Her voice was not loud, but Li Chuchu felt that every word she stepped on her heart was in great pain!
For a moment, she was so shocked that she dared not speak.

Li Huang stopped in front of her, looked at her condescendingly, and asked again: "What do you think God will do? Should I let the emperor abdicate to let the virtuous, or let me, the evil star, commit suicide to apologize?"

This should be what Li Chuchu wants to do most at the moment.

Unexpectedly, after Li Chuchu calmed down forcibly, he straightened his back and said, "You, a malevolent star, cannot be assigned to Mo Shizi. You should marry into that wild country and harm others!"

She wouldn't let Li Huang, a bitch, die so easily!

She wanted her to suffer all kinds of humiliation, life would be worse than death!

"You shouldn't stay in Dayuan. As long as you stay in Dayuan for a day, the people of Dayuan will suffer from you."

"Li Huang, haven't you always claimed to be the eldest princess, and kept saying that once you have enjoyed this honor, you have to bear this responsibility?"

"Then the people of the world now need you to leave this land, are you willing?"

Whether she likes it or not, soon, there will be no place for her in this land.

This is too vicious!

Although the original intention of the marriage was to stabilize the court, when Mo Jingzhan really appeared beside her, she was tempted.

Li Huang only thought she was pitiful and ridiculous, stupid and ignorant.

Even after hitting such a strong one, there was no injury?

At this time, the minds of the people began to waver again.

As soon as her words fell, Mo Jingzhan's voice rang out: "Is there really a punishment from heaven? If so, why didn't God take you in first, and entrusted dreams to people like you? Could it be that God is blind? Are you blind?"

As for why she suddenly fell out, it is very intriguing.

"Have you forgotten, who gave you the prescription for the epidemic? It's too ugly for you to cross the river and tear down the bridge like this."

A woman full of lies, did she really suffer from an old fairy's dream?
Li Chuchu saw that things were developing in the opposite direction to what she expected, and Dang even shouted: "Aren't you afraid of punishment from heaven for slandering me so much?"

Soon, several ragged little beggars were brought up.

What did Prince Mo say just now?Was the plague they had before someone deliberately poisoned them?

In the end, the doctor also said that Li Chuchu was fine.

She didn't believe that if Mo Jingzhan was ugly and disabled, she would still be willing to marry her.

When the people under the altar heard that they were not injured, they immediately became commotion again.

This is interesting.

However, there were some people with medical skills in the crowd, and in order to understand, they really took the initiative to go to the stage to get Li Chuchu's pulse.

Unexpectedly, the doctor went on to say: "The saint is indeed not injured. The reason why she vomited blood just now is because she bit her own tongue. If anyone doesn't believe it, they can come on stage and feel their pulse."

She was sure that he had no evidence, and held her neck high: "It turns out that you great talents in the world are all superficially one-sided, and one thing behind the other. You talk about putting the people first, but when it comes to yourself, you will immediately throw the blame to others." Others, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't give that prescription, wouldn't it be good to let you all die?"

Li Huang looked at her with pity gradually appearing in his eyes: "Second Sister, is it your intention to marry me to Baili? Or God's intention?"

Li Chuchu was stunned by her question, but soon straightened her back, straightened her neck and said, "Of course this is God's will."

Li Chuchu looked terrified, leading someone?With whom?

Li Chuchu was a little shocked, why did he know, but she didn't handle those things herself, so what does it have to do with her?
Unless, they caught the ghost-faced man.

Mo Jingzhan approached step by step, his eyes were as cold as a knife, Li Chuchu subconsciously took a few steps back.

However, Li Huang nodded her head when she heard the words: "If I can sacrifice my personal interests in exchange for the peace of the people in the world, I would be happy. Otherwise, I would not have offered to marry Mo Shizi at the beginning."

This time, even Li Huang was a little surprised, didn't it mean that there are internal experts among the common people?

Even if caught, she would not recognize it.

What was said to take on this honor was just a nice word, Li Chuchu was sure that Li Huang would not give up this honorable status easily.

However, the three great doctors all agreed that Li Chuchu didn't suffer any internal injuries, it was just that she bit her tongue.

Li Huang looked at Yizheng: "How is the saint's injury?"

Everyone: "..."

Now, what else do you not understand?
That's just pretending!

After all, the grievances between her and Li Huang are known all over the city.

Those little beggars didn't talk nonsense, and they recruited directly: "Someone gave us a piece of silver, so that we can publicize the matter of His Majesty's seizure of the throne."

Seeing her unrepentant look, Mo Jingzhan sneered, raised his hand and made a gesture: "Bring him up."

Since then, she has been grateful for her choice all the time.


As his words fell, those people in the audience exploded again.

He didn't really catch the ghost-faced man, did he?

The doctor bowed his hands respectfully at her and said: "His Royal Highness, the saint is not injured at all."

However, in Li Chuchu's eyes, her thought of abandoning myself and forgetting herself was all premeditated.

Thinking of this, Li Chuchu laughed wildly: "Then God wants you to break off the engagement and go to Baili to get married, do you want to?"

"You obviously vomited blood, so why didn't you get hurt? Didn't the imperial doctor deliberately help the royal family lie?"

However, that is absolutely impossible!

No, she never believed it.

He looked at her, the murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised: "You don't know how to pray for rain at all, let alone any old gods dream. Your prescription is just a detoxification formula given to you by the initiator of the epidemic."

Li Chuchu clutched his aching heart, his eyes widened in disbelief: "You guys are clearly colluding, talking nonsense!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people in the audience couldn't sit still anymore.

"First let people poison you, then let people detoxify you, and let the people all over the world be grateful to you. This is a good trick."

In the end, it was just a means for her to win people's hearts.

This... is really a rumor deliberately spread by someone.

Mo Jingzhan asked: "What are the characteristics of the person who gave you money?"

One of the little beggars looked around the crowd, suddenly pointed in one direction and said, "That's him! We followed him secretly, and he finally returned to Pingyang Marquis Mansion."

As soon as this remark came out, it was as if a huge boulder had been thrown into a calm lake, and the water splashed everywhere.

And the person identified by him was dressed as an ordinary person, hiding in the crowd, and when he heard the words, he turned around and was about to slip away, but was surrounded by people from all directions.

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