What the hell, since he entered the palace gate, this prince has been nagging there, if it wasn't for the sake of the young master, he wouldn't bother to care about it.

Li Yuze choked on him, and was about to reprimand him for being bold, but was stopped by Li Yuxiao again: "Brother Prince, Royal Sister didn't object, why do you need to say more?"

When it comes to the relationship with the emperor, how can their brothers compare to Li Huang?

Even if Li Huang could watch their brothers die, he would definitely not watch the emperor die.

Li Yuxiao has always had this awareness.

Li Yuze couldn't refute, and could only watch helplessly as Xiao Yunlan ordered the people from the Imperial Hospital to do this and that after he finished prescribing the medicine. Then, like an old man, he found a chair at random and sat down, ordering someone to give him a chair. Serve tea.

That posture, as if he is the master of this palace.

Li Yuze was speechless, why are all Mo Jingzhan's friends as virtuous as him?
It's so frustrating.

At this time, an imperial physician weakly asked a question: "Young Master Xiao, don't you need to give His Majesty an injection or something? Just wait like this?"

It takes at least an hour to boil the medicine!

You can't always do nothing.

However, Xiao Yunlan gave the imperial physician a strange look: "Didn't you give needles before? What else do I need to do?"

What's more, the poison needs medicine to be cured, and it's not just a needle, so why should he bother.

The imperial physician was choked by him, and he exchanged glances with the other imperial physicians, seeing a bit of uncertainty in each other's eyes.

"But, Mr. Xiao, can't you give your majesty an injection to wake him up? After all, the crime of murdering your majesty needs to be decided by your majesty himself..."

This room is full of people, still waiting for the emperor to make up his mind!

Xiao Yunlan took a sip of tea and looked at him strangely: "What else is there to decide? How to deal with it after finding out how to deal with it. This kind of trivial matter needs to be decided by His Majesty himself. Then what is the purpose of raising so many courtiers?"

In one sentence, everyone choked again.

However, there are still people who want to struggle: "But aren't you a master of detoxification..."

You can't show your hands to these old antiques in advance, otherwise, how can you make people feel at ease?
However, Xiao Yunlan doesn't care whether they are at ease or not. He can follow Mo Jingzhan's face today. trouble?

"My son can detoxify, but he is not a god. Don't make some strange requests that even you can't do."

After finishing speaking, he drank the tea in his cup and got up to leave.

Everyone is dumbfounded, so let's go?
"Young Master Xiao..."

This poison has not yet been cured, how can it go away?
The guards all drew their swords out of their sheaths, blocking Xiao Yunlan's way.

Xiao Yunlan turned his head to look at Li Huang, Li Huang frowned, and scolded: "Presumptuous! Get out of the way and let him go."

The forbidden army hesitated and looked at Li Yuze.

The emperor was in a coma, and he didn't know if the medicine prescribed by the other party would work. If he let him go at this time, then if something went wrong, who would he ask to settle it?

Li Yuze was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "Let him go."

With Mo Jingzhan around, he will take care of any problems, so what are you afraid of?
Li Yuze was thinking about it.

The crown prince had already spoken, and the guards of the forbidden army had no choice but to get out of the way, watching Xiao Yunlan walk out of the palace swaggeringly.

Mo Jingzhan leaned crookedly in the chair, propped his forehead with one hand, closed his eyes and meditated, as if he didn't hear the movement in the hall.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they stopped talking.

The waiting time is always endlessly long, but fortunately, the medicine is finally ready.

In order to force another mistake, the imperial physician personally decocted the medicine, and did not dare to give others the whole process.

When the old emperor drank the decoction, all the imperial physicians watched his complexion nervously.

An impatient imperial physician couldn't help but go forward to feel the pulse.


A dozen or so heads gathered together, and someone anxiously asked the imperial doctor who had taken the pulse.

The imperial doctor immediately gave up his seat and motioned for others to take it in person.

It made those imperial doctors think that the condition was complicated again, and quickly reached out to take the emperor's pulse.

This time, their faces changed.

Li Yuze's heart skipped a beat, could it be that Xiao's medical skills are not good enough?
He turned his eyes to look at Mo Jingzhan, but saw that he was still dozing in his chair like an old god, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

He took a deep breath, waited for the doctor to take the pulse himself, and asked, "How is it?"

The doctor hastily cupped his hands at them, his voice could not conceal his joy: "Go back to Your Highness, Your Majesty's poison has been cured."

When everyone heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just a dose of decoction, will it really be cured?" Li Yuxiao asked worriedly, "Do you need to prescribe any other prescriptions?"

Just now, Xiao Yunlan's posture of throwing down a prescription at random and leaving was a bit unreliable no matter how you look at it.

However, Yizheng replied affirmatively again: "Your Majesty, don't worry, that decoction is a good antidote, and it will be cured in one dose. Even if we need to recuperate the body, we old guys are enough."

Only then did Li Yuxiao heave a sigh of relief: "When will the father wake up?"

Yizheng: "I'm afraid this will have to wait until tomorrow, Your Highnesses, let's do other things first, as long as there are officials and others to watch over here."

When the brothers and sisters heard this, they finally felt relieved.

Now that the emperor's poison has been cured, the next step is to remove those obstacles in the palace.

"Father is here, it's good that this king stays to take care of the sick, and you go to deal with the mess."

Li Yuxiao sat down on the chair next to the dragon couch, then waved to Li Yuze and Li Huang.

Li Huang didn't want to leave, but she also knew that she was the most suitable person in Xu Taifei's harem to interrogate.

As for Li Yuze, as the crown prince, he has to face the front.

Not allowing him to stay here is also meant to avoid suspicion. After all, if the emperor does something wrong, he, as the prince, will naturally be the ultimate beneficiary. At that time, he will inevitably attract criticism.

Li Yuze obviously also thought of this level, and he said in his heart that he was not moved at all, it was a lie.

Although, before this guy kept saying that he wanted to compete with him, he still knew the importance of the critical moment.

So, he said sincerely: "Then it will be hard for the third brother."

went away.

The emperor's poisoning is not a trivial matter, he has to go out to stabilize the court.

Li Huang glanced at the emperor on the couch reluctantly, and took his leave.

The moment she stepped out of the palace gate, her eyes immediately turned cold.

Princess Anyang's family will soon return to the capital. Why does she want to harm her father?

Mo Jingzhan stood behind her at some point: "Your Highness must prevent someone from killing Dowager Xu to silence her."

Li Huang frowned: "You mean, Concubine Xu is likely to be coerced?"

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