Cheating in imperial examinations is a serious crime.

In the end, Kuang Zhulan was pushed to the end and kicked out of the capital.

It was just an ordinary dog ​​biting dog, but Li Huang never thought that these two people could actually have some unexpected joy in biting.

Before leaving, Kuang Zhulan handed a report letter to Yushitai.

After reading the letter, Master Yushi Zuo didn't dare to delay at all, and sent it directly to the palace.

The letter stated that Concubine Rong's death was because she accidentally broke the secret of Marquis Pingyang, and Concubine Luo was also involved in this matter.

The old emperor ordered people to bring over the nanny who was serving Concubine Luo, and after being tortured and beaten, she recruited everything.

Concubine Rong died of poisoning, the poison will make people weaker and weaker, but no doctor can be found.

Li Huang was also poisoned by this kind of poison before.

If Mo Jingzhan hadn't discovered it in time, she would have followed in the footsteps of Concubine Rong.

Mo Jingzhan cupped his hands at the emperor, and said: "I heard that the old lady of the Gu family is ill, and I happen to have some skills in Qihuang. I am willing to go and see with Vice Commander Ye."

"Your Majesty, the last general went to see it in person before entering the palace. The old lady doesn't seem to be pretending. If you don't let the imperial physician go and have a look, I'm afraid you will get a reputation for being mean and ungrateful."

"Check! Let me check carefully!"

"Let him in."

The Marquis of Pingyang only felt that the disaster was coming from the sky. They wanted to complain, but they couldn't even get out the door.

Ye Beichen hurriedly followed: "Mo Shizi, are you going to take this opportunity to poison the old lady to death?"

"Cousin, Master Zhu clearly doesn't like his childhood sweetheart's wife, and his wife's natal family has long been down and out. Why does he have to marry her? Could it be that he has some ulterior motive?"

"Learn from your father. General Ye was a man who made the enemy fearful when he was on the battlefield."

"My father said the same thing about me, that's why he didn't let me go to the border."

Liu Jingyi was not happy when she heard this: "Cousin, I'm thirteen. If I put it in an ordinary family's house, I can discuss marriage. I'm not young anymore."

Just throwing down this sentence, he rode away on his own horse.

All of a sudden, there were active officers and soldiers everywhere in the capital, and the whole capital was in turmoil, and the common people didn't dare to go out for a stroll when they had nothing to do.

Long Yan was furious.

Ye Beichen choked on his words, and then Jun blushed, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

He used and bullied the Eldest Princess so much back then, but now that the family has been accused and imprisoned in the mansion, he wants to go in and torture those people.

In this regard, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, who has been an official in the same dynasty as Pingyang Hou for [-] years, has the most say, and immediately expressed his second opinion.

The emperor raised his eyebrows: "You came into the palace, but something happened?"

For this reason, the old lady of the Gu family immediately fell ill.

Mo Jingzhan got the order and hurriedly resigned.

The old emperor was deeply convinced, and was about to speak to order the imperial physician, when the servant came in and said, "Your Majesty, Prince Mo is asking to see you."

"I agree, let's go."

This is really strange.

If he had half of Ye Yunge's ability, he wouldn't let her go to the border like a girl.

Ling Yuan kowtowed the melon seeds with relish, and said while watching.

Li Huang said perfunctorily: "Okay, you are not young."

He was very curious about what else this legendary genius of Da Yuan could do.

With a high-ranking official and a generous career, what woman can't marry?

he guessed.

The old emperor was so lewd and smelly that he couldn't describe it in words. This Pingyang Marquis Mansion had a lot of things to do.

Luo Jiyuan felt that although the people in Pingyang Houfu were not good people, as long as they were not convicted for one day, none of them could be allowed to die.

Princess Anyang's two sons and daughters are only 13 and [-] years old this year, but they are also very addicted to listening.

"Your Highness, Lord Liu, Lord Zhu, and Lord Min have publicly impeached you in court before, right? I didn't expect the backyards of these lords to be so lively. It's even more exciting than what's in the storybook."

The Minister of Dali Temple was ordered to investigate Pingyang Hou's mansion, and these days he really found something. Therefore, he has reason to suspect that Pingyang Hou is probably trying to get himself off the crime by taking advantage of the old lady's illness.

The emperor's eyelids twitched, he always felt that this guy was not kind.

Liu Jingyuan blinked again, and asked innocently: "Isn't this normal? My father said that one should not only look at the surface of a thing, but also think about the deep meaning behind it. It’s not easy to fall into the pit.”

"Your Majesty, if the imperial physician is sent, I am afraid that the Marquis of Pingyang will make use of the imperial physician to cause some trouble. This family is very cunning, so we have to guard against it."

Liu Jingyuan blinked, looked at her sister, then at Li Huang, and suddenly asked mysteriously.

Mo Jingzhan smiled modestly and said: "It's just superficial, but I think that Mrs. Gu is nothing more than old and anxious. I can still take a look at such small problems."

In the imperial study, Ye Beichen reported to the emperor respectfully.

"Master Biao, how old are you, and you still know the purpose behind this consideration?" Ling Yuan looked at him in surprise.

The old emperor didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, but seeing that he was so persistent in going to the Pingyang Marquis Mansion, he didn't stop him.

Ye Beichen hurriedly chased after him.

Li Huang was stunned for a moment, she hadn't thought of this.

On the other side, Li Huang was leading the cousins ​​of the Liu family to watch a new play in the playhouse. The play sang about the secret affairs of several officials' homes in Beijing these days, and the audience couldn't bear to hear it. gone.

Li Huang looked at her swollen little face with a funny face: "You are still young, you don't understand."

"See Your Majesty."

"Pass an order to patrol the city camp, and surround the Pingyang Marquis Mansion for me. Without my order, even a fly will not be able to fly out!"

"But if this old lady Gu really died of illness, how should the people of this world treat Your Majesty? I feel that if the two adults are worried, they should send a few more people to follow."

Soon, Mo Jingzhan came in.

Ye Beichen couldn't help but take another look at him when he heard the words: "Mo Shizi is still good at medicine?"

Elder sister Liu Jingyi grabbed Li Huang's hand and asked in a low voice: "Cousin, Mrs. Zhu is so strange that he doesn't even want the chance of promotion in front of him. He insists on marrying that childhood sweetheart girl, but in the end, he was raised outside behind his wife's back. Outer room, if I knew this earlier, I might as well have been promoted back then."

Mo Jingzhan glanced at him in disapproval: "Commander Ye Bi, I heard that your elder sister is a womanizer, guarding the border on behalf of her father, and has both intelligence and communication skills, but why didn't you even get half of your elder sister's true biography?"

The waiter let out a voice and went out.

After all, that family is really hateful.

Li Huang: "..."

Ling Yuan: "..."

She was actually pretended by a ten-year-old brat.

However, even if Master Zhu really had any purpose, it has nothing to do with them.

However, as soon as she thought of this, she was slapped in the face.

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