The next day.

A rumor began to spread in the capital, saying that the old emperor was not the late emperor's favorite successor, but he was able to ascend to the throne only because he killed his brother by despicable means.

The position is not correct, and the blood of his own brothers is stained on his hands, which is enough to make the heavens angry and punish him.

As the rumor became more and more intense, the people in the capital began to discuss it.

"Since this is a punishment from the heavens, wouldn't that offend the heavens if the saint opened the altar to pray for rain?"

"That's right, the altar will be opened tomorrow, and I don't know if she can ask for rain."

"Hey? You said, His Majesty really killed his brother himself in order to seize the throne?"

"The old man was lucky enough to hear about this incident back then, and said that those princes all died tragically, especially the eldest son of the emperor. It is said that he was the heir to the throne selected and cultivated by the late emperor himself. It's a pity. Thirty and die."

"I heard that after his death, his two sons also died one after another. Then, the other first princes also failed to live past thirty due to various reasons. This is too coincidental."



Li Huang nodded, her eyes fixed on Li Chuchu's side.

Ling Yuan asked anxiously.

The matter has come to this point, she must not let it go!
Thinking of this, fierceness flashed across her eyes quickly, and she looked at her with horror on her face: "It's you who hindered the fate of the Dali Dynasty, and the heavens refused to rain, it's all because of you!"


We went together today, besides the doctor of the imperial hospital, there are also two oldest imperial physicians, both of whom are of the first class and second class.

Li Chuchu spat out a mouthful of blood heavily, and then passed out.

After taking the pulse in turn, they exchanged glances with each other, and then the doctor gave Li Chuchu an injection.

If things go on like this, the foundation of the country may be shaken.

If it weren't for the royal blood flowing in her body, she would have died [-] times.

Li Chuchu was wearing a purple Taoist robe, holding a sword in his hand, chanting words there.

The noisy voices under the stage suddenly fell silent.

At this time, the doctor had already completed the injection, and Li Chuchu woke up leisurely.

It can be seen that it is a difficult role to deal with.

Ling Yuan ruthlessly cast aside Li Chuchu in her heart, then turned to look at Li Huang: "Then, Your Highness, what should we do now?"

The people in the audience were boiling in an instant.

Several imperial physicians looked puzzled, and the people watching below also looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what was wrong with her.

Seeing Li Huang, everyone couldn't help thinking of the grievances between her and Li Chuchu before, and couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to do now.

On the high altar, Li Chuchu seemed to have finished reciting the words. After drinking, the sword in his hand suddenly pointed towards the sky.

There was an uproar in the audience, and Li Chuchu was even more astonished.

Only people who know martial arts understand such things as internal strength. How can the common people here understand?
Wouldn't explaining to them become sophistry?

"Hurry up, the imperial doctor will show the saint!"

Mo Jingzhan nodded: "Someone hid in the crowd and slapped Li Chuchu."

Li Chuchu seemed to have made up his mind that today he must pull down the Li Shi Dynasty from the altar, and yelled like crazy.

After she opened her eyes and saw Li Huang, her eyes were full of panic, and she murmured: "It's you, it's you..."

Li Chuchu's move is really ruthless!

In this way, those ordinary people who have always believed in ghosts and gods will be more convinced of the rumors.

Now that Li Chuchu has already accepted the move, wouldn't it be a shame if they didn't take the move?
Thinking of this, she began to look forward to it.

"Just say it, slave girl, this Li Chuchu clearly doesn't have that ability, why did he accept this order, but he was waiting here."

The imperial physician who was named hurried up to the altar with a medicine box, and helped Li Chuchu up with all his might.

"It really offended the heavens!"

"Do evil, God wants to kill me!"

Ling Yuan came back to Li Huang from the crowd, and said in a low voice, "I have checked it, and there is nothing abnormal."

First, people spread rumors to slander the emperor, and then they were injured and fainted on the altar in front of everyone.

That's my dear father!

"Nowadays, the holy majesty has killed too much, and the eldest princess committed Gusha. She shouldn't have lived in this world, but because your majesty is reluctant to love her daughter, she has been pampered until now. God is furious, so she wants to punish the world and let the people suffer!"

Ever since her royal highness woke up and broke up with the second princess, she was completely different.

Li Huang walked up to the altar with graceful steps, and the long pendulum that dragged the floor soon bloomed like a flower, very dazzling.

There were grievances one after another, and the soldiers in charge of law and order stood guard around the altar to prevent the people from doing any radical actions.

"This is God's wrath!"

Li Huang looked down at her performance, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

Li Huang didn't believe that there was any saying that offended God, she moved closer to Mo Jingzhan, and asked in a low voice, "Did you see clearly just now?"

She can always give them many surprises for these servants.

This person has profound skills, even at such a long distance, he can still hit Li Chuchu until he vomits blood.

The crowd became commotion again, but because of the presence of the emperor, they did not dare to make a fuss.

In order to show importance, the old emperor went out of the palace to sit in charge in person, and the royal relatives and nobles were naturally indispensable.

As she said that, she stood up unsteadily as if possessed by an evil spirit, opened her arms, and looked up at the sky.

This ungrateful thing.

Under such rumors, Li Chuchu set up an altar in the suburbs.

Countless people ran out to watch.

However, such rumors are still going on in the streets and alleys of the capital, and they are said in such a way that they seem to have seen it with their own eyes.

How did the bitch know what she was going to say?

"Mo Shizi, what shall we do now?"

Those common people discussed for a while, fearing that they would be killed, they dispersed immediately.

The originally clear sky was suddenly blown by a gust of wind.

That posture is really decent.

Then, Li Chuchu yelled, clutched his heart and flew out backwards.

"Does the saint want to say that this Palace prevents you from praying for rain to perform spells, or that the Dali Dynasty offended the heavens, so the heavens will send down punishments and refuse to rain?"

As if, there was a god in the sky to guide her that day, and the people watching were talking about it.

Thinking of the rumor they heard before, how could they still sit still?
If it is true that the current Holy One is not in the right position, and the people like them are implicated because of this, will they still regard him as the Lord?
The answer is obviously no.

However, after overthrowing the Li Dynasty, who will be the emperor?

Li Huang's voice was filled with endless storms, it was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly.

She asked: "What does the saint think, how can I ask God to forgive me?"

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