Li Huang shot at Concubine Xu sharply, and said in a cold tone, "Say it again!"

Seeing that she finally stopped, Concubine Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and then repeated what she said just now: "I said, the person who did it was Concubine Luo. She didn't die at all, she has been hiding in this palace all this time."

The eunuch in charge of the interrogation was so startled that his jaw dropped to the ground.

The whole palace knew about Luo's being burned to death, why was he still alive all of a sudden?
Who is that dead?

Soon, Concubine Xu explained their confusion: "The one who died was Luo's personal maid, and she slipped out of the cold palace in the chaos, because the palace is heavily guarded, she can't get out, so these days Has been lurking in Ci'an Palace."

Li Huang: "!!!"

She said that this woman did not die so easily. When she first heard that the body was charred black and her face could not be discerned, she had doubts in her heart.

Unexpectedly, that woman really did not die.

"Concubine Xu, what proof do you have for saying this?" Ling Yuan asked, "You can't expect to clear yourself of the suspicion by just picking out someone who has already been found dead, can you?"

"Also, since you didn't do the poison, why did you plead guilty? If you don't explain these things clearly, then it's hard to say whether Princess Anyang's family can return to the capital smoothly."

How chaotic the land of Dianzhou is, who doesn't know the vast abyss?
It was too easy to prevent them from returning to the capital.

After weighing things up and down, Concubine Xu put forward her own request: "I will only confess to the eldest princess, and please avoid others."

Ling Yuan frowned, and was about to refuse, but was held back by Li Huang.

"You all go out and wait."

Ling Yuan said anxiously: "Your Highness, this old witch is full of tricks, and the slaves are afraid..."

What if the old hag does some tricks again, and she is not around to guard, what if something happens?
However, Li Huang gave her a stable look, swallowed her last words: "Yes."

Everyone backed out.

Li Huang looked at Concubine Xu: "Now you can speak."

Concubine Xu: "Can you guarantee that Anyang's family will not be harmed? She is already Liu's wife, so just let her go."

It wasn't that she didn't have the opportunity to conceive a dragon son back then, but the battle in the palace was too fierce at that time, and the child was not born, so it was lost.

So, for so many years, she had only one daughter, Anyang, and she did everything possible to choose a good husband-in-law for her, just to let her live a safe and comfortable life for the rest of her life.

But once this matter is revealed, she is not sure whether the new monarch can let her daughter go.

She has lived enough in this life, and she doesn't want to let her daughter suffer again.

Li Huang didn't immediately agree to her: "That depends on the value of what you said."

Concubine Xu was silent for a while, before she gritted her teeth and said: "Concubine Rong didn't die of illness back then, she was poisoned by the Luo family slowly, and died of qi deficiency."

Li Huang's pupils shrank, and she took two steps towards the prison door, staring closely at Concubine Xu's eyes: "What did you say?"

Concubine Xu stood up, looked at her at the same level, straightened her body and said: "The Luo family not only injected that kind of poison on Concubine Rong, but also on Mrs. Guojiu. She just wants to dominate the harem by herself, and wants the world to be in the future." She's in control."

Li Huang suddenly reached out, passed through the cell door, grabbed Dowager Xu's lapel, and asked word by word: "How did you know? Do you have evidence?"

Her eyes were too frightening, even Concubine Xu, who had gone through court struggles, couldn't help feeling a little terrified.

"Because... because..." Taifei Xu closed her eyes, and said as if she was dead, "Because I gave her the poison."

Li Huang's eyes widened, and the hand holding her skirt became more and more vigorous, and Concubine Xu was strangled a little out of breath.

She was afraid that Li Huang would directly strangle her to death in a fit of anger, so she quickly said: "I got that kind of poison by accident, and I used this method to defeat many concubines in the palace. Can't live till the end."

"I thought the matter was done in a very secretive way, but somehow Naluo discovered it. She threatened me to give her the poison, or I would sue His Majesty."

"I thought about what kind of perverted thoughts she, a girl who had just reached her age, could do. It was just a matter of rectifying people in the inner house. But later, Mrs. Guo's body was weak after birth, and she died not long after, and I suddenly woke up. It was probably written by Luo Shi."

Li Huang: "..."

"Why did she want to kill my aunt?"

Concubine Xu: "Of course she wants to enter the palace. Your aunt refuses to obey her. She feels that your aunt blocks her way."

"At that time, I felt that this woman was too cruel and merciless, and I didn't want to be with her. However, I gave the poison, and it was destined to be tied to her. Therefore, she was able to enter and leave the palace freely, and I was naturally indispensable. help."

"Later, the empress died, and Concubine Rong also died. There were rumors going around in the palace that His Majesty was curbing his wife. The Luo family asked you to stay in the palace on the grounds that your brothers and sisters are still young and need to be taken care of by your mother. Your Majesty does not want me to stay in the palace." In the palace, I agreed to her, thinking that she is also your aunt after all, and she is more caring than others when it comes to taking care of her."

As a result, hehe~
A mocking smile appeared on Concubine Xu's face.

For so many years, the emperor has not accepted any more concubines, and the Luo family is the only one in the harem, so why not let her control the entire harem?

Seeing how the crown prince and King Lin'an obeyed her, she admired her even in the Royal Garden.

"You mean, my mother's death is also related to her?" Hearing this, Li Huang only felt that his chest was burning with anger.

For so many years, how many brothers and sisters are they, are they accepting the thief as their mother, or are they helping the evildoer?

"I don't know if the Queen's death has anything to do with her, but Concubine Rong must have been killed by her, because I heard with my own eyes that when she was having sex with Imperial Physician Feng of the Imperial Hospital, she asked how things were going. Physician Feng said it was all in the confinement soup."

Later, the imperial physician Feng was probably afraid of getting into trouble, so after the death of Concubine Rong, he quickly resigned as an imperial physician and returned to his hometown.

However, with Luo Shi's ruthless means, she guessed that the Feng imperial physician would definitely not survive.

Li Huang looked at Concubine Xu's well-maintained face, the murderous intent in her eyes almost turned into substance.

Just when Concubine Xu thought she was going to die on the spot, Li Huang let her go.

Li Huang looked at Concubine Xu who was breathing heavily, and said coldly: "I will investigate on my own. If you have half a lie, I promise that Princess Anyang's family will be buried with you."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and strode towards the door.

This time, Concubine Xu didn't call her back, she fell to the ground in a slump, tears welled up in an instant.

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