Mrs. Zhu was revealed to have adopted a concubine and gave birth to a concubine, how could Mrs. Zhu be happy?
She has been married to Master Zhu for nearly 20 years, and she has only one daughter under her knees, and she is already married.

As for the concubine's room in the mansion, even though there is a concubine, they are still young and can't compare to the grown-up concubine.

That is to say, in the future, such a large family business will still be handed over to that concubine.

How can Mrs. Zhu bear it?

So, Mrs. Zhu handed over a paper of complaint to the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion, accusing him of self-defeating and asking for a divorce.

Unexpectedly, in order to allow his mother to enter the house smoothly, the concubine revealed the affair between the concubine and the housekeeper.

Now it's terrible, the son born to that concubine directly became someone else's.

All of a sudden, Master Zhu was so green that he was ridiculed everywhere he went.

In a rage, Master Zhu killed the concubine and her son.

This time, he made things big.

In order to save his life, the housekeeper voluntarily surrendered to the government, admitting that he had helped Mr. Zhu shoddy and sent a large number of inferior weapons to the Rong family army, causing heavy casualties on the battlefield.

Mrs. Zhu's natal nephew was responsible for the private iron smelting.

All of a sudden, the whole capital exploded again.

Many years ago, the Rong family's army forced the West Vietnam army back in a way that hurt both sides. Unexpectedly, there is such a hidden secret in it!
For a while, those generals were all angry.

They were desperately defending their homes on the battlefield, but these little bastards stabbed their knives in the back, it was unbearable!

The old emperor didn't expect that such a big case could be involved in the internal affairs of courtiers, so he immediately ordered a thorough investigation.

This investigation, oh hoo, also found a lot of money that was corrupted. When the government sent people to raid the house, the gold, silver and jewelry were comparable to half the national treasury.

In addition to Zhu's house being raided, the outer house he raised was not spared. It's a pity that the outer house originally wanted to take the opportunity to return to the family.

Considering that he was not on the Zhu family tree, the emperor still showed mercy to his subordinates and did not let him be executed together.

It's just that their mother and son will be exiled to a bitter cold place three thousand miles away, and they will never be able to return to the capital in this life.

In just over a month, the Kuang family, the Zhu family, the Liu family, and the Xie family...

However, those officials who tried their best to suppress Li Huang were exposed one after another. In the end, they were either ransacked and exiled or executed. In short, all the officials in Beijing were in danger and terrified.

Only then did they realize how terrible it is to go all out to offend Li Huang.

Princess Palace.

Ling Yuan rubbed the ink while gossiping outside, and couldn't help sighing: "His Royal Highness, you said that it is not good for these people to provoke anyone, and they insist on provoking Prince Mo. They really think that Prince An's Mansion is destroyed, and he has nothing to do." gone?"

When did Mo Jingzhan use the name of Prince An's Mansion to act?

Even the emperor tried his best to keep his life and prevent him from being implicated by Prince An's mansion. These tough ministers really thought that they could wrestle with others together.

After Li Huang finished the last stroke, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's good to clean up these moths, lest other officials in the court always feel that they can control the father by crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves."

Mo Jingzhan is right, the king is the backbone of this great abyss, and he cannot be manipulated at will.

At this time, the porter hurriedly came to report: "Your Highness, there are several adults outside the door asking for an audience, and they all prepared generous gifts."

Ling Yuan raised her eyebrows: "This is not a good situation, come here to beg for mercy?"

Li Huang waved his hand: "Just say I'm not here, let them come back."

She is not a bodhisattva with a heart. Before, everyone wanted to take her life, but now the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad, so they come to beg for mercy.

How can there be such a cheap thing in this world?
"Tell them, it is better to ask the prince than to ask me. After all, they are all people who firmly want to hug the prince's thigh. If the prince is willing to show kindness and help them, they don't have to worry about anything."

The porter responded and withdrew.

Ling Yuan curled her lips and said: "Look, servant girl, they probably have already gone to beg the crown prince, and the crown prince kicked them here."

Li Yuze is not stupid, he knows exactly who these people are unlucky because of.

He stretched out his hand to help them, isn't he telling the emperor that he, the crown prince, is really forming a party?
Sure enough, not long after the concierge left, he came back again.

"Your Highness, those adults refused to leave, saying that they came to make amends sincerely. As long as Your Highness is happy, they can kneel down to death."

Li Huang frowned, she really didn't like others to kneel down and threaten her.

"If they are willing to kneel, let them kneel. Whoever faints will be carried away."

There is no sincerity at all, and I have the nerve to say that I came to make amends.

Fortunately, the people in Tianjing knew that they had misunderstood Li Huang before. Therefore, these officials knelt outside the gate of the princess's mansion, and no one dared to accuse Li Huang of being cruel, so no one was interested in watching outside the gate of the mansion.

After all, these officials knelt here because they did something wrong and wanted to protect themselves, which has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Sure enough, after kneeling for less than two hours, some officials couldn't stand it anymore and passed out.

When the servant came in to report, Li Huang's eyes were full of sarcasm.

"They didn't faint so quickly when they knelt before the Great Highness to remonstrate to death."

Ling Yuan suddenly felt that her hands were itchy again, and she eagerly asked for instructions: "Your Highness, why don't the servants go and send him away?"

Li Huang nodded.

Ling Yuan immediately took a few servants, took the face gong, and walked out of the mansion in a loud voice.

Those officials originally thought that, as the eldest princess, Li Huang should pay more attention to some influences so that they would not really let them kneel outside the gate of the mansion.

Unexpectedly, they knelt down from dawn to dusk, and Li Huang didn't let go.

At this moment, the door of the mansion opened.

The eyes of several officials lit up, and they looked at each other, and they all saw a glimmer of hope in each other's eyes.

But, soon, Ling Yuan and her servants started to beat the gong.

"Fathers and folks, come and take a look. These adults have done the business of fishing meat neighbors and want to keep their official positions. For this reason, they are willing to kneel outside the princess's mansion. You say, should our Highness be soft-hearted? ah?"

As soon as the common people heard this, they quit immediately and shouted in unison: "No! No! No!"

The boy sighed, and asked loudly: "But they just kept kneeling like this, and our Highness is also very embarrassed. I don't know, I thought our Highness bullied them!"

After these words fell, a commoner in the crowd shouted: "It's easy, let's help His Royal Highness carry him away!"

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