The old emperor was almost mad at him.

This kid has become very courageous recently, how dare he talk to him like this!
"If you don't want to kill each other, why bother?" The old emperor snorted, wanting him to bear the infamy alone, there is no door, "This matter is related to you, just tell me, all ministers, please, Should the minister respond?"

Li Yuze resisted the twitching of the corners of his eyes, and secretly cursed his father for being so insidious, for actually throwing the blame on him.

The old emperor straightened his back and looked at him, with an attitude of "I'll throw it away, what can you do to me".

Li Yuze was speechless. In order not to be hated by his sister in the future, his father didn't even want the majesty of an emperor.

"Father, although what your lords said just now has some truth, but the marriage was broken less than half a year after the engagement, which is not good for the reputation of the imperial sister. If the imperial sister wants to choose a husband-in-law again in the future, I am afraid It will be difficult."

Unexpectedly, just as he said these words, a warm voice came in: "If His Royal Highness is worried about the eldest princess's marriage, then I can ask you to marry me."

Everyone turned their heads in unison, and looked towards the entrance of the hall.

He saw a handsome young man in a purple court dress stepping into the hall, and bowed respectfully to the emperor above him.

"My lord, Shangguan Ling came back from his Jiangdong inspection, and hereby submit a report on the recent farmland taxation. Your Majesty please read it."

As he spoke, he took out a booklet from his pocket, raised his hands above his head, and waited respectfully for the emperor's servant to come and take it away.

The old emperor almost forgot about him.

His chief minister, Shangguan Ling, is only 20 years old this year, and now he is from the third rank. Looking at the whole Dayuan, he is also one of the few young talents.

As for the Shangguan family, their ancestors also followed the Taizu to fight the world, but compared with Pingyang Hou and his like, they know how to retreat bravely and avoid the edge.

After withdrawing from the capital, the Shangguan family did not develop and grow in the army, but let their descendants embark on the road of imperial examinations.

It has to be said that it is easy for smart people to achieve success whether they are engaged in literature or martial arts.

In just a few decades, the Shangguan family produced many capable people.

Shangguan Ling was undoubtedly the most outstanding child cultivated by the Shangguan family. If he wanted to compete for the position of the attached horse, it would not be said that he was not worthy.

The old emperor was so engrossed in his thoughts that he forgot to read the notes for a while, until the other party spoke again.

"Your Majesty, did His Royal Highness the Crown Prince say just now that the eldest princess's marriage is in the way? I wonder if I am qualified to propose marriage?"

It's the second time he's asked, the old emperor can't even pretend to be stupid.

Li Yuze's gaze passed over Shangguan Ling's body indifferently, his face was as stable as Mount Tai, but in his heart he was already gloating.

Mo Jingzhan has met his opponent this time.

The old emperor glared at him angrily. This is what he, a rebellious son, provoked. Why let him take the blame?

Li Yuze expressed his innocence. It was obvious that these ministers deliberately provoked the incident, but he just followed the trend, so why did he rely on him?
"Ahem! This matter concerns the eldest princess, and I still need to obtain her consent. There is no need to say more, dear friends, let's go."

These people are so annoying, every day, they just know how to stare at his baby.

It's the turn of these people to oppose the husband-in-law chosen by his family's treasure based on his ability?
However, these courtiers were not so easy to dismiss. If they didn't get a positive answer from the emperor today, they didn't even want to move their knees.

"Your Majesty, Lord Shangguan is very good, why are you still hesitating?"

"Your Majesty thinks that Shangguan is more suitable for the Eldest Princess no matter in terms of family background or ability. Your Majesty, please consider carefully."

This is the meaning of forcing the emperor to remarry.

The old emperor's face was completely dark.

"Your Majesty, please consider carefully for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji!"

The dozen or so people yelled so loudly that the old emperor felt like his head was going to explode.

Finally, he flicked his sleeves angrily and left.

However, the dozen or so people knelt and did not move, as if they were determined to remonstrate to the death.

This confrontation between the monarch and his ministers lasted for three full days.

And none of the people who petitioned at the gate of the palace left.

Li Huang's reputation as the eldest princess was almost trampled into the mud at this moment.

Seeing the development of the matter to this stage, Li Chuchu, who was hiding in the dark and drinking tea comfortably, was full of pride in his eyes.

"Aunt Li, His Majesty did not agree to let the eldest princess and Mo Shizi break off the engagement, why are you happy?"

The maid next to her had an ordinary face and said in a strange way.

A murderous look flashed across Li Chuchu's eyes.

A lowly servant girl dares to boss her around in front of her!
One day, she will make everyone who bullied her look good!
She took a deep breath and quickly returned to normal.

"So many courtiers and common people are petitioning. Unless the old emperor wants to be a fool, he will definitely agree."

At this moment, she hated the old emperor no less than she hated Li Huang.

If he hadn't been ruthless, she would have been Gu Chenzhou's official wife!
But now, she can only be a concubine!

"Aunt Li, the master asked me to advise you, it's best not to ruin his big plan because of your little love and hatred, otherwise, we can help you, and we can also ruin you!"

The servant girl looked at her with undisguised contempt in her eyes.

Li Chuchu's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched tightly.

Aunt Li, Aunt Li, I'm so annoying!

If it wasn't for this servant girl who belonged to that mysterious ghost-faced man, she would have killed her!

"I see, as long as your master keeps what he says, and I get what I want, I won't ruin your great affairs."

However, there was one thing she didn't understand, why the ghost-masked man didn't want that bitch Li Huang to marry Mo Jingzhan.

Could it be that Mo Jingzhan will have some great achievements in the future?
Thinking of this, her eyeballs rolled quickly.

Li Huang thought that when things got to this point, the emperor would have no choice but to decree that she be demoted to a noble or send her out of the city, and ordered her to return Fang's body to the Fang family.

However, what she never expected was that Cheng Yaojin, who came out on the way, wanted to compete with Prince Mo and marry her.

As for Fang's body, the Fang family said that since they married into the Pingyang Houfu, they were from the Pingyanghoufu.

Li Huang was stunned.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the news, Fang seemed extremely calm.

She continued to draw her paintings calmly, as if she had put her own life and death aside.

"Your Highness should now be able to understand the idea of ​​the minister's wife wanting to remain anonymous and find a place to live freely, right?"

To those relatives, she is just a tool that can be given up at will.

They don't really care if she lives or dies.

"However, my third uncle is usually quiet, so it's really unambiguous to play a black hand."

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