Pingyanghou's face was livid, he did this matter so secretly, how did Li Huang know?
Of course he didn't know that every move of Pingyang Hou Mansion was under Li Huang's strict surveillance.

"Your Royal Highness, even though you have a noble status, please don't make false statements. It is clear that you threw my daughter-in-law back to the mansion in the middle of the night. You have not asked His Majesty for justice for such a bad deed, but you still come to the door by yourself. It’s not fun to come here, is this an attempt to use power to suppress people?”

If a big hat is buckled down, if it were an ordinary person, he would have been crushed long ago.

Everyone's thoughts could not help but waver, and some people even couldn't help standing up to speak for Pingyanghou.

"His Royal Highness, the dead are the most important. No matter how willful you are, you shouldn't do it at this time."

"That's right, the Fang family didn't say anything. It's inappropriate for you to come here and beat and kill again like this?"

Li Huang's brows sharpened, and he looked at the elders who were standing and talking without back pain, and questioned: "They first slandered me for murdering and seizing the throne, and then said that I threw the body back in the middle of the night, and now the people in the capital are full of people. I can't wait to curse Bengong to die quickly, what's wrong with Bengong coming to confront each other?"

"Or should I squat in the mansion, let you talk and curse after dinner, but remain indifferent?"

Everyone was left speechless by her question.

Suddenly, a delicate and artificial female voice came over: "Whether it is slander or not, I can't let the eldest princess say it."

Today is just talking about breaking the sky, anyway, he killed the one lying in the coffin, and she is the real Miss Fang family.

It was only then that everyone remembered that Fang's death was asserted by Yizheng himself, and there was absolutely no way anything went wrong.

She walked in front of Li Huang, blessed Fushen slightly: "I have seen the eldest princess, the eldest princess casually brought a person similar to Sister Fang to the scene today, it seems a bit inappropriate?"

As she spoke, she rushed towards the tree in front of the mourning hall.

Unexpectedly, Fang has lived for nearly 18 years without even a single friend.

Then, the identity of the person in front of him is very suspicious.

"It seems that the eldest princess still hates me for robbing Gu Shizi. I was the one who got involved in the Pingyang Hou Mansion. Forget it, if I die, the eldest princess can let the eldest princess spare the Pingyang Hou Mansion from now on, then I am willing to do it once."

"That's right, she is also your concubine sister after all, do you have to kill her before she can rest?"

Seeing that this family is about to say black is white, Ling Yuan couldn't help but feel a little anxious. She pointed in the direction and asked the group of female relatives: "Is there no close friend who is willing to stand up and tell the difference? Whether it’s true or not, don’t you know if you come forward and try it?”

Fang's eyes were full of sarcasm. She had expected this kind of reaction from everyone.

Gu Chenzhou also regained his strength at this time, was supported by his servants, and began to issue an order to evict guests: "Princess, it is really not suitable to entertain you in the humble house today, please go back."

Li Huang: "..."

Seeing the people supporting the venue coming, Marquis Pingyang straightened his back, straightened his neck and said, "That's right, Fang's family didn't even say that the person lying in the coffin was fake when they came, and the eldest princess just randomly brought someone here. , and said that she is the daughter-in-law of my Gu family, that would be too much of a joke!"

A woman obeys her father at home and her husband when she gets married. Even if she had friends with her before, it was for the benefit of the family. Compared with the family behind them, her friend is really insignificant.

"Sister Fang fell into the water in the East Palace that day, and it was diagnosed by Yizheng himself. Could it be that the eldest princess thinks that Yizheng's diagnosis was wrong?"

"If Sister Fang is really still alive, then if you don't bring her for so many days, you have to wait until today to bring him. Could it be that you made a special trip to humiliate me, a poor person who was kicked out of the family tree by the royal family?"

Li Chuchu was dragged by several wives, and she acted as if she wanted to bump into a tree.

He didn't dare to call him by his first name anymore, after all, the newly attached bone from that kick just now might split again.

Li Huang had expected that this family would not be easy to deal with, so he blew his whistle.

After suffering so many losses, he had to guard against it.

However, no one is willing to come forward to try.

She acted so well that even she herself suspected that she was a narrow-minded savage princess who couldn't even tolerate a concubine.

Those women in the crowd are the most easy to soften their hearts. Seeing that Li Chuchu has changed from a noble second princess to this, she can't help feeling a little bit of pity in her heart.

Seeing this, everyone stepped forward to stop him.

That Xishuilou didn't invite her to sing in a big play, it's really a shame.

Because, they all have to listen to the man at home, and now there are rumors in the capital that Li Huang, as a princess, with a rooster in the morning, is suspected of treason by usurping the East Palace, if they dare to stand up and clear her name, In the future, is it possible that the land of this great abyss will really be handed over to a woman?
Wouldn't that be a mess!
Even though they are also women, they still cannot claim the monopoly of women.

Ling Yuan could see that the blood was rushing to her forehead, if Li Huang hadn't pulled her, she really wished she could rush up and chop that pretender with her sword.

Li Huang almost laughed angrily, in terms of opening his eyes and talking nonsense, he really can't compare to their nest of snakes and rats.

Weeping and shouting: "Don't pull me and let me die. After I die, everyone will be quiet, lest the eldest princess come to trouble me when she has something unpleasant. Now I can only be reduced to nothing. After becoming a concubine, she still refuses to let me go..."

Ling Yuan almost died of anger.

He is very clear now, if Li Huang can't be sent away quickly, who knows what tricks she can unleash later.

"Look, everyone understands, and the eldest princess shouldn't be so aggressive."

"His Royal Highness, don't bully others too much!"

As she spoke, she wiped away tears again.

Li Chuchu was wearing plain white clothes at the moment, with a simple white velvet flower on her hair, her face was obviously much smaller than before, which made her even weaker.

The corner of Li Huang's lips curled up almost invisibly, after so long, this one finally came out.

Pingyang Hou Yizheng said: "If the eldest princess comes to express her condolences, the Marquis welcomes her, but if she comes to make trouble, then she will not entertain her."

Seeing that everyone is aware of current affairs, Li Chuchu immediately became complacent and pursued the victory.

In an instant, the guards hidden in the dark rushed in.

Among the guards, there was a couple dressed as ordinary people and a young man in his early twenties.

As soon as the three of them entered the door, they greeted Li Huang first, and then the young man pointed at Pingyang Hou and said angrily: "My sister's grave was dug up last night, I was still wondering who killed a thousand swords, but Unexpectedly, the majestic Pingyang Marquis Mansion could do such an outrageous thing!"

If Li Huang hadn't sent someone to tell them, they would not have known that their relatives who had just been buried for a few days had just been dug out.

Their family's grave is in the innermost, why only their family's grave was dug?

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