Mo Jingzhan: "If not, how to explain her behavior?"

They have already reached the age of caring for their lives, and their daughter and son-in-law are about to return to Beijing. The happy day of family reunion is just around the corner. If there is no reason to fall into the hands of others, how could they risk the world and poison the emperor?
Li Huang's eyes sank: "It is necessary to investigate carefully."

After the two left the emperor's palace, they parted ways.

Mo Jingzhan left the palace directly, while Li Huang went to Ci'an Palace where Concubine Xu lived.

The entire Ci'an Palace has been surrounded by the forbidden army, not even a fly can fly out, waiting for the emperor's order to deal with it.

The matter happened in their palace, if the emperor wanted to execute Concubine Xu, none of the servants they served would survive.

When Li Huang arrived, those palace people were all trembling with fright.

"The epidemic has been completely cured a few days ago. How did you dig out those soups and medicines? Whose hands did they pass through? If you don't explain to me today, when the father wakes up, you people who are full of palaces , will die."

Ling Yuan brought her a chair, and she found a shady tree in the yard and sat down.

Ling Yuan stepped forward, and said in a cold voice: "The eldest princess asked you, you'd better answer truthfully, if there is someone who conceals it, let alone you, your family members outside the palace will not survive. It is a great crime to punish the Nine Clans!"

Those palace people looked at each other in blank dismay, they all knew what kind of crime killing the king was, and they didn't dare to hide it immediately, they stood up and began to identify it.

"Your Highness, the servant girl said that some of the palace servants had the disease before, but some of them were dying, so...they were not given any medicine."

The man's voice became smaller and smaller, for fear of offending Li Huang.

The amount of medicine sent by Tai Hospital is based on the number of people on the list, and the one or two they deliberately dragged to death will naturally have the remaining amount of medicine.

"You guys are so courageous!" Ling Yuan raised her eyebrows, "Are you trying to share the same crime with Concubine Xu in murdering His Majesty?"

The court lady hurriedly kowtowed: "Your Highness, I don't know, my servant is also obeying orders. The concubine said to keep those medicines and return them to the Imperial Hospital to study the formula. I don't know that the antidote can be used as poison."

If you knew, you wouldn't dare to do such a thing if you gave them hundreds of heads.

Besides, they also never imagined that Concubine Xu would be so courageous, even daring to do such a thing as killing the king.

Li Huang gestured to the guards, signaling to take the two maids down, she got up and went to the Department of Shenxing.

Concubine Xu was imprisoned in the Shenxing Department at this time.

Before anyone stepped into the Shenxing Department, he heard Xu Taifei's hysterical howling from a distance: "I have already said that I poisoned His Majesty, you kill me, kill me quickly!"

Li Huang frowned, she wanted to die so urgently, it seemed that Mo Jingzhan guessed right, she was caught.

Moreover, the handle is not small.

If she didn't die, Princess Anyang might be implicated.

"Concubine Xu, why did you murder His Majesty? You don't want Princess Anyang to succeed you, do you?"

The eunuch in charge of interrogating Princess Anyang asked in a shrill voice.

Concubine Xu only gave birth to one daughter. It is best for her to be content with the status quo. Rebellion is undoubtedly a dead end.

However, Concubine Xu refused to explain her motives for killing the king, and only asked for her death, which caused the eunuchs a headache.

After all, this is the late emperor's woman, before the emperor ordered, they would not dare to punish her lightly.

At this moment, Li Huang's voice came from outside the prison door: "Concubine Xu wants to die with all her heart, isn't she afraid that after the crown prince ascends the throne, she will directly give Princess Anyang and her family to be buried with you?"

Concubine Xu didn't seem to expect that she would come to this kind of place in person, so she even sneered.

She is not afraid of boiling water and said: "Anyang is already the daughter-in-law of the Liu family, and I can't implicate her in the crimes I committed."

Furthermore, she was also the emperor's younger sister, and thinking of this family affection, the crown prince would not do anything to her, otherwise, he would kill his aunt as soon as he ascended the throne, and he would have a bad reputation of killing her.

"Oh? But I'm just a princess, so I don't need to care about her name after death. If you kill my father, I will definitely pay for the lives of Princess Anyang's family. Concubine Xu, can you afford to bet?"

She stood outside the cell door, looking down at Concubine Xu, her eyes were extremely firm.

Concubine Xu didn't doubt it at all, she really dared to do that.

For a moment, Concubine Xu regretted it.

She had figured out the prince's temper, but she hadn't counted, and there was an eldest princess who was not limited by the history books of later generations.

This is an eldest princess who has even done such shameful things as betraying her servants. What is it to kill a few royal family members?
"Li Huang, she is your aunt!"

Concubine Xu no longer had the fearless aura she had just now, she rushed to the prison door, clutching the door bars tightly, her eyes tearing open.

Li Huang curled her lips: "I don't even pay attention to you as a concubine, what is an aunt who is separated by a few layers of belly?"

Concubine Xu choked for a moment, and said again: "But, those two Anyang students are your cousins, they live in your eldest princess mansion these days, and get along well with you, you really have the heart to hurt them ?”

Li Huang sneered: "You, the grandmother, are the chief culprit who harmed them, what has this to do with me?"

"Besides, the friendship between me and them is only two or three months after they return to Beijing. Do you really think they can compare with my cousin from my mother's family?"

Concubine Xu's face turned pale all of a sudden, she slumped and sat down on the ground, her eyes staring blankly at the front.

It's over, she originally wanted to keep them, but she never thought that she would harm them.

"I advise Concubine Xu to confess as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Princess Anyang and his wife return to the capital, I will immediately have them captured. At that time, your family will be reunited in prison."

When the words fell, she wanted to walk away.

Concubine Xu panicked all of a sudden, she shouted: "If I say that I did not inflict the poison, would you believe me?"

Li Huang retracted the foot she had stepped out just now, she turned her head and narrowed her eyes.

"What did you say? You didn't do the poison?"

Could it be that the old hag felt that she was going to implicate her daughter, so she temporarily reversed her confession?

The eunuch who was in charge of the interrogation was also stunned. He had locked her here for several hours for questioning, but the other party only said one word back and forth, and wanted to kill her immediately.

Why did she backtrack when the eldest princess came?
If the murderer wasn't her, then they, the servants of the whole palace, wouldn't even think about living a peaceful life.

Concubine Xu supported the iron door and stood up, fixed her eyes on Li Huang and said, "I did not inflict the poison, it was that bitch Luo Concubine!"

Everyone: "..."

In order to get rid of the crime, Concubine Xu would not spare even the dead.

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