That Third Master Fang's qualifications are mediocre, and he can only be a fourth-rank official at this age, and none of the children in the family can do it.

As for the girl, compared with the second bedroom of the eldest room, she is even more unattractive.

If he can't take this opportunity to make a good fight in front of the prince, after a hundred years, the three of them will be really lonely.

"If you don't want to clean up Gu Chenzhou and Li Chuchu, I can send someone to send you out of the capital right now."

Li Huang has never been a soft-hearted person, and things that have been planned will definitely be changed without saying anything.

However, facing Fang Shi, she suddenly became a little bit ruthless.

After all, this is a woman who has been abandoned by the whole family many times.

Fang put down her pen and looked at her seriously: "Your Highness, don't pity me. Since I agree, I will finish it for Your Highness. Otherwise, I will accept His Highness's help for nothing, which makes me feel uneasy."

Even though the Fang family is not a place of love and righteousness, at least it has taught her one thing, that is, keep what you say.

At this time, Ling Yuan hurried in and said: "Your Highness, the Marquis of Pingyang has set up a mourning hall, saying that Mrs. Gu's body has been sent back and will be buried tomorrow."

Fang: "..."

Li Huang thought she heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

Ling Yuan took a breath, and repeated what she said just now: "The Pingyang Hou Mansion announced to the outside world that your Highness sent people to throw the body of Mrs. Fang back to the Pingyang Hou Mansion in the middle of the night, because the body has been there for several days. , are all rotten, so they will be buried tomorrow."

Fang felt that the Pingyang Hou Mansion was even more outrageous than the Fang family.

She is still here, so who is buried by the Gu family?
But the focus of Li Huang's attention is: "They said, Ben Gong threw the body back in the middle of the night?"

Ling Yuan nodded and clenched her fists angrily: "Yes, they slandered His Highness in such a way, because His Highness the Crown Prince ordered people to throw Gu Shizi and the concubine at the gate of the Pingyang Marquis Mansion that day, so everyone treats them There is no doubt about this statement."

At this moment, the people's grievances and anger are almost on the verge of boiling.

The reputation that Li Huang managed to recover before was completely ruined all of a sudden.

"A lot of people throw rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs outside the gate of the mansion, and the servants dare not go out to buy them."

"Your Highness, if we don't fight back, I'm afraid that the people will smash the palace door next."

Li Huang: "..."

With the toughness of the people in the capital, it is really possible.

At this moment, Fang came to his senses, sneered, and said: "I also want to see who is lying in the coffin, Your Highness, I will go out with you."

Li Huang nodded.

Outside the gate of the Grand Duke's mansion, a large group of people had gathered at this moment, and the rotten vegetable leaves smashed down on the vermilion gate like raindrops.

Suddenly, the door opened slowly, and the people outside the door stopped for a moment, and then began to throw them again.

Ling Yuan took the first step and shouted: "Whoever dares to throw it again, I want his head!"

As she said that, she pulled out the sword in her hand with a clang.

The bright sword light frightened those people to stop their movements immediately.

Li Huang came out slowly, his eyes fell on the surrounding crowd like a torch, and he asked with a mocking tone: "What? Want to rebel?"

At this time, a brave commoner shouted: "The rooster wakes up in the morning, and the world is in chaos!"

Ling Yuan's eyes were blazing, and the sword in her hand could not bear it.

At this moment, Mrs. Fang slowly walked out from behind, and said loudly: "The eldest princess has never said that she is going to seize the throne. You are listening to nonsense, and dare to come to the eldest princess's mansion to make trouble. ?"

Everyone was so angry that they didn't pay attention to who was speaking, and they replied casually: "If she has no ambition, why did she kill Mrs. Gu to set up a game?"

Fang's deity was standing on the steps, and when he heard this, he laughed angrily: "My wife is standing here well, how did the eldest princess kill me?"

The originally excited and noisy crowd froze for a moment, and then suddenly raised their eyes to look at her.

After a while, someone finally recognized her: "Gu... Mrs. Gu!"

Depend on!
Mrs. Gu is standing here well, so what is the spirit of the Pingyang Houfu?

Everyone was confused.

Seeing this, Ling Yuan immediately scolded: "Mrs. Gu is not dead, why don't you disperse quickly and wait to enter the dungeon of Jingzhao Mansion to eat corn bread?"

It was only when everyone heard the words that they realized that they had been instigated by someone, and they scattered like birds and beasts.

The servants came out with brooms to clean up the rotten leaves in front of the door.

Li Huang led Fang's family to the Marquis of Pingyang in a horse-drawn carriage.

At this moment, Pingyang Hou's Mansion is full of mourning and joy, and there is an endless stream of those who come to express their condolences.

Suddenly, the carriage of the eldest princess mansion stopped at the gate of the mansion, and the gatekeepers were all stunned.

Didn't the eldest princess break with their Pingyang Hou Mansion?
Why do you still come to express your condolences?

Or is she here to ask for peace because of the public grievances these days?

Thinking about it this way, the minds of those gatekeepers became alive.

When Li Huang got off the carriage and walked in front of them, they gave her a perfunctory salute and said, "His Royal Highness, it might be inappropriate for you to come to express condolences at this moment?"

The concierge's nose was about to reach the sky, and he almost pointed at Li Huang's nose and said that the Gu family did not welcome her.

Li Huang sneered, she dared to stop her with a mere door.

She dodged and took half a step to the side, Ling Yuan stepped forward, slapped the low-looking concierge aside, and spat: "What are you, you dare to come and block my Highness's way!"

Seeing this, the other servants wanted to move forward, but Ling Yuan immediately pulled out the sword in her hand.

She raised her eyebrows and scolded, "Go away!"

But there were those who were not afraid of death, insisted on coming forward to stop them, and scolded uncleanly: "What about the eldest princess? We are here in the Marquis of Pingyang, and His Majesty still has to give us a few thin noodles. How dare you kill here..."

However, before the word "human" could be uttered, Ling Yuan's sword had already sliced ​​towards his neck.

The man fell down in response, and everyone else was dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that the people under Li Huang would really dare to kill people in their residence.

Soon, someone ran in to report, and he shouted while running: "It's not good, the eldest princess has killed someone!"

At this time, there were already many guests in the mansion, and everyone heard the shout of the servant running in.

"This... this eldest princess is too lawless!"

"What is the occasion here? She made a mistake first. She didn't come to apologize and offer incense. How dare she kill someone!"

"It's unreasonable! This woman is really lawless!"

There happened to be a few people at the banquet, who were the officials who would kneel before the emperor that day.

Kuang Zhulan turned her eyeballs, and she walked up to Gu Chenzhou's side, and said in a low voice, "Gu Shizi, this eldest princess is here to make trouble at this time, could it be that... regret it?"

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