Originally, the two families lived together in the hope of being able to take care of each other. Who would have thought that while taking care of each other, many disadvantages were exposed.

The second-bedroom family has excellent children, and their careers are flourishing, but the third-bedroom family has been living on their laurels.

In desperation, he used his crooked brain.

But the people in the second room are so easy to talk to?

Usually, they have been honored by them, but now they are counted against them. It's no wonder they don't throw people out.

However, the people in Sanfang feel very wronged.

Although Mr. Fang San had a connection with the Pingyang Hou Mansion, he definitely did not have such an obvious clue as leaving a letter.

But facing the evidence given by Erfang, he couldn't argue with it.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that the Pingyang Hou Mansion crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and they were cheated.

So Master Fang San led his children and grandchildren, and angrily killed them towards Pingyang Hou's mansion.

Moreover, with the temperament of the old emperor, he would probably agree after a few false refusals.

In other words, even if Gu Chenzhou's face and legs were healed, he would no longer be the eldest son of Pingyang Houfu.

Because, a concubine of Kuang Zhulan got involved with the concubine of the Marquis of Pingyang and was pregnant with a child, so she was caught on the spot.

"The Fang family, how can they have any strength of character? Mrs. Fang is very old, and she is about to retire. At that time, who can support the whole family?"

Now that the truth is revealed, it's time for those long-stretched monkeys to pay for their reputation.

The more Ling Yuan spoke, the more excited she became: "Your Highness, I really didn't expect that Mrs. Fang became so ruthless that even my own father could get her hands on her."

The corner of Li Huang's mouth twitched into a sneering smile, that kind of dear father can also be called father?
When their daughter died, the first thing they thought of was the interests of their Fang family, not seeking justice for their daughter.

After finishing speaking, the figure flashed, and the whole person disappeared outside the door.

The corner of Xiao Yunlan's mouth twitched fiercely, he wanted to punish all the officials who had spoken against Li Huang.

In a rage, Kuang Zhulan made a move.

In the past two days, the people in the capital watched the excitement one after another, and they were almost overwhelmed.

Xiao Yunlan was speechless: "I said young master, the rumors outside have turned the wind, what else do you have to be dissatisfied with?"

The old lady Fang was forced to resign.

Everyone could not help but sigh.

Xiao Yunlan was speechless, so he gave him such a clue, where could he find it?

The Pingyang Hou's mansion is also in a state of desperation.

Besides, it is unclear whether that person is from Dayuan or another country. The world is so big, and he is not a god.

The carriage stopped in an alley. From this angle, the gate of Pingyang Hou Mansion could be clearly seen.

"Find out the man with the lotus birthmark on his chest as soon as possible, otherwise, I will demolish your building."

The Marquis of Pingyang was not much better either.

At that time, only the second and third bedrooms of the Fang family will be left in the capital, biting the dog with the Pingyang Hou Mansion, so why don't they just let them watch the fun?

For a while, Pingyang Hou Mansion was as lively as the vegetable market.

"Let Pingyang Hou come out!"

A majestic emperor, who lived a life of glory, came to such a bleak end when he was old, who said it was not God's will?
As for the other two houses of the Fang family, since they fell out, they have been digging holes to cause stumbling blocks for each other, and within half a month, both sides were wounded.

The scholar who wrote the book even polished the play overnight and printed it out. The boss in the theater and the storyteller in the teahouse were scrambling to buy it, and it was sold out in the blink of an eye.

However, complaints are complaints, and things have to be done.

That's right, if these people hadn't contributed to the flames, the people in the capital wouldn't have gone to the gate of the palace to petition.

"Yes, you made us miserable, come out!"

Three days later, the eldest son of the Fang family left the capital in a mighty way with carloads of salutes.

The concubine had a miscarriage, and Kuang Zhulan directly poured the pot of blood with the placenta on the gate of Pingyang Hou's mansion.

"Thanks to the fact that those foreign envoys have left, otherwise, if people from other countries see this scene of dogs biting dogs, they will laugh out loud."

The reason why they insisted on accusing her of trespassing the East Palace was that in the final analysis, they just wanted to fight for the merits of being a dragon.

At this time, the third house of Fang's family was still shouting outside the door, and more and more people were watching the excitement, and those with a clear mind began to analyze.

The Fang family died, and Li Chuchu was indeed poisoned. The second wife of the Fang family must come to settle the matter with them.

The nobility that had been passed down for several generations ended like this.

On the other hand, Mrs. Fang felt ashamed of the emperor's trust, and wrote a letter requesting to be appointed, and the emperor agreed.

"This Fang family is not a good thing. Sacrificing the interests of a girl to fulfill the future of men like them is an insult to the character of scholars!"

"Those writers are also quick-witted, and they made up dozens of tricks in just one night. Some people say that Mr. Kuang's place is not very good, so that beautiful concubine went to steal the man. The concubine was already related to the concubine of the Gu family, but Mr. Kuang bullied them and forcibly broke up the family."

For this reason, Gu Chenzhou wished he could kill Li Chuchu.

However, Mo Jingzhan felt that it wasn't enough: "Take away the two little fish and shrimp, and I'll make you proud, that Kuang Zhulan, I don't want to see him in the capital again in the future."

They left suddenly and didn't say goodbye to anyone, so there was no one to send them off.

On the top floor of the Yunwai Building, Mo Jingzhan was lying in a large chair, boredly throwing the arrow in his hand into a pot a few meters away.

"Don't worry, as long as you are an official, few butts are clean. I have already asked people to dig out their black material, and there will be results soon."

"Your Highness, you didn't see it, the scene was so bloody, Pingyang Hou's face turned green."

"It's a pity, Mrs. Fang has served the country all his life, and when he is old, his reputation will be burdened by these descendants."

All of a sudden, the people who watched the excitement were almost screaming like pigs in excitement.

Mo Jingzhan nodded, seeing that it was getting late, he prepared to leave.

However, thinking about the forces behind Li Chuchu, he held back again.

The scandals committed by the Fang family and the Gu family spread throughout the capital in the blink of an eye.

Not long after, the third house of the Fang family who had nowhere to go came to kill him in mighty force.

In addition, the matter of digging people's graves had already reached the ears of the emperor, and the emperor had issued a decree to reprimand him and deprived him of the hereditary title of Marquis of Pingyang.

Originally, they wanted to join forces with the third house of the Fang family, and then take advantage of the momentum of the head house to snatch the meat from the hands of the second house, but they didn't expect that the boat would capsize just like that.

"These days, Mr. Kuang has been pointed out wherever he goes. I heard that he has taken a leave of absence and hasn't gone to court for several days. His Majesty wants to find an excuse to drive him out of the capital."

After all, Zhu Lan's jumping up and down is really an eyesore.


The matter is not over yet.

The Pingyang Hou Mansion, which lost its big ugly, soon revealed that Kuang Zhulan bribed the examiner during the early years of the examination.

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