They didn't believe it at first, but they didn't believe it until they got to the cemetery.

They were puzzled, there were so many graves in that area, and their family was not the only new one, so why only their family's were dug.

Moreover, the digging of the grave was so interesting that the corpse was stolen instead of valuable funeral objects.

This was really the first time the old lady got on the bridal sedan chair.

Later, after some questioning by the guards, they finally figured it out. For money, someone revealed the fact that their girl looks somewhat like the girl from the Fang family.

So, someone gave money, someone led the way, and the girl who had just been buried in this family ran to the mourning hall of the Pingyang Hou Mansion for a few days.

If this were done on a daily basis, they would suffer from being dumb.

But now, with the support of the eldest princess, what are they afraid of?
Thinking of this, the three members of the family looked at each other, and rushed towards the coffin together.

By the time the people in the Pingyang Hou Mansion realized it, they had already lifted the coffin lid.

Immediately, the old couple cried out in pain: "This is indeed our poor daughter!"

As she spoke, she lowered her head and covered her face and began to cry.

"Husband, this is all because I want to take revenge on the eldest princess. If it weren't for her, the position of wife is mine. Why should I just be a concubine? I'm not reconciled, so I made this game. I want her to repay the feeling of being demoted."

"It seems that this is really not Mrs. Gu."

Li Huang stood there quietly, looking at those courtiers whom Emperor Dayuan relied on the most, who put on the most refined airs but said the most brazen words, immediately smiled coldly.

Someone stood up and suggested.

As he spoke, he raised his left hand of the corpse bead so that everyone could see it clearly.

"My lord, she is His Majesty's own daughter after all. Even if she made a mistake, she didn't cause any damage after all. Otherwise, you can just fine me some money."

He never expected that Li Chuchu would stand up and bear the burden.

The family of three knelt and kowtowed as they spoke.

After seeing the ceremony, Wei Li said, "I went to see the grave of this family outside the city. It was indeed dug up, and the body was also stolen."

If it was not against the law to kill people, she would have swung her sword and chopped off the heads of all these people.

Marquis Pingyang's face was ashen, if he continued to quibble now, he would really think everyone is a fool.

But people have already been buried, but they are dug out again, this is intolerable.

"However, father is biased. All the evidence points to her. He just doesn't want to punish her. I hate it, I hate it so much!"

Those who are soft-hearted can't help but feel a little moved.

Really stubborn.

The woman wiped her tears. If her daughter was buried with the etiquette of Pingyang Hou Shizi's wife before her daughter was buried, she would not say anything.

The few officials who were originally on the opposite side of Li Huang couldn't help but talk to each other, and became peacemakers.

Kuang Zhulan jumped out and said confidently: "Is there anything wrong with what the adults said? The eldest princess really has nothing to do, but it was just being discussed for a few days. Now that the truth is revealed, I will post the list later and give it to those It’s over if the common people explain it, what have you lost?”

This is really not a girl from the Fang family!

"Master Wei, I did this matter. If you want to arrest me, just arrest me. It has nothing to do with my father-in-law or husband, and they don't know about it."

The crowd suddenly realized.

It really makes no sense!

Everyone turned their heads in amazement, and saw Dali Siqing walking in with a dozen or so servants under him.

This kind of grave-digging is not disgraceful, how can Pingyang Hou recognize it?

Everyone was taken aback, they really had six fingers.

"My lord, Caomin's daughter has already been buried. The Marquis of Pingyang's move is clearly to destroy the feng shui of Caomin's family. Please be the master of Caomin's family!"

Among the folks, it is unknown to be born with six fingers, and they have to find a way to chop them off.

The woman wiped away her tears and expressed everyone's doubts.

"If everyone has any doubts, I can also ask Wu Zuo to do an autopsy. The girl died of illness. This cannot be faked."

Ling Yuan bared her teeth, really wanting to poke holes in them one by one.

This reversal directly stunned all the guests.

After all, Dali Siqing is in charge of judging cases and has always been upright. No one would believe him if he was said to be perjured.

Unexpectedly, this family could still let her keep it.

Gu Chenzhou looked at her in surprise: "Chuchu, you..."

He immediately questioned: "Where did the eldest princess hire a few people to come here to talk nonsense to Benhou? How can Benhou do such things as digging people's graves, isn't he afraid of thunder?"

Ling Yuan was really laughed at by these shameless villains, she pointed her sword around the crowd: "According to what you said, if I stab each of you with a sword, as long as you don't die, there is no damage ,Yeah?"

Ping Yanghou's eyes lit up, it would be best if this useless princess would take the initiative to stand up, otherwise, he would have to find a way to throw the blame on her.

Just when the Pingyang Hou's family was riding a tiger, Li Chuchu took the lead to stand up.

"Originally, the extra finger was to be cut off, but her father felt sorry for the child, saying that those were just rumors and could not be counted. Moreover, the child was born weak, and if another finger was cut off, it might hurt. died."

It's just that that face has been dehydrated and shriveled quickly, and it's really not easy to find out if it's true or not with just a cursory look.

"That's right, Lord Wei, how can you say that the Marquis of Pingyang's mansion is also guilty of negligence, and a woman should not be allowed to bear this crime alone, or you will report to His Majesty, and Marquis of Pingyang will take the blame."

pissed her off.

For a moment, he couldn't help being moved.


"My lords, I will remember what you said. It is just a few comments from others, and it is not a loss."

Li Huang knew that this guy would not shed tears when he saw the coffin, so he immediately raised his voice and said: "Master Wei, you should come out quickly, I am going to be confused."

Unexpectedly, before his words fell, the girl's mother over there shouted with all her strength: "There is no need to test it, my girl has six fingers on her left hand, and it can't be faked."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Dali Temple Minister Wei Li: "My lord, since the case has been clarified, please explain it to the people in time so that I can be fair to my palace. If the Japanese palace hears people talking about me again tomorrow, I will decide Cut off his tongue and feed it to the dogs!"

After speaking, she flicked her sleeves, turned around and left.

Ling Yuan glared at those people angrily, then followed them away.

Fang's is the young wife of the Gu family, so she can no longer follow Li Huang back to the eldest princess' mansion.


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