing to the flames only to abolish the eldest princess Li Huang.

But he didn't expect that he wanted to ruin this marriage!
The old emperor's face was as deep as water. Mo Jingzhan was personally selected by Li Huang as a husband-in-law candidate. Looking at it now, the two of them are also concubines who are concubine in love. As a father, he will not do anything to destroy this pile of marriage.

However, if he refuses to comply, these courtiers will be able to kneel here for a long time...

His cold eyes glanced at the courtiers who were kneeling down, and asked: "But, the imperial decree to grant marriage has already been issued, and everyone in the world knows it. If I ruin the marriage, wouldn't it be like a joke?"

An admonishing doctor immediately cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this is all right, let Qin Tianjian check it later, as long as Mo Shizi's fate is in conflict with the royal family, then they can't marry the princess."

The rest of the courtiers also nodded.

No matter what, the mess behind Mo Jingzhan has not been understood. He must not be allowed to marry the only eldest princess of Dayuan, let alone let him go back to the land of three continents, otherwise, Dayuan Yuan is in danger.

The old emperor was about to be laughed at by their rhetoric.

Such an act of splashing dirty water so clearly, thanks to those who have read poetry and books, they can speak it out.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are also thinking about Da Yuan's future successors. They did not let His Majesty dispose of the Eldest Princess, but only asked for the termination of this marriage. This will not only reassure the orthodoxy, but also reassure the hearts of the people. If Your Majesty is so indecisive, there will inevitably be endless troubles. His Majesty--"

A group of courtiers bowed down in unison, praying loudly and loudly, asking the emperor to dissolve the engagement.

The old emperor only felt pain in his brain, and he glared at Li Yuze who stood aside and watched the play for a long time but didn't make a sound.

Angrily said: "Prince, you are the one who said your sister is ambitious, why don't you speak now?"

Li Yuze looked blank: "Father, I just presented you the contents of the painting scroll truthfully, but I didn't say that Huang'er has the ambition to seize the throne. Besides, even if she has, I feel that in Before the son makes a big mistake, you can't easily abolish the son."

So, what did he have to worry about?

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