The man was flustered at the moment, but he still insisted on threatening: "What are you doing? Are you going to commit murder in front of His Majesty?"

Unexpectedly, those people just sneered: "You also know that His Majesty is here!"

Seeing that he was in a hurry and ready to run, he knew he was guilty.

"That kid is talking nonsense. I didn't give him money." Seeing the crowd, he knew he was invincible, so he could only deny it.

However, that little beggar is not a fool. Let them spread such rumors, and if they are caught, they will die.

So, the leader stood up and held up the piece of broken silver: "This is twisted from the official silver, and there is a half seal of the official on it."

As he spoke, he held the broken silver in front of Mo Jingzhan with both hands. Mo Jingzhan took the broken silver, saw the obvious mark at a glance, and nodded.

Li Chuchu sneered: "So what if it's the official bank? There are official banks all over the capital, not just our Pingyang Houfu family. Why does this little beggar just open his mouth and it's the money flowing out of our Pingyang Houfu?"

At this time, the one surrounded by the crowd also shouted: "Also, even if I wanted to give it, I wouldn't give it a piece of silver with such an obvious mark, right? You want to slander, but you don't find a better reason."

When the people heard it, it seemed to make sense.

"From now on, everyone is not allowed to stock up on food, nor to drive up the price of food. The imperial court will purchase enough food from the state capitals in advance to prepare for emergencies."

Mo Jingzhan played with the piece of fabric in his hands, and said with a smile: "This material looks like the material of Dadong Cloth last year."

"If there is really a severe drought next year and people starve to death, will you bear the responsibility?"

As long as the court is willing to take care of it, even if a disaster year does come, it will not cause too many casualties.

He has said so, then this piece of fabric comes from their cloth shop, there must be nothing wrong with it.

The gold treasurer of Dadong cloth village who was named happened to be in the crowd. Hearing this, Dang went to the stage. After confirming it, he nodded: "That's right, Mr. Mo, this is the material sold by our cloth village." , this weaving method and this dyeing are all unique to our cloth shop."

So, what else do they have to worry about?
Finally, Li Huang looked at Li Chuchu: "Now, you think that you are a woman full of lies and scheming, and that there are gods who dream of you, do you think anyone will believe it?"

Seeing them messing around for a long time, Li Chuchu only grasped their grounds for spreading rumors, Dang Li snorted, and said, "You guys can't prove that I was the one who poisoned you, can you?"

Moreover, in order to attract customers as much as possible, they will not make two batches of the same style of material.

Dazhuang Cloth is a well-established brand in the capital, and they have their own set of weaving and dyeing workshops. Every piece of cloth sold is marked with a mark, which cannot be seen by laymen, but can be recognized by colleagues at a glance.

He looked at the little beggars, and the leader of the little beggars immediately stood up and said: "Before you returned home that day, because you were too flustered and didn't look at the road, you fell and crushed a puppy to death. The bitch bit and ripped a piece of fabric from you."

The servants of high-ranking families have fixed suppliers for fabrics and ready-made clothes, and the styles and patterns are slightly different. As long as you are interested, you can check it out.

After Li Huang's voice fell, several officials from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture stood up.

Shopkeeper Jin cupped his hands and said, "Hui Mo Shizi, we only sold this batch of materials to Pingyang Hou's Mansion, because when the materials came out, the people of Pingyang Hou's Mansion said that their mansion covered everything."

When the common people hear it, what else do they not understand?
There was a more irritable one, Dang Shi pushed the servant of Pingyang Houfu to the ground, and said fiercely: "It turns out that you are really the ghost of Pingyang Houfu!"

"Then shopkeeper Jin, tell me, who did you sell this batch of fabrics to?"

As he spoke, he took out the piece of fabric and handed it to Mo Jingzhan.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are a major event. Although they live in the capital, if there is a drought in many places, the food will also rise accordingly, and there may even be refugees fleeing to the capital. At that time, it will be them, the common people, who will suffer.

Mo Jingzhan sneered, he couldn't cry without seeing the coffin.

"Actually, we have been discussing with His Majesty these days how to prevent disasters. We have discussed several feasible plans, and even have the idea of ​​digging ditches. We just need to go to the field to investigate."

When those irritable people heard this, they immediately became quiet again.

"It is too early for the saint to say that people will starve to death next year."

What's up with these officials?Don't they fear that bitch Li Huang's reputation far surpasses the crown prince's?

And what happened to Li Yuze?As long as she, a princess, is allowed to show off here, shouldn't he suppress it?

"In addition, the imperial court will allocate a sum of money to build water-collecting ponds in places prone to drought, specially for irrigation during droughts, and workers can be recruited from the local area, which can also appropriately reduce some pressure."

She looked at Li Huang with hatred in her eyes.

"In addition, natural disasters are not completely unsolvable. Let Da Si Nong take the people from the Ministry of Industry to dig ditches and divert ditches. Even if you can't grow rice, it's still possible to grow wheat, sweet potatoes and other miscellaneous grains, right?"

"Li Huang, you colluded with so many people to pour dirty water on me, isn't it just to prove that there is no such thing as an old fairy entrusting a dream? However, it has not rained in Pengcheng for several months, do you dare to bet?"

Who dares to bet on such a thing?

After the officials from several relevant ministries stood up and outlined the countermeasures, the originally restless people immediately became quiet.

Everyone was chattering, eager to rush up and beat the perpetrators to death.

Li Chuchu was stunned.

However, Li Huang looked at Li Chuchu's provocative eyes, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and said loudly, "I am in charge!"

"What kind of fairy dream, what kind of cure, you all came up with it yourself. Fortunately, we are still grateful to the Pingyang Hou Mansion!"

However, it turned out that she still didn't know Li Yuze well enough.

Although he may not give up the crown prince position, he will not stop things that are good for the people.

Just like back then, in order to restore her reputation, Li Chuchu held a huge auction banquet.

Li Chuchu glanced across all the people present one by one, and found that everyone was looking at her, only condemning and condemning, and she was not well.

She thought that Li Huang had caught the ghost-masked man and used it to expose her.

But she never thought that she just exposed the rumor, which proved that all her words were not credible.

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